Dating the Past
Methods for Dating Remains Relative dating determines the age of objects relative to one another In archaeology and paleoanthropology, designating an event, object, or fossil as being older or younger than another
“absolute” or chronometric dates In archaeology and paleoanthropology, dates for archaeological materials based on solar years, centuries, or other units of absolute time
Methods of Relative Dating Stratigraphy In archaeology and paleoanthropology, the most reliable method of relative dating by means of strata
fluorine dating In archaeology or paleoanthropology, a technique for relative dating based on the fact that the amount of fluorine in bones is proportional to their age
Seriation Technique for putting groups of objects into a relative sequence
Palynology In archaeology and paleoanthropology, a method of relative dating based on changes in fossil pollen over time
Methods of Chronometric Dating Radiocarbon analysis measures carbon 14 that remains in organic objects
Potassium-argon analysis measures radioactive potassium that has decayed to argon in volcanic material
Dendrochronology based upon tree rings. Amino acid racemization based on changes from left to right-handed amino acids in organic materials