Dr. Zhen Jiang Computer Science Department West Chester University CS062: 《数据分析及科研实践》 Dr. Zhen Jiang Computer Science Department West Chester University 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Introduction What course is it? What can we do in three weeks? How do we arrange these three weeks (schedule)? 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
We saw the introduction from poster, web site, e-mail, etc We saw the introduction from poster, web site, e-mail, etc. So what else should we know before the class starts? 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
What is the fundamental block of computer science? Language, programming, application, design, OS, hardware, service, etc. Data, analysis, and processing Fundamental logic and procedure in research Complete the simulation section to support the context of the paper What is the paper for (real research work)? How to create/write your own paper? What are major factors in paper writing? Novelty Contribution Readability 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Focuses of this course that you may not experience in other courses or training. Hand-on experience Lab work Focus of procedure, not result Unique learning goals and outcomes Do not need any self-study (preparation) !!! Interest & knowledge 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
What we do? Data curving Data estimation and prediction Data extraction Computer graphics Programming with Matlab 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
No Textbook Reference book Hanselman & Littlefield, “Mastering Matlab 7”, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2005. 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Student Benefits (expected outcomes) Figure drawing Better understanding of programming Qualified research assistant Knowledge of research activity Communication for research Real research experience (*bonus only) 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Can we achieve these goals? Never say it is impossible Worry about your score? Fair & satisfied score Valuable experience No standard, challengeable work Different background Various technique depth All work will be counted 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Unique Learning Methods Communication, communication, and communication! Listening? Recording everything? Self-learning? Self-check, asking, listening, practicing, making correction immediately Don’t be quite “I already know” so I did not respond to you (team member or instructor), e.g., class information e-mail You will not be charged or lose points by asking questions. No question is called stupid question. Real detailed question, not just for leaving impression. 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
These questions are welcome! Detailed technique issue Can I work out this with you together? Detailed process or procedure I forget what is discussed in class about …, can you explain it again (not the entire thing)? Concern for improving class teaching and learning I think … Please do not ask any of following questions. What is the answer you are looking for? How can I / What must I do to get an ‘A’? 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Other information Available at www.cs.wcupa.edu/~zjiang/matlab_sjtuindex.h tm Syllabus Instructor Schedule Evaluation 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Schedule Class/lab work in turns in the first 2 weeks MW class TuTh lab/grading/solution discussion Short/long break: chat on (tips of) research Week 1 Introduction & programming Week 2 Data analysis, curving, predication, data extraction Week 3 Student presentation by groups 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
The number of female members in each group = 0 or 2 Find your partners Maximum of each group = 5 The number of female members in each group = 0 or 2 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Example on Page 6 Variable Keyword (reserved word) ; Calculation % (comment) and %{ } (block comment) , error 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
<File> <new> Or the direct access from the icon “blank” Page 31 Echo on/off ; Example_P30 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Input / Output Parameter input Page 33 Example_P33 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Xls input (the easiest one) Page 250 Sample xls input file Page 250 Also available at http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpde sk/help/techdoc/ref/xlsread.html Example_p250, example_p253, example_p254 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
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9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Tip: Try to avoid using low level file I/O Other inputs Sample plain text file Help fileformats, page 253 Tip: Try to avoid using low level file I/O 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
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9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Something you must know Page 39 Example_P39, example_p39b 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Apply an operation on every unit in the array Page 47 ` (orientation, especially useful to handle different input format, see the discussion later) Example_p47 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Standard arrays, page 54 Ones, zeros, size, eye, rand, randn, diag Repmat(pi, 3, 4) (Page 87) * Dimension 1: vertical direction vs. Dimension 2: horizontal direction Example_p54 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Array sorting, search, page 73 Example_p73, example_p74 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Find(a>4, 2, ‘first’) Max Min Size Example_P76 Page 189, such as a filter to discard NaN or InF Max Min Size Example_P76 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Example_array 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Manipulation * , page 82 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
[p, q] [p; q] Or cat (2, p, q) Or cat (1, p, q) 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Exercises Multidimensional array 1-d => 2-d => 3-d, Reshape(page 57), cat(page 101), flipdim, shiftdim, permute Their search and sorting, such as a 3d array sorted in one dimension. 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Output Standard output Disp(), page 162 Sprintf, page 168 (optional) Plot, page 276 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Control Flow 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Display multiple column results Example_column 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Handles both numbers and words 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Begin with, end with and found Example_begin 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Time and its expression format (very useful in plot display) Page 269-277 9/17/2018 SJTU, 2011 Summer