Group Assignment: Application and Update of existing ECB-Check quality criteria Uranchimeg Tudevdagva, Kerynn Dahl, Angela Falkensteiner and Eleonora Deschamps
Step 1. Core Quality Criteria (and sub-criteria from the ECB-Check) 1. Learning Objectives A.1.1 All information potential learners need to orient their decision about taking the course is available. 2. Usability E.2: Usability standards are met. Usability focuses on the easiness of the learning environment and its components, including the way materials and content are presented. E.3: The navigation (through the mandatory learning materials) allows learners to know about their progress and position in relation to the overall content. 3. Motivation D.2.1 The learning methodologies motivate learners to actively participate in the learning process. D.2.2 The gamification elements in the course motivate learners to keep their learning active and interest in course during learning process. 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Step 2: Assessment of the Quality in Digital Learning MOOC by applying the core quality criteria 2. Usability The MOOC is clearly designed providing separate areas for information (About, Open House and Webinars) and the exchange of ideas among participants (Beta House and Community). The most relevant information at the time is highlighted under ‘most liked this week’. The Calendar provides an excellent overview of upcoming events allowing participants to plan their activities accordingly. The interface is easy to use and well structured. 1. Learning Objectives The learning objectives are clearly communicated to participants through various communication channels including but not limited to, the newsletter, the home page news which provides clear information stipulating which stage the MOOC is at and what objectives are desirable during that stage, while the Step by Step Guide and Schedule also clearly delineate what is expected. 3. Motivation Different kind of gamification, Webinars, professional moderation, tutoring, the incentive of certification at the end of the MOOC by completing the assignment all supporting learners to keep motivation during MOOC. 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Step 3: Additional criteria 4. Establishing contact with the tutors (Usability) Within a Blended-Learning course, it should be clearly stated who is/are the tutor/s, for which tasks he/she/they is/are responsible for and how participants can establish contact (contact information is given in the course). 5. Information about previous knowledge (Learning Objective) If participants need previous knowledge in order to take part in a Blended-Learning course, this should be communicated at the very beginning of the course. 6. Diversity of offered learning material (Motivation) Different kinds of learning material should be offered in a Blended-Learning course (e.g. Links, Videos, Pictures/animated Pictures etc.). 1. Use of incentives (Motivation) Incentives such as rewards for example, badges, keep students motivated. Activities are tracked so that students can assess their progress and adjust their participation accordingly. 2. Use of gamification (Motivation) Methods such as gamification encourage interaction and participation. By creating a sense of competition among participants, learners also feel more motivated to achieve the learning objectives. Learners should progress through content, motivation actions, influence behavior and drive innovation. 3. Definition and use of new terms within a Blended-Learning course (Usability) Courses should use common terms for navigation so it can be ensured, that all participants can get along easily in the course. If new terms are used their meaning has to be explained within the course. An indication of these explanations must be presented to the participants at the very beginning. 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Peer Review Process 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 1 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 2 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 3 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 4 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 5 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Reviews Part 6 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Assignment process Version 1 Comments 43, Like 23 Analyze of Reviews Revision Version 2 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Conclusion In the blended/self paced learning we can use standard criteria of ECBCheck Each institution can extend ECBCheck criteria by their own need 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation Acknowledgments We would like to thank all the reviewers for the constructive comments and also all that made this MOOC a unique opportunity to learn with quality. 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Greetings from Working Team 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation
Thank you very much for your attention 9/17/2018 Quality of Digital Learning MOOC: Assigment group work presentation