Looking back Ellen Key (1849-1926) 1910 ”Barnabalk” Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) 1919 ”A Magna Charta Liberalis” Eglantyne Jebb (1876-1928) 1924 ”The Geneva declaration” 5 principles The League of Nations
1924 – The Geneva declaration, 5 principles 1959 – UN Declaration on the rights of the Child, 10 principles 1979 – A Polish initiative for a Convention 1989 – The UN CRC is adopted by the UN General Assembly 1990 – Sweden ratifies the CRC
What is a child?
S O S S Fig. 1.1
Teachers Parents The Child The Child The Social Services Fig. 1.3
The Political Dimension International national regional local The Legal Dimension Shows the status of the CRC in national legislation The Pedagogical Dimension Shows how we practice the CRC, methods The Ethical Dimension Shows how the society sees the child as a citizen
Different kinds of rights Civil and political rights Economic, social and cultural rights 8
Economic, social and cultural rights The right to health and health services and rehabilitation (articel 24 och 39) The right to education (articel 28 och 29) The right to leisure, play and culture (articel 31) The right to protection from harmful work (articel 32) 9
Civil and political rights The right to freedom of expression, freedom of thought, concience and religion (articel 12,13,14 och 15) The right to protection from torture (articel 37) The right to registration at birth, the right to a name (articel 7) The right to an identity (articel 8) 10
The General Principles The Convention on the Rights of the Articel 2 Articel 3 Articel 6 Articel 12 11
Articel 2 Non-discrimination Children shall be protected from all kinds of discrimination. The right to equal opportunities 12
Artikel 3.1 The best interests of the child All children and all descisions Child impact analyses General guidance 13
Artikel 6 The right to life and survival, early marriage, death penalty, armed conflict, homicide and other violonce to children, infanticide, honour killings, suicide, traffic accidents The right to development, optimal conditions for childhood, right now 14
Artikel 12 Democrathy with children A political right All descisions concerning children 15
The Convention demands us to 2 – Collect data and make surveys 3 – Implement Child impact assessments 4 – Prioritize Children 6 – Cooperate 12 – Make Children Participate 42 – Inform and create knowledge
Data collection Equality Be aware of changes
Child impact assessment National law The CRC Important Research The practice Proven Experience Childen´s views I utredningsdirektiven skall ingå att alla remissinstanser prövar barnets bästa. Om alla förvaltningar/nämnder har gjort prövningar sammanställs de inför beslut. Man kan relatera effektkedjor till prövningen av barnets bästa. 18
Children should be prioritized Budget allocation Conflicts of interests Long term decisions
Holistic view Cooperation Knowledge about other professions A personal will to cooperation Realize the benefits for children and the difficulties for adults
Children´s participation Why do we do this,what is the purpose Which children What questions How can children express themselves How do we use the results How do we show children respect
Information and knowledge To be able to exersice the rights all children must know about them To be able to realize the rights among children adults must know about the rights and the meaning of the rights in every day work
2 3 6 12 4 42 44.6 The Operation Articles concerning my own work The Convention on the Rights of the Child 2 3 6 12 4 42 44.6 The Operation Articles concerning my own work
Collecting data The best interests of the child Information You Prioritize children Participation Cooperation
Understand Abel Want to
The Good Soil The highest level must decide All political parties must support All levels of the organization must support Co-ordination close to decision makers A working group with mandate Activities at all levels Follow-up Evaluate
CRC Affordance ”This has no bearing ”There is no need on us” for this issue” ”This is what we already do”