UGBS 101 Introduction to Business Administration Session 10 –Managing human resource Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS Contact Information:
1. The Staffing Plan Setting the objectives (a) Number of staff (b) Job Descriptions Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
Cont. Staffing plan (i) The job title (ii) Job identification (iii) Job duties (iv) Job specifications Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
Job Requirements A Position Description for a corporate Loan Assistant POSITION DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL TITLE: Corporate Loan Assistant DEPARTMENT: Corporate Bank JOB DUTIES: ASSIST LOAN OFFICER PROVIDE LOANS LOCATION: Head Office DATE: June 15, 2009 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: LIASE WITH CUSTOMERS, RECEIVE CASH & CHEQUES, PREPARE ACCOUNTS AND OTHER ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITIES RELATIONSHIPS: Reports to : Corporate Account Officer A or AA; or Sr. Corporate Account Officer B or BB Subordinate Staff: None Other Internal Contacts: Various levels of management within the corporate Banking Department External Contacts: Major bank customers Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
2. Implementing the plan Recruitment (i) Advertisements (i) Advertisements (ii) Educational institutions (iii) Unsolicited applications (iv) Organizations (Churches) Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
3. Interviewing Establishing the objectives and scope of each interview Establishing and maintaining rapport Listening Giving information Separating facts from inferences Avoiding questionable approaches Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
4. Selection “Can do” and “Will do factors” Mutual expectations Mutual expectations Value systems Decision strategy (i) Clinical approach (ii) Statistical Approach Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
5. Notification Alerting or informing selected candidates Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
6. Orientation Provides new employees with an understanding of how job performance contributes to the success of the organization. It also provide new recruits with information on how the services and products of the organization can contribute to society. It is also used as an opportunity to educate new recruits on the background of the organization as well as future directions of the firm. Dr. Daniel Quaye, UGBS
Reading list Introduction of Business Administration Distance Education Manual- Dr Daniel Quaye. Madura, Jeff (2007), Introduction to Business Administration, South-Western College Dr. Richard Boateng, UGBS