LV Test Napoli feb 05 Noise ripple: EASY - + CRATE LV cable +/- ~ 10 mV (150 KHz) +/GND ~ 1 V (150 KHz) -/GND ~ 1 V (150 KHz) EASY CRATE - + mP GND crate GND shield LV cable 10 mt Solutions proposed: +/GND C ~ 10 mF mP GND / crate GND C ~ 100 mF better crate GND sense reference connections new connector Same for the HV board Ana1+ Ana1 – Dig1 + Dig1 – Ana2+ Ana2 – Dig2 + Dig2 - RPC RB3 distrib. shield safety GND Ref. GND
From LV power supply with floating output Rack LV From LV power supply with floating output ALV1 AGND1 ALV DLV1 DGND1 shielded cable AGND ALV2 AGND2 DLV DLV2 DGND DGND2 shield LV distrib. board 4 pairs IRON – MAGNET safety ground AGND FEB 1 chip chip AGND FEB strip copper chip kapton Double Gap 2 AGND DGND Double Gap 1 Chamber metallic structure AGND chip chip FEB 6 HVReturn Copper 2 Copper 1 chamber GND