MOOCs at OSU Faculty Senate Forum Dave King, Associate Provost May 24, 1013 Dave King, Associate Provost Outreach and Engagement Lisa Templeton, Executive Director Extended Campus 9/17/2018
What is a MOOC? Massive Open Online Course Sebastian Thrun – Stanford A.I. Course 160,000 enrolled 137,000 dropped out…still left a large group The average completion rate for massive open online courses is less than 7 percent 9/17/2018
High-Quality MOOCs Expensive to Produce, but Infinitely Scalable It’s Not About the Revenue Biggest Short-Term Impact: Legitimization of Online and Hybrid Learning Biggest Long-Term Impact: Developing a Science of Pedagogy MOOCs are an Accelerator of Existing Trends, Not the Cause 9/17/2018
Just curious about the topic Who takes MOOCs? Individuals who are: Just curious about the topic Enrolled in traditional postsecondary programs Want to “sharpen their skills” Want to “position themselves for a better job” Exploring switching career tracks Preparing for college Means to indulge in hobby Learning--to become inspired MOOC platforms: Private- Coursera; EdX; Udacity, etc University on own 9/17/2018
From Coursera Website……. Discover a course you’re interested in and enroll today---Choose from 300+ courses in over 20 categories created by 62 Universities from 16 countries. Learn with 3 million Courserians---Watch short video lectures, take interactive quizzes, complete peer graded assessments, and interact live with your new classmates and teachers Achieve your learning goals and build your portfolio---Finish your class, receive recognition for a job well done, and achieve your goals, whether they be career, personal, or educational 9/17/2018
Overview of MOOCs at Peer Institutions UC Davis---Exploring MOOCs Arizona State University---Implementing MOOCs University of Arizona---No current plans University of Illinois---Joined Coursera- offering MOOCs University of Wisconsin---Joined Coursera- will be offering MOOCs/exploring credit Ohio State University---Joined Coursera- offering MOOC Cornell---Plans to offer MOOCs on their own (From University websites; see handout for more details) 9/17/2018
Credit Business models That’s the question ACE in the fray… University of Washington…et al Business models There are several…or none 9/17/2018
MOOC Potential at Oregon State… Land-Grant Mission Access as Outreach and Engagement Goal Hype or Window of Opportunity… Signature Programs… Bottleneck Courses… Provost… possible interest… Stanford in July… Class2Go Platform… Possible meetings with major providers… 9/17/2018
Personalized Learning K12 Enhancement International Opportunities OER Learning Modules Course Enhancement Personalized Learning K12 Enhancement International Opportunities 9/17/2018
Questions to consider: •Will elite universities offer transferable credit or full credentials for MOOCs? •Will traditional undergraduates consider virtual courses an alternative to a residential experience? •Will working adults see MOOCs as an alternative to professional education courses? •Will employers accept MOOC certificates as evidence of relevant skills? 9/17/2018
- Educational Advisory Board For the vast majority of colleges and universities that lack global brands and multi-billion dollar endowments, MOOCs have the potential to be disruptive. The threat is that students will choose free MOOCs instead of paying tuition, weakening an already fiercely competitive market for students. The key question is whether MOOCs will be seen as a substitute or a complement to face-to-face classes. - Educational Advisory Board 9/17/2018
“When outstanding becomes so easily available…average is over.” Tom Friedman, New York Times, March 3, 2013 9/17/2018