Staff Data & Course Enrollments Fall 2 – Data Population Staff Data & Course Enrollments Welcome to the Fall 2 Data Population training. In this training, we will cover the data that you need to populate in your local systems for Fall 2.
Who’s Supposed to Be Here Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance This training is for individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance. Although supervisors are not required to attend, they are encouraged to attend so that they have a better understanding of what work is necessary to complete the process and how to best allocate their staff members’ time. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification End of Year 1 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies Prior to today’s training you should have completed our other trainings, Essential 1 – 4 and Fall 1. If you have not attended some of these trainings, you can still attend today, but be aware that some of the material covered in today’s training will assume that you know the material covered in those other trainings. After completing this training, you should also attend the second half of the Fall 2 training, Fall 2 Reporting and Certification, if you have not already done so. Later in the year, you should sign up for the two End of Year trainings. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Agenda Introduction Staff Data Course Data Wrap-Up Batch File Today’s training will start out with an introduction to Fall 2, followed by an explanation of the data requirements for reporting staff assignments and course enrollment. It will also address the requirements for English learner services. Finally we will wrap up the training and provide some information on additional resources. Batch File Considerations Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Introduction We will start with an introduction to Fall 2. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Information Reported in Fall 2 Staff Data Teachers, administrators and pupil service staff Course Enrollment Course sections of students enrolled on Census Day There are three major areas reported in Fall 2: Staff Assignments, which include teachers, administrators, and pupil service staff providing services on Census Day Course enrollments, which include course sections of students enrolled on Census Day English Learner Services, which include the classroom services provided to English Learners on Census Day English Learner (EL) Services Classroom services provided to English Learners Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Courses Students Staff Local Data Collection HR, Curriculum & School Site Staff State Course Code for courses UC/CSU approved courses California Partnership Academy-funded courses Independent Study and Distance learning courses HR, Curriculum & School Site Staff State Course Code for courses UC/CSU approved courses Career Tech Ed courses California Partnership Academy-funded courses Courses {*** This slide contains an animation, editing the slide incorrectly may cause it to malfunction ***} In preparation for Fall 2 it is usually necessary for required data to be collected in the student system or other systems. Here is a list of some of the Fall 2 elements and the groups that typically collect that information. It is best to start working with these other groups as soon as possible to ensure that the data is ready for submission once Census day arrives. Special Ed Instructional Level Instructional Strategies Services Special Ed Instructional Level Instructional Strategies Services Students Staff English Learner support English Language Acquisition Status Education Services Instructional Strategies Language of Instruction English Learner support English Language Acquisition Status Education Services Instructional Strategies Language of Instruction Human Resources (HR) Staff demographics (including SEIDs) Staff assignments Non-Standard instructional level Human Resources (HR) Staff demographics (including SEIDs) Staff assignments Non-Standard instructional level 7 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017 7
Schools Types Which Need To Report Participants Fall 2 Crs Staff EL Serv School Type Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P County Community District Community Day Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) Juvenile Court Schools Continuation High Schools Opportunity Alternative Schools of Choice State Special Schools N Home and Hospital Schools(7) Special Education Consortium Special Education Non-Public School Group (0000001) (3) ROP/ROC(5) Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data These are the School Types that need to be submit Fall 2 data. Some school types are Permitted to upload data while others are required. Some school types, are not expected or allowed to submit certain Record Types. Course and staff data need to be reported by all schools except NPS schools and ROP/C. Although NPS and ROP/C schools do not report students, students receiving services at these schools usually still need to be reported by their district of residence. Please review this list carefully so you know which records to report for each of your schools. * NPS and ROP/ROC sites do not report to CALPADS however data must still be reported for public school students attending these sites, usually by the district of residence Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Grade Levels Which Need To Report Crs Staff EL Infants - IN N Toddlers - TD Prekindergarten - PS Kindergarten - KN Y First Grade - 01 Second Grade – 02 Third Grade – 03 Fourth Grade – 04 Fifth Grade – 05 Sixth Grade – 06 Seventh Grade – 07 Eighth Grade – 08 Ninth Grade – 09 Tenth Grade – 10 Eleventh Grade – 11 Twelfth Grade – 12 Ungraded Elementary – UE Ungraded Secondary – US Adult – AD Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data Reporting is also based on grade level. Some grade levels are not expected or allowed to submit data. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
What Record Types to Enter or Update Online Batch Action SSID Enrollment SENR U Student Information SINF Student Program SPRG Student English Language Acquisition SELA Staff Demographics SDEM R Staff Assignments SASS* Course Section CRSE* Student Course Section SCSE* Similar to other submissions, Fall 2 records can be submitted either online or in batch. The Staff Demographics, Staff Assignments, Course Section and Student Course Section files are required, but you only need to update the records associated with Fall 1 student data as needed. However, it is very important to understand that the bottom three files are full replacement files. If you submit one or more records for a particular school and year in a batch file, it will replace all the records in the ODS for that same school and year. Therefore, it is possible that a batch submission will wipe out any prior changes in Online Maintenance for the same school and year. Student Profile Data Fall 2 staff & course Data files U= Update R=Required * Full replacement files Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Record Relationships Staff Demographics SSID Enrollment Records above others must be posted before those below them or you may get rejected records SEID Staff Assignments For Fall 2 it is important to understand the relationship between record types. Record types shown below are dependent on the records types above them. For example, you must submit and post a staff demographic record prior to submitting either staff assignment or course section records. Breaking his rule will usually result in rejected record errors such as SASS0121, CRSE0220 and SCSE0139. The SEID from the staff Demographics is used to associated the Staff Assignment and the Course section record to the staff member. The Course Section’s Course Section ID ties the Student Course Section Record to the Course record. The SSID Enrollment record’s SSID ties the Student Course Section record to the student. Course Section SSID Student Information Student Program Student English Language Acquisition Course Section ID Student Course Section 11 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Important Dates for Fall 2 Census Day* (first Wednesday in October) Certification deadline Amendment window DATES AND DEADLINES FOR 2017-2018 Census Day is October 4, 2017. Report aggregates use the census date to determine which records to include in the counts. The Fall 2 snapshot begins December 20th. LEAs can upload the F2 files prior to the 12/20 snapshots and use the ODS Reports for a high level review. The certification deadline for Fall 2 is currently February 23rd, 2018. The amendment window is open between February 24th and March 23rd, 2018. The deadline and amendment window are subject to change, but you can always find the current dates on the CDE’s CALPADS calendar. * Schools not in session on Census Day should report as of the next day they are in session (up to 30 days past Census Day) CALPADS Calendar: Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Now we are going to go over the data you need to submit for your staff data. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Student Course Section Staff Data Types STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS Basic information about staff members who are providing services to students Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Course Section Student Course Section There are two components to Staff Data. All certificated staff require Demographic and Assignment records. Staff Demographics (SDEM) This part includes demographic information on certificated staff, including employment start and end dates, total years of service in the education field, and total years of service in the given LEAs. Staff Assignment (SASS) This group includes job classification information and FTE (full time equivalent) all certificated staff, as well as job assignment information for certificated staff in non-classroom based assignments. STAFF ASSIGNMENTS Indicates the staff member’s general role (teacher, pupil service, administrator) Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Assignment Types Teachers Administrators The types of staff reported for Fall 2 include Teachers, Administrators, and Pupil Service. A teacher is an employee of the LEA who holds a position requiring certification and whose duties require direct instruction to the pupils, mentor teachers and in some cases, including substitute teachers. Administrators are employees of the LEA in a position requiring certification, but who is not required to provide direct instruction to pupils or direct services to pupils (services such as those provided by a pupil services employee. This category does not include mentor teachers. Pupil Service is someone who is in a position requiring a standard designated services credential, health and development credential who performs direct services to pupils (counselors, guidance and welfare personnel, psychologists, etc.). Pupil Service Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Records Required by Staff Type SDEM SASS CRSE SCSE Teacher (classroom) X Teacher (non-classroom) Pupil Service staff Administrator Only Certificated Staff are reported in Fall 2. Staff Demographic (SDEM) and Staff Assignments records (SASS) are required for all certificated staff members. Staff members with teaching assignments will have an associated Course Section (CRSE) and Student Course Section records (SCSE) to indicate what subject they teach and what students they teach in each section. Classified staff are reported through the CBEDS-ORA not Fall 2 CALPADS will not accept classified employee data. Classified staff data is collected via the CDE’s California Basic Educational Data System/Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA). Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Obtaining Statewide Educator IDs (SEIDs) County Credential Analyst CTC Credential Information Guide (CIG) The SEID is assigned and maintained by the CTC. Each LEA must obtain the SEID from CTC and then include the SEID in the various Fall 2 files. Your HR department can contact your county credential analyst or reference the CTC Credential Information Guide if they need information on requesting SEIDs. The CALPADS Data Guide also has good information on SEIDs. * See Resources slide near the end of the presentation for links to the CIG and the CALPADS Data Guide, which have more information on SEIDs 17 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Data Demo Now we are going to go over the data you need to submit for your staff demographic and assignment records. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Search by SEID, demographics and assignments Staff Demographics Go to State Reporting to maintain staff data For the purpose of this demonstration we will search for an existing SEID to show the various fields necessary to populate. Search by SEID, demographics and assignments Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Demographics Enter a Staff member SEID to create a new Staff Demographic record The unique SEID number is assigned to credentialed staff and is required for submission of their data to CALPADS. LEAs may look up individual educators by using the online SEID look-up tool, which is available via the CTC’s Credential Information Guide (CIG) at The SEID look-up tool requires a CIG logon ID and password: LEAs may request a CIG logon ID and password by sending an e-mail to the CTC’s Information Services Unit at For questions related to obtaining a SEID for an educator, or for SEID-related questions, LEAs should contact the CTC at Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Demographics The Effective Start Date needs to be populated. The Effective End Date should be left blank. All fields with an asterisk are required All Staff members who are active during the Fall 2 submission need to have a staff demographic record with an effective start date on or prior to census day. The Effective Start Date represents when the data in the record became effective. Typically staff demographic records are updated each year to increment the service years so there will be a Effective Start Date to reflect the new school year. The Effective End Date should never be populated. Populating the Effective End Date results in an auto-generated record that often times triggers errors. The Degree Status Code represents the highest academic degree a given staff member has earned. The Employment Status Code is required for all teachers. All fields with an asterisk must be populated. All staff demographic records must have the LEA Service Years and Total Service Years updated every year because CALPADS does not have sufficient information to calculate them. The total service year is used to Calculate inexperienced teachers on the California School Dashboard. The Employment End Date is required for staff who is no longer employed by the LEA to exclude them from the Fall 2 data submission. Employment status code required for all teachers Staff Service Years LEA and Staff Service Years Total need to be updated every year if staff member is still working for LEA Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Demographics Post the Staff Demographic record after a successful validation We quickly validate and post during the demonstration so we can look at the fields for staff assignment. The Staff Demographic record has been created. Select Return to Staff Search to create a Staff Assignment record Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Enter the SEID for the newly created demographic record Staff Assignment Enter the SEID for the newly created demographic record Staff members must have a demographic record prior to adding a staff assignment. Once you have posted SDEM records you can submit Staff Assignments. Again, Staff Assignments can only be submitted for credentialed staff members. Post the Staff Demographic record after a successful validation Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Post the Staff Demographic record after a successful validation Staff Assignment Post the Staff Demographic record after a successful validation A Staff Assignment record needs to be created for each school and job classification a staff member has. If a staff member works at multiple sites a record for each site would be expected. If a staff member had multiple duties in different job classifications a record for each job classification should be reported. Job classifications are determined by the staff members credentials, not duties. Populate the Job Classification code based on the staff members Credentials. 10- Admin 11-Pupil Services 12- Teacher 26- Non certificated Charter School Teacher 27- Itinerant Teacher Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
The FTE percentage should be between 5% and 200% Staff Assignment The FTE percentage should be between 5% and 200% FTE can only be reported at 0% if the staff member is on leave. All staff members on leave and inactive on census day should have an FTE of 0% and a Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment code The Staff member FTE is reported by job classification and school. If a staff member has multiple jobs in a single classification (like teaching English and Spanish) report the FTE for all jobs in that classification. The FTE should be determined by Human resources. The Non Classroom Based Job Assignment fields is used for job classifications of 10, 11 or 25 typically. Staff members on leave must have a FTE of 0% and a Non Classroom Based Assignment code of 6018. Non Classroom Based Job Assignment is required for Job Classification Code = 10, 11 or 25. Course records associated with SEIDs are “teaching assignments” Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Assignment History Post the record to the staff assignment history The Assignment History screen can be used to verify that there are corresponding teaching assignments for your courses. Teaching staff assignments are not validated during the submission of course records, but courses with SEIDs missing teaching Job Classification Codes will trigger certification errors. To add an additional staff assignment at another school or for another job classification click add new record Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Staff Data Scenarios Now we will go over some examples of data that might be reported for Fall 2. We will start out with some teacher assignment examples. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Itinerant Teacher with assignments at multiple schools Teacher Assignment Itinerant Teacher with assignments at multiple schools The Scenario on the top of the slide shows Gerwer, a full-time teacher with teaching assignments at multiple schools, but none outside the classroom. His job class is itinerant teacher (27), FTE (50) per site, and non-classroom based assignment is left blank. It is important to note that a staff assignment record (SASS) must be submitted for every site where a staff member works. The example on the bottom shows Chen, a teacher who teaches for an extra period. A normal full-time teacher teaches five classes at this school, so each class would be 20 FTE. The FTE for Chen is 120 because he teaches six classes. For your Itinerant teachers that are not on the master schedule, use code 27 (Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher). The course record that will account for an Itinerant teaching assignment should be code 3020. The 3020 state course code is the only course code that doesn’t require student course records. Note: classroom assignments for teachers are reported in the Course Section file Teacher with a FTE percentage for an additional teaching assignment exceeding 100 percent FTE Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Admin/Pupil Services Assignment Administrator with a Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment with an additional teaching assignment The upper example shows Hayes, a full-time Principal as indicated by the Administration Job Classification with a Non Classroom Assignment code 0301. A second assignment record for a teaching Job Classification has been reported as well. The full time administration job is reported with a FTE of 100 and the teaching classification (12) has a FTE of 33. The teaching assignment will be reported by entering the teacher’s SEID in the course section record for each of the course sections they are teaching. The lower example shows a Logan, a Pupil Services staff member. Logan has three job assignments, but a single record because he has a single job classification credential. Since Logan’s work as a Psychologist, Social worker and Student Support Service are in a single Job Classification FTE is reported as 100 and undivided. Pupil services assignment with multiple Non-Classroom Based Job Assignments Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
District Level Assignment Staff assigned to the district office should report the 7-digit county-district code for the School of Assignment. Note: Charter school Administrators should be reported as Charter School Administrator or Director - 0160 Benson is a Superintendent at Palo Alto Unified. Since the Superintendent classification is a Non Classroom Based Job Assignment at the District, the School of assignment in the staff assignment record is the District code. Charter School Administrators should be reported with a Non Classroom Based Assignment code of 0160. District teaching staff can be reported with the 7-digit county-district code for the School of Assignment or reported with a staff assignment code at each school site Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Certificated staff must have an SEID to be reported Staff Data Reminders Two types of data are reported for certificated staff: Demographics and Assignments Staff Demographic submission is required to increment staff service years Certificated staff must have an SEID to be reported Staff Assignment Job classifications are based on the staff members credentials not the duties they perform Now we have some important reminders about reporting staff data: (casually cover items) Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Now we are going to cover data population for your course enrollment data. Course Data Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Enrollment Records COURSE SECTION A unique instance of a course taught by one or more teachers, in a specific location, at a particular time Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Course Section Student Course Section Course data has two parts, Course Section data and the Student Course Section data. The Course Section, which conveys the Course Sections that your school is offering, and the Student Course Section, which conveys which students are taking those course sections. STUDENT COURSE SECTION Record indicating a student is enrolled in a specific course section Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Content Reported Self-contained Departmentalized Multiple subjects Single subject {*** This slide contains an animation, editing the slide incorrectly may cause it to malfunction ***} There are two types of course sections that can be reported: self-contained, where multiple subjects are taught in the same sections, such as 3rd grade and departmentalized, where each subject is taught in a separate section, some examples are Algebra, Biology, English, and Theater. 3rd Grade Algebra English Biology Theater Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Content by School Type Departmentalized Self-contained Elementary Middle High Depending on your school type, you may have self-contained sections, departmentalized sections, or both. 35 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Student Course Section Enrollment Data Expected Enrollment Status Course Enrollment Primary (10) Required Secondary (20) Preferred, but optional Short-term (30) Specialized Services (40) Do not submit When reporting student course section enrollment, primary enrollment records are required, while secondary and short-term records are options. Do not submit course section enrollment for specialized services enrollments. A CERT081 will trigger as a warning when no course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term. This CVR Excludes: • School Types: JUV, YTH, COMM, OPP, COMMDAY or CONT • Charters • Reporting LEA and School of Attendance = COE (i.e., Special County-District-Schools where students receive services from the district office) NOTE: A CERT081 will trigger when no course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term. 36 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Before/after school child care programs Course Data Included Do Not Submit Optional Before/after school child care programs Study hall Homeroom Summer school Teachers Assistant/ Student Aid* *LEAs may submit these courses to CALPADS using the following course codes: 6021 – Student Assistant 6022 – Free period or No Educational Content Some student course data such as before or after school child are programs and summer school courses should not be submitted. Courses such as Homeroom or Study Hall are optional but should only be submitted if the students are receiving instructional support. LEAs may submit these courses to CALPADS using the following course codes: 6021 – Student Assistant 6022 – Free period or No Educational Content LEAs are reminded of the new requirements under Assembly Bill 1012 (Chapter 703, Statutes of 2015) which prohibit the assignment of students to courses “with no educational content” unless certain conditions are met Refer to CA Education Section 51228.1-51228.3 for specifics 37 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Courses Taught By A Teacher Without An SEID 9/17/2018 Courses Taught By A Teacher Without An SEID Teacher not employed by LEA (e.g. COE Special Ed, private contractor) Distance learning teacher Use SEID of “9999999999” ROC/P Instructor CALPADS requires a Statewide Educator ID, or SEID, to identify the teacher who is teaching the course. There are six exceptions that allow you to submit “9999999999” as the SEID in the course section record: If the CTE Course Section Provider Category = 1 (ROC/P is providing the course) If the Course Section Instructional Level Code = 16 (College). If the teacher is not employed by your LEA but is the teacher for an distance learning/online class. You can also submit the SEID of the certificated classroom monitor. If the teacher is new (just graduated) and the SEID has not yet been assigned by CTC. If the teacher is not an employee of your LEA (i.e. COE provided Special Ed teacher or Private contractor) CALPADS will also require the unique local ID for the teacher who is teaching the course. As was stated earlier, while it is understood that for teachers that teach at multiple sites within an LEA they may have a unique local ID per site, when submitting this data to CALPADS the Local ID for the individual teacher must be the same across all sites in your LEA. College professor New teacher without SEID from CTC Non-certificated Charter School teacher teaching non-core class 38 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017 38 38
State Course Codes by Content Content Area State Course Codes Art 28xx Career Technical Education 7000 - 8999 Computer Education 2450 - 2458, 2465, 2466, 2470 - 2479, 2667 Drama/Theater 29xx English Language Arts 21xx Foreign Languages 22xx History/Social Science 27xx Math 24xx Music & Dance 23xx Other Instruction-Related Assignments 2536, 2537, 2719, 2722, 2821, 2825, 2826, 3020, 6001 - 6098 Physical Education 2503 - 2535, 2538, 2560 Science 26xx Self-Contained Class 1000 Special Designated Subjects 2505, 2545 - 2548 CRS-State Course Codes are number by content area. Use the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations v9.1 to map your local courses to the appropriate state codes. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
State Course Codes by Subgroups Advanced Placement (AP) 2170, 2171, 2270 - 2279, 2370, 2470, 2471, 2480, 2483, 2670, 2676, 2770- 2778, 2825, 2826, 2870 – 2876 Dual Enrollment College Courses 2190, 2290, 2490, 2690, 2790, 2890, 6090 International Baccalaureate 2160, 2161, 2173 - 2175, 2260 - 2265, 2281 - 2283, 2360 - 2362, 2460 - 2469, 2479, 2560, 2660 - 2668, 2760 - 2769, 2779, 2780, 2860, 2861, 2960 - 2962 See the Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document listed on the Resources slide to search for course codes based on additional criteria. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Data Expected for District Level Programs Home/Hospital or Independent Study Report with the district CDS number Students must only be enrolled at the district level In some cases a student may be receiving home/hospital or independent study instruction where neither the teacher or student is associated with a specific school site. In this case the teacher and course section should be reported at the district level using the 7 digit CDS code for the school number. Additionally if the teacher is being reported with a job class of 27, submission of the student course section record is optional. Educational Service Job Classification: 27 (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher) An itinerant staff member assigned to more than one school site and/or a teacher who provides one-on-one or small group support or resource instruction by either pulling students out of the classroom, or coming into the classroom to provide the instruction. Course Group State Code: 3020 (Consultation/instructional support) Teachers in this assignment are not providing initial direct instruction, but are providing instructional support to students. These teachers also may be consulting with a teacher who is providing direct instruction. If teacher job classification is code 27 (Itinerant/Pull-in Push-out) submission of Student Course Section is optional 41 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Record Relationships School Course (3rd Grade) Class (room 10) Section SP1-01 Class (room 20) Section SP1-02 Class (room 30) Section SP1-03 Course (English 2) Course (Geometry) Class Section Student When reporting course section enrollment it is important to understand the relationship between the different parts of the course data. For each school, you can have one or more courses, such as a school with three 3rd grade classes or a high school offering multiple English 2 or Geometry courses. Each course can be taught in one or more classrooms and within each classroom you will generally have one course section. For each course section, you can have one or more students enrolled. Course, class, and course section IDs must be unique within a given school and year. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Section Demo Now we are going to cover data population for your course enrollment data. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course data Submission Select Maintain Course Data from the drop down menu We will use the online maintenance screen to explain the data population rules for each field. We will first walk through the fields in the Course Section and then the Student Course Section. Both modules can be accessed from the Course data Submission screen in CALPADS. Select Course Section to view the list of courses or create a course Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Summary Select Maintain Course Section to Edit a Course record The Course Summary screen lists course records and allows access to the course section records through the use of the Maintain Course Section button. The Add new Course Section button allows the creation of a new course record. Select add a new Course Section to create a course record Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Select to cycle through the Course Section records Course Details District level courses must populate the 7 digit county code for the School of Course Delivery Select to delete or add a course section record for the course information Enter SEID for the teacher then select Lookup to populate the staff member information. A staff demographic record for SEID must exist in CALPADS, unless the generic SEID “999999999” is used The Course details screen displays each element for an individual course. The top half of the screen is partitioned into course data common between all course sections for a particular course. The lower half of the screen is partitioned into Course Section information that is specific to each section. To complete validation and post a course, all fields with an asterisk are required. Select to cycle through the Course Section records Indicators must be selected “Yes” to report Distance Learning or Independent Study Courses Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Details – Course Info Review course codes carefully to account for changes Unique ID up to 10 characters 154 for Academic CTE Courses to be reported as High Quality The Course Information requires the Academic Year ID and Submission Type to determine if the record is for the current submission window. These fields are auto populated online, but must be populated when submitting in a file. Use 2017-18 and Course Enrollment (CRSE) filters, this determines the academic year and submission the course will be reported in. The reporting LEA is the district CDS Code. Instruction provided by district employees can be reported at the district by populating the district code in the school of Course Delivery field. The Course Information has additional fields that are relevant to the course content: The CRS-State Course Code represents a general subject area. The CRS-Local Course ID represents a given LEA’s code for a specific course. The CRS-Course Name represents a given LEA’s code for a specific course. The LEAs are expected to populate the CRS-Course Content Code with CTE Course Content Code 154 for any courses that are part of a designated CTE pathway at their school or district and taught by a CTE-credentialed teacher. The CRS-CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator identifies CTE courses that have been articulated with a postsecondary institution. The CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator indicates whether a given course meets one or more of the A-G admission requirements. Indicates that the course meets the A-G admission requirements. For secondary level courses Reference the Course Group Master combos tab in the Valid Code Combinations document for the state course codes, Academic CTE courses, Courses that meet the A-G requirements at the CALPADS System Documentation web page, Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Details – Course Section Info The School Of Course Delivery, Local Course ID, Course Section ID and Academic Term Code are common between course section records. For secondary level courses Course instructional level used to report Remedial, GATE, Honors College Credit and IB MYP courses Class ID and Multiple Teacher code must correspond between two records for Team teaching and Job share courses The Course Section information displays the course characteristics for each section including: The Course Section ID reflects one instance of a given local course, and it should be unique by school, academic year, and academic term. Course Section IDs are used to connect Student Course Sections to the Course Section records. The Academic Term Code represents the term in which a given course section occurred. The Class ID should represent all of the students who are receiving the same set of content from the same teacher or teachers. Course sections sharing the same Class ID counted as one class for class size analysis. The SEID is required for each course section. If the teacher assigned to a particular course section does not have a SEID, a generic identifier of 9999999999 may be submitted in the Course Section record. The Staff Name is auto-populated after the SEID is enter and the lookup button is selected. The Course Instructional level Code represents a given course that is being taught at a non-standard instructional level, Remedial, Gifted and Talented, Honors – UC Certified, Honors – Non-UC Certified and College Credit. The Educational Service Code, language of Instruction and Instructional Strategy Code are used to report EL services. The Independent Study Indicator indicates whether a particular course section is being taught through independent study. Although required, Class ID and Course Section ID become irrelevant for Independent study because they are not included in any of the class size calculations. The Distance Learning Indicator indicates whether a particular course section is being delivered online. The Multiple Teacher Code is used for course sections that are team taught or job shared The Education Program Funding Source Code data element indicates whether a given course is funded by California Partnership Academy program. Ed Service Code, Language of Instruction and Instructional Strategy code used to report EL services CTE courses, state course codes in the 7000- 8999 range, require the CTE course Section Provider code be populated Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Details - EL Required Fields The Instructional Strategy code is required if the Education Service Code is populated Only one instructional strategy for each course section Populate the Language of Instruction Code if Education Service Code = 1 or Instructional Strategy = 600 Language of Instruction cannot be English The Education Service Code is required for all course sections that have EL students The Education Service Code is based on the teacher’s credentials and authorizations). teachers teaching courses with English learner services should have the appropriate credentials English learner services should be reported based on the services actually provided in the course section. Do not report services solely based on a staff member’s credential assigned to the course. The Education Service Code is used to indicate course sections that provide EL services or those that are not designed to. Education Service Codes describe: 1 (Primary Language and ELD Instruction and/or SDAIE Instruction) 2 (ELD Instruction Only) 3 (SDAIE Instruction Only) 4 (ELD and SDAIE Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction) 5 (No English Learner Services) 6 (Other English Learner Service) The Education Service Code is required if either the Instructional Strategy = 400, 500, 600 or 650 or course has one or more EL students enrolled. All EL students should be in course sections with designated instructional strategies. ANIMATION Instructional Strategy codes designate which strategy is used. The EL instructional strategies include: 400 (Alternative EL Program – Two-Way Immersion (Various Models)). 500 (Structured English Immersion/English Learner Mainstreaming). 600 (Alternative EL Program – Bilingual (Various Models)). 700 (English Learner Mainstreaming). If a course section uses more than one instructional strategy, the following hierarchy should be used to determine which one to choose: Special Education* Home and Hospital* Any of the EL Strategies *Special Ed and Home Hospital courses can only be indicated through the instructional strategy. EL services will be reported using the Education Service code for these courses if provided. The Language of Instruction Code is to be submitted if primary language instruction is provided (and/or a bilingual strategy is being used. EL students have a primary language other than English, so the language of Instruction could never be English. English Learner Services Report services actually provided to students in the course section. Do not report services solely based on a staff member’s credential. Reminder: Counseling and tutoring do not qualify as EL instructional services Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Student Course Section Demo Now lets look at what is required for the submission of Student course Section records. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Student Course Data Select Maintain Course Data from the drop down menu We will now take you to the Course List to edit a course. This will allow us to add student enrollment so we can explain the data population of the Student Enrollment record. From the Course Data Submission screen select Student Course Section link. You will be redirected to the Course List screen. Select Course Section to view the list of courses or create a course Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course List Use the filter to specify a School To see the data that must be entered in a student course section record we must go to the Course List screen. The Course List screen can be filtered by school and allows you to select the course that you wish to submit student records for. Select Course Section to view the list of students enrolled in the course Select Add to a new Course Record Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Section List If there are multiple Course Section records for a Course use the filter options to sort for a specific Course Section record The Course Section List shows a course record and its sections in detail, however to see what is required for the SCSE submission we must drill down further. Select the Maintain Student List button to access the list of enrolled students for the course Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Student Course Section Details The Student Course Section Details allows you to add a student one at a time to a course section. Online you must enter the SSID then select lookup to match students to appropriate records. When submitting records in a file your need to populate the Local Student ID and Student Name. The Marking Period Code, Student Credits Attempted, Student Credits Earned, Student Course Final Grade and UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code are used for EOY and not required in Fall 2 SCSE records. What is not readily apparent that in a file submission, the SCSE records must have the Submission Type, Reporting LEA and School of Course Delivery Academic year, Local Course ID, Course Section ID and Academic Term Code all must match a corresponding Course Section record. Enter the student SSID then click look up. The local Student ID and Student name automatically populates To Complete a Student Course Enrollment (SCSE) record validate and post Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Section Examples Now we are going look at some examples of basic course section records. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
For secondary level courses Course Data Example Self-contained courses are typically elementary level instruction, grades KN-6 Departmentalized courses are primarily secondary level education, grades 7-12 The three courses listed at the top are self-contained course sections where the students are taught multiple subjects in a single section. These types of sections are most commonly found at the elementary or middle school level, although high schools may occasionally have them for situations like independent study. All self contained courses must have a state course code of 1000. CALPADs will determine the grade level span based on the student grade levels enrolled. The bottom three courses are for departmentalized course sections. Single subjects are taught for each course section for each subject area. These are the kind of course sections usually found at high schools and in some middle schools. In some cases elementary schools may have a few departmentalized course sections as well. For secondary level courses Self-contained Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-State Course Code 1000 Departmentalized Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-State Course Code Anything other than 1000 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Team Teaching / Job Sharing Team Teaching Example The Class ID should be the same in both course section records Team Teaching / Job Sharing Job sharing and team teaching are handled through the Course Section record in a data element named Multiple Teacher Code. When a given class is reported as having multiple teachers assigned, the CALPADS system requires the reporting of more than one course section record. There should be a separate course section record for each teacher, but they will both use the same Class ID. Your SIS vendor will know how to populate these fields in the batch file once you populate the necessary data in the SIS. The unique Class ID links these two course sections to one class Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE Multiple Teacher Code 1 team teaching or 2 job sharing Class ID Same ID in separate courses records. 1 Course record for each teacher Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Job Sharing Example In this example we have two Course Section records. Each teacher for the course has their own Course Section record. The Class ID and the Multiple Teacher Code must be the same for each section. Team teaching is when two or more teachers provide instruction to the class during the entire class session. Multiple Teacher Code = 1 Job Sharing is when two or more teachers provide instruction to the class on an alternating basis, and not at the same time. Multiple Teacher Code = 2 NOTE: For course sections that are taught by more than one teacher, the value in this field should represent all of the services provided in the course section (a combination of the services those teachers provide). ). If Code 6 – “Other English Learner Services” is provided by one teacher, and any of the other Education Services are provided by the other teacher, the Education Service Code field should be populated with any of the other service combinations (Codes 1, 2, 3, or 4) and NOT Code 6 – “Other English Learner Services.” The Class ID and the Multiple Teacher code must be the same for team teaching and job sharing courses Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Special Education/Home and Hospital Example Special Ed (e.g., special day class) Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE Instructional Strategy Code 700 Special Education instructional strategies and home hospital are both reported through the Instructional Strategy field. A course section which uses a special education instructional strategy should report an instructional strategy code of 700 (Special Ed). Home and hospital is reported with an instructional strategy of 300. Depending on whether the student is associated with a specific school, it can be reported at the school level or at the district level. NOTE: The EL services are reported through the education service code fields so that both the EL services and the Special ED or Home Hospital instructional strategies can be reported. Home and Hospital Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE Instructional Strategy Code 300 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Elementary Itinerant Teachers (Push in/Pull out) Example Course records for Itinerant staff should have a 3020 course code. A course record can be reported at each site if the staff member teaches a more than one location Teachers with itinerant teaching assignments are identified with an educational service job classification of 27(itinerant or pull-out/push-in) then, depending on whether the instructor is providing departmentalized instruction (e.g., band) or support instruction, the LEA should create a course section for the specific content area in which the teacher is teaching, or use a State Course Code of “3020” (Consultation/Support – elementary or secondary NOTE: Student course enrollment records are NOT required for itinerant or pull-out/push-in teaching assignments. This example shows how courses taught by Itinerant teachers teaching at multiple sites within a district might be reported. The top example shows how to report Course sections for a teacher who teaches at three different school sights. The teacher would be expected to have staff assignment records at each of the three school sites as well. The example on the bottom shows how a teacher who serves multiple sites for a district has only a course section at the district. This district staff member would only be expected to have a single staff assignment using the districts code. A 3020 course record can be reported at the district if a teacher serves multiple sites, but is assigned to the district Pull-out/Push-in* (support) Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-State Course Code 3020 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Multiple Course Content Example Same classroom, 2 separate groups of students. Report two Course records with different Class IDs and different Course Section IDs In some situations multiple subjects may be taught in the same classroom during a period or block. Here are some examples: The first example on the top shows English Literature and World Literature courses taught in the same classroom. The course content is different so there is a course section ID for each course, but the class ID is the same for both. The second example in the middle shows two teachers using the same classroom space to deliver two courses – Spanish 2 and AP Spanish to a group of 40 students. One teacher delivers instruction in Spanish 2 to 20 of those students. Another teacher delivers instruction in AP Spanish to the other 20 students. Two unique Course Section IDs are reported for each of the two courses (Spanish 2, AP Spanish) with two different SEIDs. Two unique Class IDs for each SEID and course-section. Although sharing the same physical space the two groups of students are reported as two distinct classes with separate course sections. The third example at the bottom of the slide shows two teachers that are team teaching a Algebra/Biology course during a two period block to one group of students. One teacher delivers instruction in Algebra and a different teacher delivers instruction in Biology. All the students in this block are receiving both courses. Two records are submitted, one Course-Section record with the Course Section ID for Algebra, and one record with the Course Section ID for the Biology course. Both records should be reported with the same Class ID. Same classroom, Single period different subjects. Report two Course records with the same Class ID, but different Course Section ID A single class with 2 subjects. Report one Course record with the 2 Course Section IDs for Algebra 2 and Biology, both records should be reported with the same Class ID Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Career Technical Education Example {*** This slide contains an animation, editing the slide incorrectly may cause it to malfunction ***} Career Technical Education classes are identified by their course code. Any code within the 7000 – 8999 range is considered CTE. Here are some examples of CTE courses being reported: Fashion & Design 1-3 make up a 3 course pathway. These CTE courses identified by state course codes 7800 series. ANIMATION These two courses Fashion & Design 1 and 2 Are the introductory and intermediate courses in a 3 course pathway. Notice that the Course codes are in numerical. If the courses are part of a CTE pathway that has been articulated with a postsecondary education institution then Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator flag should be marked yes. Fashion & Design 3 is a Capstone course and the final course in a 3 course pathway. State course code 7811 is specifically identified in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations as a Capstone course for the Fashion Design and Merchandising (160) pathway. Career Technical Education (CTE) Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-State Course Code Course codes 7000 – 8000 series CRS-Course Content Code 154 for Academic CTE Courses to be reported as part of a CTE pathway CTE Course Section Provider Code Use 2 – District if section is not part of a CTE pathway CRS-CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator Must be Y for a CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Independent Study Examples Self-contained For independent study and or continuation courses, it is common for LEAs to teach multiple subjects within a single class. The LEA needs to decide whether to report them as departmentalized (which the CDE prefers) or as self-contained. If a course section is reported as self-contained it may be easier to report, but Departmentalizing each course section may be a better representation of the students schedule and transcript. Here are some examples of independent study course sections being reported: The first example is a self contained Independent Study course where the teacher has many students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas. This single course record, one course section ID and Class ID can be used to show all the independent study students are enrolled in a course, but specific subject course content is not reported. An alternate way to report Independent study and continuation courses , a single Course-Section ID and Class ID for each subject can be reported for all subjects. Each student would have Student Course Section records for each subject allowing to show the content areas of instruction. Departmentalized Departmentalized Independent Study courses can be reported with many students taking multiple course-sections in multiple subject areas. Self-Contained Independent Study courses can be reported as a single self-contained course section. Use state course code 1000 for multiple subject areas in a single course. LEA may indicate that any given course is being taught through independent study, Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Services to English Learners Example {*** This slide contains an animation, editing the slide incorrectly may cause it to malfunction ***} Here we have a few examples of how English learner services may be reported. ANIMATION In the first example we have PE course where services are no provided. The Education service code is 5 (No EL services). Since no services are provided no instructional strategy is required. In the second example the education service code indicates that specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE Instruction Only-3) is provided in the course. Since the Education Service code has been populated, it is required that a instructional strategy be reported as well. Normally one of the EL instructional strategies would be reported, codes 400, 500, 600, 650. However, in this example the course provides Special Ed services so Instructional strategy code 700 Special Education has been reported according to the hierarchy. This allows for the Special Ed course to show the that EL services are provided. In the third example we see an English Language Development course that provides ELD Instruction Only-2. The Instructional Strategy code is Alternative EL Program-Bilingual (Various Models)-600. In this example because code 600 indicates that instruction is being given in the students primary language the language of instruction is required. The Language of Instruction is taught in the EL student’s primary language and can never be English. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
College Credit Example Dual Enrollment College Course Codes: 2190– English Language Arts 2290– Foreign Languages 2490– Mathematics 2690– Science 2790– History/Social Science 2890– Visual or Performing Arts 6090– Other CRS-State Course Code: 7000 – 8000 series AND Course Instructional Level Code: 16 - College Credit {*** This slide contains an animation, editing the slide incorrectly may cause it to malfunction ***} There are two ways to submit Dual enrollment High School and College Courses. The Course Section Completion (CRSC) records submitted to CALPADS must reflect the following attributes: CALPADS Field #9.07 (CRS-State Course Code): 2190 Dual Enrollment College Course – English Language Arts 2290 Dual Enrollment College Course – Foreign Languages 2490 Dual Enrollment College Course – Mathematics 2690 Dual Enrollment College Course – Science 2790 Dual Enrollment College Course – History/Social Science 2890 Dual Enrollment College Course – Visual or Performing Arts 6090 Dual Enrollment College Course – Other OR Any of the 7000-8999 career technical education course codes AND CALPADS Field #9.19 (Course Section Instructional Level Code): Courses marked with 16 - “College Credit” For a course to count as “dual enrollment” for CCI, the course must be mapped to one of the dual enrollment course codes OR must be mapped to a CTE course code AND be flagged as 16 – college credit Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Section Reminders Course Section must first be submitted and posted in CALPADS before the Student Course Section is submitted EL services are reported in the course section record and although based on the teacher credential they must describe the services provided Course Section ID and Class ID are both assigned by the LEA; Class ID can be used to tie multiple course-sections to the same class Now we have a few reminders for reporting your course section records: {Read each note} For course sections that are team taught or shared, LEAs must submit a course section for each teacher. 66 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Batch File Considerations Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Batch File Sequence Fall 2 sequence: Upload and post the Staff Demographic (SDEM) file. Upload and post the Staff Assignment (SASS) file. Upload and post the Course Section Enrollment (CRSE) and Student Course Section Enrollment (SCSE). . Fall 2 batch files must be submitted then posted in order. While the SASS, CRSE require the SDEM to be posted first and not each other, there are Certification validations between the SASS and the CRSE that can be avoided by submitting in sequence. The SCSE requires that first the CRSE is posted and that the SSID records have an enrollment record at the school of course delivery on census day. So the SCSE requires the CRSE and the SENR be posted inn the ODS first. The submitted Date/Time should be after the status Date/Time for submission when compared to the previously submitted file in the sequence Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Full Replacement Files Be advised that three files in the Fall 2 sequence of submission (SASS, CRSE, SCSE) are full “Replacement” type processing files. That means that existing data are deleted and replaced with each new upload. For Staff Assignments, replacements are made for a given school and academic year. For Course Sections and Student Course Sections, replacements are made for a given school, academic year, and term. Edits made in Online Maintenance will be overwritten when new files are uploaded. Full replacement files usually impact the way an LEA may make minor edit and corrections. It may be best to make one off changes or record additions using online maintenance as a batch file can impact the data for a school or entire LEA. The SDEM is not a full replacement file and correction can be made through file submission as easily as the Student Information (SINF) file. Be Aware of the Transaction Type: Be advised that the last three files listed above (SASS, CRSE, SCSE) are full “Replacement” type processing files. That means that existing data are deleted and replaced with each new upload. For Staff Assignments, replacements are made for a given school and academic year. For Course Sections and Student Course Sections, replacements are made for a given school, academic year, and term. Edits made in Online Maintenance will be overwritten when new files are uploaded. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Common Validation Error - SCSE0139 The SCSE0139 is a common error triggered during the fall 2 submission. The SCSE0139 triggers when a Student Course Section record doesn’t have a corresponding Course Section record. Usually this is because the SCSE file was submitted prior to posting the CRSE file. If All records in a submission fail due to this error start by comparing the File status of the CRSE file. If the file is in posted look at the status time and compare it to the submission time of the SCSE file. If you find that the SCSE file was submitted prior to the posting of the CRSE file, resubmit the SCSE file. SCSE0139 is a common error during the Fall 2 submission process. The primary trigger of this error is the SCSE file being submitted prior to the CRSE being posted. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Wrap-Up Wrap Up Now we’ll wrap up the training Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Course Section Reminders Student who are primarily enrolled on Census day must have a SCSE record. Secondary and Short term Enrollments are expected to have SCSE records Staff service years must be updated each year, therefore all staff demographic records require a 17-18 update Fall 2 includes certificated staff who are actively employed on Census Day through October 31st. Certificated staff hired after October 31st are excluded from the staff data collection Now we have a few reminders for reporting your course section records: {Read each note} Educational Options schools are required to submit SCSE data, including: Juvenile Court, Juvenile Justice, Community Day, Continuation, Opportunity and Independent Study Charter schools 72 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
School Site-Level Librarian Reporting SASS CRSE Staff Type Description Credential(s) Staff Job Classification Code Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Code CRS-State Course Teacher Librarian* Manages library and provides instruction to students as a departmentalized, scheduled class in the library or in a classroom. Teaching and Library Science and Special Class Authorization 12 N/A 6026 Librarian (pull out)** Manages library and students are pulled out of regular class to receive instruction in library. Teaching & Library Science 27 (push in)** Manages library and provides instruction to students in another teacher’s classroom. Administrator - Library Media Services Responsible for Library Media Staff evaluations. Administrative Services and Library Science 10 0139 Section 2.2.2 of the Data Guide provides more detail on the change As a result of the change related to Librarian reporting in past years, the counts for certificated librarians reported dropped drastically. This reduction was interpreted as perhaps they were not reported correctly. This slide provides information about several different scenarios on how to correctly report Librarians. {Cover the scenarios on the slide} * Student course enrollment records (SCSE) required for students taking library course ** Student course enrollment records (SCSE) optional Former method for reporting librarians in 2014-15 and before was: Staff Job Classification Code = 11 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code = 0204 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Teaching and Library Science School Site-Level Librarian Reporting SASS CRSE Staff Type Description Credential(s) Staff Job Classification Code Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Code CRS-State Course Teacher Librarian (non-instructional)* Plans and coordinates school library programs with the instructional programs of a school district through collaboration with teachers; selects library materials, develops, delivers library staff development. These teachers do not provide instruction to students in either classroom-based or pull-out or push-in settings. Teaching and Library Science 12 or 27 6027 N/A Library Supervisor or Assistant (classified) Manages or assists in the library. none Not reported in CALPADS. Reported in aggregate on the CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Classified Staff Count Section Section 2.2.2 of the Data Guide provides more detail on the change As a result of the change related to Librarian reporting last year, the counts for certificated librarians reported dropped drastically. This reduction was interpreted as perhaps they were not reported correctly. This slide provides information about several different scenarios on how to correctly report Librarians. {Cover the scenarios on the slide} *District-Level staff would be reported in the same manner. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Did You Get It? Question Answer Which files are submitted for Fall 2? SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE Do they need to be submitted in any special order? SDEM before SASS or CRSE. CRSE and SENR before SCSE. What file is used to submit teaching assignments? CRSE What file is used to submit non-classroom assignments? SASS What file is necessary to update the Staff Service Years LEA and the Staff Service Years Total? The SDEM is required to update every staff members Staff Service Years LEA and the Staff Service Years Total? How are EL services reported? EL services are reported using three fields in the course section enrollment (CRSE): Education Service Code Instructional Strategy Code Language of Instruction Code Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Resources CALPADS Calendar System Documentation System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SSID Enrollment, Staff Demographics, Staff Assignment, Course Section and Student Course Section tabs CALPADS Code Sets List of state defined codes See Code Set column in CFS (Forms) for each field reported CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Codes allowed to be used together NonClassSuppAsgn - Job Class, Course Group Master Combos, NonClassSuppAsgn – Content Area CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions SSID Enrollment, Staff Demographics, Staff Assignment, Course Section, Student Course Section and Fall 2 Certification tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Here are some of the important CALPADS resources, a few of which we mentioned earlier in the training. The CALPADS calendar lists the Census days, submission windows, and amendment windows. It is updated by the CDE if any of the dates change so it is a good idea to check it occasionally, especially in the week or two before the deadline. There are also a number of technical documents on the CDE’s CALPADS page: The CALPADS file specifications (forms) provides the file layout, basic field validations, and associated code set names. The CALAPDS code sets provides a list of the state codes for any fields that use them. The CALPADS valid code combinations identifies which codes can be used together for fields that are related. The CALPADS error list is useful when trying to understand error messages that are unclear as it provides detailed descriptions and suggested solutions. The CALPADS data guide explains what data is expected for each submission. 76 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Resources Self-paced Trainings Mini Tutorial Clips Mini Tutorial Clips CTC Credential Information Guide (CIG) Restricted to CIG users. Obtain the login information by contacting the Commission at: FAQs Fall 2 - EL Authorizations - 77 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Support Web: Phone: 916-325-9210 E-mail: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call 916-325-9210, you will go immediately into our voice mail system. Email is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017
Please Complete Our Survey Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey!AjeKRgqTRmf5cshDvexCBXdBWfY Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. If you experience any technical difficulty with accessing the survey, please try the alternative long URL:!AjeKRgqTRmf5cshDvexCBXdBWfY Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate are trainings. 79 Fall 2 Data Population v1.0, December 6, 2017 79