Software Assurance Training Benefits - Update November 2017 9/17/2018 Presenters’ Guidance: This presentation provides a sample script; however, we strongly recommend that you learn the script content as a way to tell the story and then rely on the key points to guide your discussion. Oct15 © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational purposes. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Eligibility for Software Assurance benefits varies by offering and region and is subject to change. Customers should refer to the Terms and Conditions of their Volume License Agreement for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. (Publication 122012)
Agenda Where can I get more information? How can these new options be sold? What is new in Software Assurance Training Vouchers? © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational purposes. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Eligibility for Software Assurance benefits varies by offering and region and is subject to change. Customers should refer to the Terms and Conditions of their Volume License Agreement for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. (Publication 122012)
Modernizing SATV Benefits Providing in-depth technical training and validation for IT professionals and developers. Improve knowledge and skills retention through MCP certifications Increase LaaS adoption with Microsoft Course Certificate Vouchers Training Vouchers provide access to technical training that helps build technical skills and ready IT professionals and developers for the latest wave of Microsoft technologies, and without impacting your budget. Instructor-led training helps technical professionals plan, deploy, implement, design, manage, and maintain environments using Windows Server, System Center, SQL Server, and Visual Studio. Training benefits support skills development on virtualization, cloud, data platform, business intelligence, messaging, and communications. Add more value through packaged sets © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational purposes. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Eligibility for Software Assurance benefits varies by offering and region and is subject to change. Customers should refer to the Terms and Conditions of their Volume License Agreement for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. (Publication 122012)
*Learning Partner (LP) Services: 9/17/2018 8:07 AM New Products in SATV SATV Availability Product Description LP Services* Payment MOC On-Demand 180 day (2 SATV Days) Online pre-recorded classroom training with labs. Q2 FY18 You may charge for additional services with a form of payment other than SATV. SATV per day reimbursement = cost+30% ($208*2=$416) MCP Exams (1 SATV Day) Technical exams delivered through PearsonVUE Q2 FY18 You may charge for additional services with a form of payment other than SATV. SATV per day reimbursement = cost+30% ($214.5) Microsoft Course Certificate Voucher (LaaS) - CCV (1 SATV Day) A Microsoft Certificate provided for MOOC courses created by Microsoft through EdX instances on Azure Q2 FY18 You may charge for additional services with a form of payment other than SATV. SATV per day reimbursement = cost+30% ($130) First, let’s discuss timing for MOC On-Demand in SATV. MOC On-Demand is now available in SATV. Now let’s talk about how MOC On-Demand fits in SATV. Since you have the choice to either provide MOC On-Demand with or without services, the first option is payment through SATV without services. What this means is that you will get 2 SATV days for MOC On-Demand and you will be able to charge the customer for additional services. What those services are and what the cost of those services is, is up to you. You just cannot collect SATV days to pay for those services. In order to be paid the 2 SATV days for MOC On-Demand, it will work the same as Digital MOC. The customer will need to redeem the MOC On-Demand voucher in order for you to get paid in the SATV system, same as with DMOC. On the contrary to MOC On-Demand only our packaged sets provide you 5 SATV days for redemption and include services. This means when you provide the customer their packaged set, whatever additional services you include, whether it be a full classroom delivery, 1:1 Mentoring, 1:Many mentoring or any other services, those services are included and you cannot charge the customer for any additional services. In order to get paid for your packaged set, you only redeem the DMOC license code and whatever the amount of days is associated with the DMOC is the amount of SATV days you will get paid. In most cases this will be 5 SATV days, but since we do have some DMOC courses that are only 3 days, those would only provide you 3 SATV days. As an example, course 10747 is a 5 day course, yet 10748 is a 3 day course. So, you would receive 5 days for course 10747, but only 3 days for 10748. The MOC On-Demand license will not be eligible to be redeemed for SATV days that are part of a packaged set, so you will need to again make sure the student redeems the DMOC license prior to being able to be paid. *Learning Partner (LP) Services: LP Services are defined as instruction in the classroom or delivered real time online. For Digital MOC and MOC courses, LPs cannot charge any additional fees to the customer. For other learning products such as MOD, Exams and LaaS, LPs may charge additional fees to customers for services other than those provided in the product, but cannot use SATV days for payment. For example, a LP may charge for mentoring services when selling LaaS CCVs. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Exams and Microsoft Course Certificate Voucher Process Exam or CCV Request Exam/CCV purchase Voucher Creation Voucher Reservation Delivery Redemption & Partner Payment Customer Customer finds Exam or MOOC for employee Customer creates 1 day training voucher for either Exam or Microsoft CCV in VLSC tool and provides SATV code to Partner Customer uses code to register for exam or MOOC Partner must enter Exam Voucher or Microsoft CCV code found in Courseware Marketplace and then gets paid Customer contacts Learning Partner Customer receives code from Partner Learning Partner Learning Partner receives request from Customer Partner buys Exam Voucher or Microsoft CCV (LaaS) in courseware marketplace Partner reserves voucher in VVR using the following: Exam: 70-999 CCV: CCV9999 Partner provides Exam or Microsoft CCV code to customer Partner confirms valid Exam1 or MOOC2 Partner redeems voucher in VVR 1 Eligible exams are those listed here: (70- and 74- prefix) – Learning Partner redeems exam voucher against exam 70-999 2 MOOC courses may be found here: – Learning Partner redeems Microsoft Course Certificate Voucher (CCV) against course CCV9999
Packaged Sets in SATV SATV Availability Product Description 9/17/2018 8:07 AM Packaged Sets in SATV SATV Availability Product Description LP Services Redemption Single course (SATV days vary) A single Microsoft Official Courseware set: MOD and DMOC. (i.e. 20775A= ODX20775A (MOD) + 20775A (DMOC)) MOD&DMOC (Available now) All services are included, no additional fees may be collected. Redeem the packaged set code once against the DMOC course. Multiple Course Pack (SATV Days Vary) A package of multiple MOC/DMOC courses aligned to a Microsoft Certification Path. (i.e. MCSA: Mobility/Windows 10) TBD All services are included, no additional fees may be collected. It is recommended at this time to purchase and redeem each product separately Course plus Exam Pack (SATV Days Vary) A package of one course plus one exam vouchers. Single Course + Single Exam (Available now) All services are included, no additional fees may be collected. Redeem the course code against MOC/DMOC and redeem the exam code against 70-999 First, let’s discuss timing for MOC On-Demand in SATV. MOC On-Demand is now available in SATV. Now let’s talk about how MOC On-Demand fits in SATV. Since you have the choice to either provide MOC On-Demand with or without services, the first option is payment through SATV without services. What this means is that you will get 2 SATV days for MOC On-Demand and you will be able to charge the customer for additional services. What those services are and what the cost of those services is, is up to you. You just cannot collect SATV days to pay for those services. In order to be paid the 2 SATV days for MOC On-Demand, it will work the same as Digital MOC. The customer will need to redeem the MOC On-Demand voucher in order for you to get paid in the SATV system, same as with DMOC. On the contrary to MOC On-Demand only our packaged sets provide you 5 SATV days for redemption and include services. This means when you provide the customer their packaged set, whatever additional services you include, whether it be a full classroom delivery, 1:1 Mentoring, 1:Many mentoring or any other services, those services are included and you cannot charge the customer for any additional services. In order to get paid for your packaged set, you only redeem the DMOC license code and whatever the amount of days is associated with the DMOC is the amount of SATV days you will get paid. In most cases this will be 5 SATV days, but since we do have some DMOC courses that are only 3 days, those would only provide you 3 SATV days. As an example, course 10747 is a 5 day course, yet 10748 is a 3 day course. So, you would receive 5 days for course 10747, but only 3 days for 10748. The MOC On-Demand license will not be eligible to be redeemed for SATV days that are part of a packaged set, so you will need to again make sure the student redeems the DMOC license prior to being able to be paid. Add-ons - Some purchases allow you to add-on online labs, student access passes and exams, the following applies to each: Exams: For an exam voucher for a single exam, you may redeem 1 SATV voucher for 1 SATV day against exam 70-999 Online Labs: For courses in which you select to add online labs at an additional cost, you may charge customers extra, but you may not use SATV days to pay for the service. Student Access Passes: Since Student access passes are provided at no additional cost, you may not charge additional fees for student access passes. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Resources How to reserve and redeem SATV vouchers Partner Resources How to reserve and redeem SATV vouchers Exam and Course Certificate Voucher (LaaS) for Courseware Marketplace Customer Download the Software Assurance Program Guide Software Assurance Program Guide Start using your benefits with these simple steps VLSC Software Assurance Guide Learn more about Software Assurance © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft provides this material solely for informational purposes. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Eligibility for Software Assurance benefits varies by offering and region and is subject to change. Customers should refer to the Terms and Conditions of their Volume License Agreement for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. (Publication 122012)