Not Your Parents’ Solar System! It’s Not Your Parents’ Solar System! Dr. Frank Summers Space Telescope Science Institute July 11, 2013
Your Ancient Ancestors’ Solar System
Earth Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn
Claudius Ptolemy 150 – Almagest
Misconception Ptolemy invented the Earth-centered solar system.
Misconception Ptolemy invented the Earth-centered solar system. Ptolemy organized and systematized the Earth-centered solar system based on ideas that had been developed over about 600 years.
Your Parents’ Solar System
Nicholas Copernicus 1543 – On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
Misconception Copernicus delayed publishing because he feared criticism from religious leaders.
Misconception Copernicus delayed publishing because he feared criticism from religious leaders. Copernicus delayed publishing (in part) because he feared criticism from scientists.
Earth Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn
Sun Mercury Venus Earth / Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn
Misconception Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system was quickly accepted because it was much simpler and more accurate.
Misconception Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system was quickly accepted because it was much simpler and more accurate. Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system was just as complex as Ptolemy’s Earth-centered solar system, and provided no more accuracy in its predictions.
Galileo 1609 – Use of telescope for astronomy 1632 – Trial by the Inquisiton
Misconception Galileo invented the telescope and was the first to use it for astronomy.
Misconception Galileo invented the telescope and was the first to use it for astronomy. Galileo was one of several folks who improved the spyglass so that it could be used for astronomy.
Misconception Galileo proved that Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system was correct.
Misconception Galileo proved that Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system was correct. Galileo tried to prove Copernicus’ Sun-centered solar system, but his arguments were wrong.
Tycho Brahe 1546-1601 Johannes Kepler 1571-1630
Misconception Astronomers embraced the Sun-centered solar system because it is philosophically simpler.
Misconception Astronomers embraced the Sun-centered solar system because it is philosophically simpler. Astronomers embraced the Sun-centered solar system only when it could provide better predictions.
Isaac Newton 1687 – Principia
William Herschel 1781 – Discovery of Uranus
1801 – Planet Ceres (Piazzi)
1801 – Planet Ceres (Piazzi) 1802 – Planet Pallas (Olbers) 1804 – Planet Juno (Harding) 1807 – Planet Vesta (Olbers) 1845 – Planet Astraea (Hencke)
Urbain Le Verrier & John Couch Adams 1846 – Prediction and discovery of Neptune
Rocky Planets Giant Planets
Misconception You can’t just demote a planet!
Misconception You can’t just demote a planet! In the mid-1800’s, astronomers demoted the many planets between Mars and Jupiter to be asteroids.
Clyde Tombaugh 1930 – Discovery of Pluto
Misconception Pluto’s discovery relied on mathematical predictions based on perturbations in Neptune’s orbit.
Misconception Pluto’s discovery relied on mathematical predictions based on perturbations in Neptune’s orbit. Pluto’s discovery relied solely on the incredible observing skill and dedication of Clyde Tombaugh. Neptune’s orbit shows none of the claimed perturbations.
Your Parents’ Solar System
Your Parents’ Solar System
Files: moon_size_montage_large_nasa_800x600.jpg Description: size comparison of many moons of the solar system Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Image Credit: NASA Notes: Moons of the Solar System A selection of our solar system's natural satellites are shown here to scale compared to the Earth and its moon. Large moons composite edited by Frank Summers.
Your Parents’ Solar System
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
Facts Are Not Knowledge Memorization, not understanding Factoids Highlights differences Little or no relevance Little or no “big picture”
Comparative Planetology
An Improvement Compare and contrast Highlight similarities Discuss broad ideas Apply to planets, moons, etc., as a group Highlight similarities Appearance Characteristics Events
Files: four_corners_crop_arizona_modis_1111x1280.jpg Description: four corners region from MODIS Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC Notes:
Files: four_corners_crop_grand_canyon_modis_1000x750.jpg Description: four corners region from MODIS Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC Notes:
Files: mars_valles_marineris_viking_1500x533.jpg Description: Valles Marineris on Mars, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: mars_globe_viking_1280x1280.jpg Description: Mars globe mosaic, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: mars_globe_us_overlay_viking_1280x1280.jpg Description: Mars globe mosaic, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: mt_st_helens_spirit_lake_pre1980_usgs_1280x853.jpg Description: Mt St Helens across Spirit Lake, before the May 18, 1980 eruption Source: Usage: USGS, public domain Notes:
Files: mt_st_helens_spirit_lake_1982_usgs_1280x853.jpg Description: Mt St Helens across Spirit Lake, 1982 Source: Usage: USGS, public domain Notes:
Files: mars_olympus_mons_viking_1124x1040.jpg Description: Olympus Mons on Mars, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: mars_olympus_mons_viking_1124x1040.jpg Description: Olympus Mons on Mars, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: mars_olympus_mons_viking_1124x1040.jpg Description: Olympus Mons on Mars, from Viking Orbiter Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes: ---------------- mars_olympus_mons_vs_everest_fjs_1024x350.png Comparison of Olympus Mons to Mount Everest Frank Summers public domain
Files: io_true_color_galileo_1024x1024.jpg Description: Io in approximate true color Source: Usage: NASA, Galileo, public domain Credit: NASA, JPL Notes:
April 1997 September 1997 Files: io_pele_changes_galileo_1124x712.jpg Description: changes in the Pele region on Io Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes: April 1997 September 1997
Files: io_plume_over_limb_galileo_925x1280.jpg Description: volcanic plumes, including one over the limb on Io Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Files: io_plume_over_limb_crop2_galileo_640x480.jpg Description: volcanic plumes, including one over the limb on Io Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Notes:
Planetary Comparisons Canyons – Grand Canyon, Mariner Valley Volcanoes – Mount St. Helens, Olympus Mons, Io Craters – Earth, Moon, Mercury, … Storms, Winds, Seasons, Weather, Ice Floes, Magnetic Fields, Moons, Rings, etc
Comparative Planetology Messages What happens on Earth happens elsewhere Solar system is understandable Pieces to assemble the big picture
The 21st Century Solar System Sun Rocky Planets Asteroid Belt Giant Planets Kuiper Belt Oort Cloud
Families of the Solar System Classes of similar objects Size Composition Orbit size Orbit shape Orbit inclination Moons Rings
Hollywood’s View of the Asteroid Belt
Hundreds of thousands of asteroids … … about a million miles apart! 960 million miles Scientific View of the Asteroid Belt
Sizes of the Giant Planets and Earth
Kuiper Belt
Oort Cloud Billions of icy minor planets – comet nuclei Roughly spherical out to 50,000 AU Predicted by Jan Oort Explains long-period comets
Families of the Solar System Classification Structure of the solar system Similar objects lie in similar regions Clues to solar system formation and evolution
Sun Rocky Planets Asteroid Belt Giant Planets Kuiper Belt Oort Cloud
Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Asteroid Belt Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Kuiper Belt Oort Cloud
Some May View Elaborate Mnemonics As Boring, Just Some Useless Nonsensical Knowledge, But Others Cheer
Science May View Established Models As Basic Justified Standards Until New Knowledge Bears Out Changes
Sometimes My Very Energetic Mother Also Boils Jumbo Shrimp Using Nine Kettles Bubbling Over Coals
The Inevitable Question …
Why is Pluto No Longer a Planet?
RI007955| RM| © Bob Krist/CORBIS Rose Center and Hayden Planetarium The glass cube of the Rose Center for Earth and Space contains the Hayden Sphere, the new home of the Hayden Planetarium. Both structures are part of the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Image: © Bob Krist/CORBIS Photographer: Bob Krist Date Photographed: ca. May 2000 Location Information: Central Park West, Manhattan, New York, New York, USA
Planet Pluto January 23, 1930 January 29, 1930
Pluto/Charon 1978 – James Christy (USNO)
The Incredible Shrinking Planet Lowell’s Planet X – 7 times Earth 1940’s – 1 times Earth 1980 – 0.1 times Earth 1985 – 0.002 times Earth
Montage by Frank Summers, based on NASA image Files: moon_size_montage_large_with_pluto_nasa_800x600.jpg Description: size comparison of many moons of the solar system Source: Usage: NASA, public domain Image Credit: NASA Notes: Moons of the Solar System A selection of our solar system's natural satellites are shown here to scale compared to the Earth and its moon.
Kuiper Belt Objects 1992 – Jewitt & Luu find QB1 Distance of 42 AU First (third?) object discovered in the Kuiper Belt
Kuiper Belt
But Isn’t Pluto Special in Some Way?
Orbit Comparison: Pluto/Charon vs 2004 DW
Kuiper Belt
Moon Pluto and Charon in infrared from Hubble 1995
Haumea, Hi’iaka & Namaka Eris & Dysnomia Makemake Large KBOs and their moons from Mike Brown Haumea, Hi’iaka & Namaka Eris & Dysnomia
KBO Size Comparison
Pluto vs the Kuiper Belt Orbit similar to KBOs Size similar to KBOs KBO companions common Composition similar to KBOs
Pluto vs the Kuiper Belt Orbit similar to KBOs Size similar to KBOs KBO companions common Composition similar to KBOs Pluto has found its family!!
IAU Definition – August 2006 IAU defines “planet” Orbits the Sun Upper mass limit not massive enough to produce fusion Deuterium fusion occurs at about 15x Jupiter’s mass Lower mass limit Massive enough for gravity to make it spherical About 500 miles in diameter Dominates its orbit Dwarf planets meet 1, 2, 3, but not 4
Mass to mass in zone ratio – Soter paper, What is a Planet? The Astronomical Journal, 132:2513–2519, 2006 December Copyright 2006. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.
Other Planetary Systems? Solar system alone is category of one ??? Debris Disks Around Sun-Like Stars AU Microscopii and HD 107146 [LEFT: AU Microscopii] - A visible-light image of a debris disk around the red dwarf star AU Microscopii. Planets may be forming, or might already exist, within it. The disk glows in starlight reflected by tiny grains of dust created by the collisions of asteroids and comets. Because it is composed of the pulverized remnants of these objects, it is called a "debris disk." More than 40 billion miles across, it appears like a spindle of light because we view it nearly edge on (like looking at a dinner plate along its side). The star is about 12 million years old and is only 32 light-years from Earth. This makes its disk the closest yet seen in reflected starlight. It is also the first disk imaged around an M-type red dwarf, the most common type of star in the stellar neighborhood around the Sun. The Hubble Space Telescope images, taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) reveal that the disk has been cleared of dust within about a billion miles of the star (first indicated from infrared-light measurements). The ACS images confirm that the disk is warped and has small variations in dust density that, along with the central clearing, may be caused by the tugging of an unseen companion, perhaps a large planet. ACS shows that this is the only debris disk known that appears bluer than the star it surrounds. This may indicate that there are more small grains of dust, compared to large ones, than has been seen before in other such disks. Smaller grains scatter blue light better than red. The surplus of small grains may be due to the fact that the star is not bright enough to blow away these tiny particles. In brighter, hotter stars, the pressure from radiation can actually push small dust grains out of the disk and far out into space. Credit: NASA, ESA, J.E. Krist (STScI/JPL), D.R. Ardila (JHU), D.A. Golimowski (JHU), M. Clampin (NASA/GSFC), H.C. Ford (JHU), G.D. Illingworth (UCO-Lick), G.F. Hartig (STScI) and the ACS Science Team [RIGHT: HD 107146] - This is a false-color view of a planetary debris disk encircling the star HD 107146, a yellow dwarf star very similar to our Sun, though it is much younger (between 30 and 250 million years old, compared to the almost 5 billion years age of the Sun). The star is 88 light-years away from Earth. This is the only disk to have been imaged around a star so much like our own. The slight difference in brightness on one side of the disk is due to the fact that small dust particles scatter more light when they are between Earth and the star, rather than behind the star. This suggests that the bright side is closer to us. The disk is redder than the star whose light it reflects, indicating that it contains grains one two-thousandth of a millimeter in size (about 100 times smaller than household dust). Our Sun is believed to have a ring of dust around it, lying just beyond the orbit of Neptune, although it is ten times narrower than the one around HD 107146. Our solar system also has between 1,000 and 10,000 times less dust. The size of the ring, its the thickness, and the amount of dust make it unlikely that HD 107146 will ever evolve into a system like our own. This is interesting, as it shows that the planetary systems around the same kind of stars may have very different evolutionary paths. Credit: NASA, ESA, D.R. Ardila (JHU), D.A. Golimowski (JHU), J.E. Krist (STScI/JPL), M. Clampin (NASA/GSFC), J.P. Williams (UH/IfA), J.P. Blakeslee (JHU), H.C. Ford (JHU), G.F. Hartig (STScI), G.D. Illingworth (UCO-Lick) and the ACS Science Team Velocities of 51 Peg vs orbital phase. Observations were made at Lick Observatory between Oct.11, 1995 and Dec. 1996, but are continuing indefinitely. The period is 4.230674 +- 0.00014 days, and the amplitude is 55.5 +- 0.5 m/s. The inferred mass of the companion is: M sin i = 0.45 Jupiter masses. There is no evidence of a second companion, at a level of 3 m/s.
HR 8799
Planets around Other Stars Jupiter mass planets in Mercury orbits Elliptical orbits Multiple Jupiter sized planets Planets around pulsars
Planetary System Formation Planetary systems form in a predictable fashion from a spinning circular disk ???
Sun Rocky Planets Asteroid Belt Giant Planets Kuiper Belt Oort Cloud
So Much to Discover Our solar system is the oddball? Need to generalize our formation and evolution scenarios Implications for life in the universe Lots of planets Stability of orbits? New era of solar system study
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