DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) punishment of Hippolytus
Birth of Aphrodite
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) punishment of Hippolytus
Two Births of Aphrodite (1) genitals of Cronus Aphrodite (2) Zeus + Dione
Only three creatures uninfluenced by power of Aphrodite?
Only three creatures uninfluenced by power of Aphrodite Only three creatures uninfluenced by power of Aphrodite? Athena Artemis Hestia
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) punishment of Hippolytus
Offspring of Chaos
Eros storm wind fire in the bones poison eros disease madness loss of self-control destructiveness
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) punishment of Hippolytus
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
Temple Prostitution in Corinth The temple of Aphrodite was so rich that it employed more than a thousand hetairas, whom both men and women had given to the goddess. Many people visited the town on account of them, and thus these hetairas contributed to the riches of the town: for the ship captains frivolously spent their money there, hence the saying: “The voyage to Corinth is not for every man.” —Strabo (1st cent. BCE)
Androgyny (此雄通体)
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
Aphrodite & Adonis / Aphrodite & Anchises
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
Judgment of Paris
Paris & Helen
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
Aphrodite & Hephaestus
Ares & Aphrodite
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) death of Adonis punishment of Hippolytus
Aphrodite & Adonis
DOUBLE BIRTH penis of Uranus + sea foam (aphros) Zeus + Dione CULT incense gardens doves and sparrows androgyny temple prostitution renewable virginity kestos MAJOR MYTHS Aphrodite and Adonis, Aphrodite and Anchises Judgment of Paris adultery with Ares Aphrodite + Hermes > Hermaphroditus (+ Salamis > first hermaphrodite) punishment of Hippolytus
Aegeus ++++ Aethra ++++Poseidon. |. |. Hippolyta ++Theseus ++ Phaedra Aegeus ++++ Aethra ++++Poseidon | | Hippolyta ++Theseus ++ Phaedra | Hippolytus
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
Apollo & Artemis
teenage girl nympha nubile (适婚的) girl nymph (仙女)
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
Artemis potnia theron
Artemis potnia theron
Artemis potnia theron
Artemis potnia theron
Artemis of Ephesus
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
Artemis, Apollo, Children of Niobe
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
Mytheme 1 (Actaeon) Hunter crosses into woodland space sacred to Artemis. Hunter pursues and rapes nympha. Artemis transforms hunter into animal (stag). Hunting dogs attack and kill hunter.
Mytheme 2 (Callisto) Nympha is raped. Nympha conceals pregnancy until detected. Artemis turns nympha into a bear. Nympha as bear gives birth to human boy. Boy grows up to be hunter. Hunter pursues and unknowingly kills bear.
trespassing sexual violation voyeurism human sacrifice sex/rape
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
“LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls ARCHAIC ARTEMIS Artemis Agrotera (Of the Wild) potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus roots in paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer to Hera and Aphrodite
Aphrodite & Adonis • Aphrodite has sex with Adonis • Adonis castrates himself • Adonis goared in groin by boar sent by Artemis to avenge death of Hippolytus
Functions of Artemis “LITERARY” ARTEMIS goddess of hunt nympha retinue of teenage girls (nymphae) ARCHAIC ARTEMIS potnia thêrôn Artemis of Ephesus paleolithic hunting societies MYTHS Niobe Actaeon and Callisto Agamemnon and Iphigenia murder of Adonis CULT transition from girl (nympha) to woman (gynê) transfer from Artemis to Hera and Aphrodite
Binary Relationships ARTEMIS APHRODITE virginity sexual activity girl korê/nympha woman gynê
Binary Relationships ARTEMIS APHRODITE HERA virginity sexual activity marriage, childbirth girl korê/nympha woman gynê
Hunting HUNTING chase capture kill
Hunting & Marriage HUNTING MARRIAGE chase courtship/dating capture arrangement kill marriage/rape
Hunting, Marriage, Sacrifice IMAGE chase courtship/dating capture arrangement kill marriage/rape blood killing of animal animal sacrifice human sacrifice menarche sexual initiation
Aegeus ==== Aethra ===Poseidon | | Hippolyta ==Theseus == Phaedra | Hippolytus