Climate Change & Environmental Risks Unit Research Directorate General


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Presentation transcript:

EC RESEARCH – Information on on-going Flood-related research and on the 2009 call Climate Change & Environmental Risks Unit Research Directorate General European Commission

Environment (incl. Climate Change) 2007-2013 / 1890 Mio Euro Climate Change, pollution and risks Pressures on environment and climate Environnent and health Natural Hazards Sustainable management of resources Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made ressources Evolution of marine environments Environmental Technologies Technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation of the natural and man-made environment Technology assessment, verification, testing Earth observation and assessment tools - Earth observation - Forecasting methods and assessment tools

Where can research help? Three stage approach Preliminary flood risk assessment (maps, experience from past floods, predictions of future floods, identification areas of potential significant flood risk) Flood mapping (= knowing areas at risk of flooding, different scenarios, flood hazard maps & flood risk maps), Flood Risk Management Plans (= plans to reduce flood risks, covering all elements of the flood risk management cycle)

WFD ANTICIPATING RESEARCH NEEDS RBMP – 2009/2015 Adopted on 20.12.2000 ANTICIPATING RESEARCH NEEDS River Basin Districts Delineation of water bodies 2005 Analysis of pressures and impacts 2005 Classification of water bodies “at risk” Taking in account the classification: Surveillance monitoring Operational monitoring (+ investigative monitoring) Design of monitoring programmes 2006 Cycle de 6 ans / Révision RBMP – 2009/2015 GOOD STATUS OBJECTIVE Programmes of Mesures 2012

Directive 2000/60/EC Directive 2007/60/EC 2009 2015 WFD & FD/FRM (1) Directive 2000/60/EC Directive 2007/60/EC WG F 2008-9 “Promoting early action” 2009 2015

Information Exchange, Research Floodsite ERA-NET CRUE FP 7 : Natural hazards and climate change Information exchange platforms CIRCA WISE Including WISE RTD

FP7 RESEARCH 6.1.3 Natural Hazards Specific programme Rationale FP7 RESEARCH 6.1.3 Natural Hazards “Management of natural hazards related to climate and geological hazards requires improved knowledge, methods and an integrated framework for the assessment of hazards, vulnerability and risks. Multidisciplinary research aiming to understand better the underlying processes should be pursued to improve detection, prediction and forecasting methods. Multi-risk approach combined with spatial planning, mapping, modelling are needed for the development of prevention and mitigation strategies. Environmental and societal resilience and repercussions of major natural hazards should be quantified.”

Main areas of « Natural Hazards » in the Work programme Hazard assessment, triggering factors and forecasting Vulnerability assessment and societal impacts Risk assessment and management Multi-risk assessment and mitigation strategies

Work Programme 2007 (13 Mio Euro) Natural Hazards - Call 1 Hazard assessment, triggering factors and forecasting European storm risk Vulnerability assessment and societal impacts Frame for better vulnerability assessment Risk assessment and management Assessing and managing volcanic threat Harmonising avalanche forecasting, risk mapping and warning Investigating Europe’s risk from droughts Multi-risk evaluation and mitigation strategies European (multi) hazard database analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo: Contributing to the development of a worldwide network of in-situ observatories for seismogenic hazards

Work Programme 2008 (budget 14 Mio Euro) 6.1.3 Natural Hazards- call 2 Hazard assessment, triggering factors and forecasting Development of a common methodology and tools to evaluate earthquake hazard in Europe Vulnerability assessment and societal impacts Natural Hazards: Social perception, behaviour and responses to risks Risk assessment and management Prediction of triggering and risk assessment for landslides Preparedness and risk management for flash floods including generation of sediment and associated debris flow Multi-risk evaluation and mitigation strategies Natural hazards in Europe: Coordinated research strategy between European and national levels

Core Work Programme Call 2009 3 September 2008: Publishing of 2009 call Deadline : 8 January 2009

Work Programme 2009 (budget 13 Mio Euro) 6.1.3 Natural Hazards- call 3 Hazard assessment, triggering factors and forecasting Forest fires in the context of climate and social changes Vulnerability assessment and societal impacts Costs of natural hazards (climate and hydro-meteorology related hazards) Vulnerability assessment of buildings, lifelines systems and networks related to earthquakes Risk assessment and management Risk, prevention and management of urban floods Multi-risk evaluation and mitigation strategies Not open in 2009.

Related subjects – call 3 Work Programme 2009 Related subjects – call 3 6.2 Sustainable management of resources: e.g. Conservation and sustainable management Management of forest as a tool to prevent forest fires 6.3 Environmental technology : e.g. Built Environment Technologies for improved safety of the built environment in relation to flood events

Natural Hazards in Europe- Research perspectives Linked to 2007 IPCC reports : future trends Climate related natural hazards will increase throughout Europe, although different type of hazards will predominate in different regions e.g. Increasing risk of floods, snowmelt-related floods, flash floods. Possible storms increase in the north-eastern Atlantic, decrease in storminess and wind intensity in the Mediterranean In mountains, change in T° and snow conditions may increase avalanches, affect permafrost and rock falls In the Mediterranean, decrease precipitation and increased temperature may lead to a longer fire season and dry season.

WISE-RTD Improving dissemination & transfer RESEARCH OUTPUTS Information on research and Demonstration projec results – Analysis of revelance to water policies WISE-RTD COMMUNICATION Translation of guides, Tools etc. DATA INFRASTRUCTURE Access and data dissemination