Buck Ng Are you in the mood for MOOC?
? Why are we developing a MOOC Why Cantonese Opera MOOC What is in the MOOC What does it look like as a MOOC ...from our experience on developing the first MOOC of HKAPA, “Cantonese Opera: From Backstage to the Stage”. Buck Ng
Target audience Source of picture: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-feet-train-travelling-5117/
文化瑰寶留於世 粵劇傳承在演藝 Discover a precious cultural heritage through Cantonese Opera at the Academy Buck Ng
MOOC ... Massive Open Online Course
In the MOOC 8 hours Buck Ng 4 weeks Buck Ng
NAVI - GAT I O N Buck Ng
Buck Ng
Uses of Video in the MOOC Buck Ng
Online facilitator
Multicam view
As examples / demo