Intervention Overview To build and maintain sustainable linkages under one roof in order to provide mental health, substance abuse treatment, and HIV/AIDS primary care services to San Diego’s HIV positive individuals who are homeless or unstably housed.
Goals and Objectives The delivery of HIV primary care, substance abuse and mental health treatment that assures San Diego’s homeless and unstably housed PLWH, receive a continuum of care according to their specific needs by utilizing Family Health Center of San Diego's Special Populations Programs to Build a Medical Home. 16 special needs units 10 male / 6 female units
Target Population San Diego’s chronically homeless HIV positive population with co-occurring mental health or substance use disorders. Eligible clients who primarily reside on the streets or in the shelters of Down Town San Diego.
BHM Staff [Staff Name]– Director Special Populations [Staff Name]– Associate Director HIV Services [Staff Name]– Programs Manager [Staff Name]– Program Coordinator [Staff Name]– Case Manager [Staff Name]– Peer Navigator Need to get pictures of FHCSD BHM staff
Partner Agencies PATH San Diego Affirmed Housing Group PATH Ventures Alpha Project For The Homeless Solari Enterprise Inc. Overall Building and Services Operator (Lead Agency): PATH San Diego Founding Partners: Affirmed Housing Group, PATH Ventures, PATH, Family Health Centers of San Diego Building Owner and Developer: Affirmed Housing Group and PATH Ventures Health Center Operator: Family Health Centers of San Diego Interim Housing Operator: Alpha Project For The Homeless and PATH San Diego Permanent Housing Property Manager: Solari Enterprise
This publication is part of a series of manuals that describe models of care that are included in the HRSA SPNS Initiative Building a Medical Home for HIV Homeless Populations. Learn more at