Intern Job Fair How to address the ongoing problem of employing WIA trained individuals when they have little or no experience through Internships – A Win/Win for Employers and Job Seekers Helping Meet the 50% training expenditure requirement
WIA Considerations Training Employees of the Board Wages calculated at 80% of entry level Job Title Entry Wage Intern Wage % Increase Customer Service 12.00/hr. 10.00/hr. 20% Machinist 9.00/hr. 7.20/hr.–8.50 6% WIA Considerations
Soliciting Participation Employers Personal contact Expectation of hiring Candidates Publicized in centers Recruitment by CDRs Soliciting Participation
Initial Paperwork Employers Candidates Reservation Form Identification of position/responsibility Confirmation of participation by email Candidates Orientation Application for interview Resume (3) Confirmation of participation by email Initial Paperwork
Scheduling Interviews Candidates were scheduled for 3 interviews each Employers were scheduled every 30 minutes (per representative) Most employers had in excess of 12 interviews Scheduling Interviews
Confirming Interviews Candidates received a confirmation form for each interview Employers received a folder containing the interview schedule and resumes for each candidate on the schedule Confirming Interviews
Event Day Employer orientation Candidate check in and confirmation of interviews Scheduled interviews and walk ups Employer selection forms Evaluation Event Day
Final Paperwork Candidate Employer Orientation Position description Drug screen/background check Employer Agreement Timesheet/evaluation Final Paperwork
Event By The Numbers 175 candidates 36 employers 125 candidates selected by employers 18 got jobs during the process 60 ultimately placed 50% hired Event By The Numbers
Wrap Up & Reporting Positive evaluation Program ongoing Lessons learned Program flow Wrap Up & Reporting