Training, knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice


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Presentation transcript:

Training, knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice WP9 Training, knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice Mentionned yesterday Euromarine MArineBiotech Tomorrow’s generation of Marine engineers, high level technicians, scientists and other trainees need to be able to work at a systems level, applying multi-disciplinary knowledge to address complex Marine and Maritime issues which cut across scientific, environmental, economic and social systems. It is necessary to have a more tailored made KT to sustain the Blue bioeconomy Prof. Dr. Ann Vanreusel Dr. Tim Deprez Dr. Thibaud Mascart 13 September 2017, Faro

WP9 Rationale “Knowledge transfer (KT), the first link in the value chains from knowledge to new products, is probably one of the weakest links in these chains. This essential activity can be efficiently carried out at the infrastructure level and can further be mutualised at the European level. EMBRIC will implement KT activities to raise awareness of the necessity of transferring excellence in science into applications in industry” Extract from the EMBRIC Grant Agreement Training of both potential users and in-house technical and administrative staff of service providers is an integral part of the activity of each of the RIs involved in EMBRIC. A dedicated work package, WP9 is thus designed to identify gaps in training provisions, interconnect existing training programs if feasible, foster new training initiatives specifically to the requirements of the biotechnology domain and provide staff and users of EMBRIC with solutions for an improved access to relevant trainings.

Recent initiatives at different levels Academic MSc Academic PhD Vocational Education and training Regional level (Adriatic) Novel initiatives focussed on blue careers started in 16 and 17

T 9.1: Mapping and matching training offer and needs T 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives T 9.2: Building an integrated training information platform

T 9.1: Mapping and matching training offer and needs

Training analysis report Task 9.1: Mapping and matching training offer and needs Deliverable Objective Presents an overview of existing trainings in the fields of discovery and development of marine natural products and marker-assisted selection in aquaculture within and outside the EMBRIC Research Infrastructures. D 9.1 Training analysis report M12 (16) As WP-leader, UGENT has undertaken within task 9.1 an analysis of gaps between training offers and needs. The methodology and results of Task 9.1 were summarized in the deliverable 9.1. This report presents an overview of existing trainings in the fields of discovery and development of marine natural products and marker-assisted selection in aquaculture within and outside the EMBRIC Research Infrastructures. Additionally, recommendations and SWOT-analysis on trainings and education will enhance the pace of scientific discovery and innovation from marine bioresources. UPMC, as second partner contributed to this task by giving access to former data and deliverables of FP6 and FP7 projects coordinated by the UPMC on the current EMBRIC themes.

Mapping and matching training offer and needs Task 9.1: Mapping and matching training offer and needs Recommendations & conclusions: Access to knowledge and best practice should be opened to all stakeholders (e.g. policy & SME’S). Following categories should be incorporated Standardised procedures for discovery, development and exploitation of resources Novel technical enhancements for generating marine derived products Methods and developments in computational resources Innovation dynamics, technology transfer (TT) and value creation in blue biotech. Transnational access (TNA) and access benefit sharing (ABS) Intellectual property (IP), governance and policy Human capacity building (HCB) and transferable skills

T 9.2: Building an integrated training information platform

Building an integrated training information platform Task 9.2: Building an integrated training information platform Deliverable Objective To ensure that information on training initiatives reaches targeted end-users, an integrated EMBRIC training information portal (D9.3) should be set up and a supporting framework will facilitate training opportunities (D9.2) D 9.2 Supporting framework for new initiatives M12 (16) D 9.3 Training information portal M24 As WP-leader, UGENT has produced within task 9.2, the deliverable 9.2. and 9.3. Potential gaps were analysed in D9.1 and recommendations towards a twofold supporting framework of EMBRIC towards human capacity building and knowledge transfer within the consortium were presented. In order to ensure that information on training initiatives reaches targeted end-users, an integrated EMBRIC training information portal (D9.3) was set up and made available through the project website. Moreover, an integrated EMBRIC training program (D 9.2) was developed to facilitate training opportunities within the EMBRIC framework.

Building an integrated training information platform Task 9.2: Building an integrated training information platform The supporting framework (D9.2) Collaboration in knowledge transfer e.g.: WP 1,3,8 Assistance in training design Support to organizers Taking care of registrations Creation of promotion material E-learning possibilities Dissemination Extra financial stimulus Remove the threshold to organise a training

Building an integrated training information platform Task 9.2: Building an integrated training information platform The Training information portal (D9.3) launched at M10 Information and dissemination role ±1000 reads in the last 9 months Searchable per date/country/city/institution/ 40 courses stimulating for EMBRIC External (25) Internal (15): +90% are EMBRIC partners Dissemination

T 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives

Foster the setup of new training initiatives Task 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives Deliverable Objective A budget of 50k€ will be dedicated in this task to encouraging and enabling the establishment of new training initiatives (including via linking existing capacities) D 9.2 Supporting framework for new initiatives M12 (16) D 9.4 Report on the training effectiveness M45 As WP-leader, UGENT has undertaken within task 9.1 an analysis of gaps between training offers and needs. The methodology and results of Task 9.1 were summarized in the deliverable 9.1. This report presents an overview of existing trainings in the fields of discovery and development of marine natural products and marker-assisted selection in aquaculture within and outside the EMBRIC Research Infrastructures. Additionally, recommendations and SWOT-analysis on trainings and education will enhance the pace of scientific discovery and innovation from marine bioresources. UPMC, as second partner contributed to this task by giving access to former data and deliverables of FP6 and FP7 projects coordinated by the UPMC on the current EMBRIC themes.

Foster the setup of new training initiatives Task 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives The internal training calls (D9.2) launched at M18 Fully online application form 1 financed workshop (WP5) 3500€ 1 request withdrawn (WP10) 2 requests pending (WP3&4) Funding for approx. 15 workshops Following recommended D 9.1 categories

Foster the setup of new training initiatives Task 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives Evaluation of the first calls Weaknesses Opportunities Only accessible for internal people through the intranet To be opened for all RI partners Only internal dissemination: Few submissions (4 in 10M) Disseminate to all networks Min 2 WP Min 1 EMBRIC partners? Min 1 EMBRIC RI partner? 1 type of training: face-to-face workshops Webinar, demo-tours, blended learning, etc. Almost no industry Add professional skills training Current costs: Catering, travel & overnights Development of training material (Tutorials, MOOC’s), bursaries for students, etc. max 3500€ 5000€? More?

Potential Eligibility criteria: With reservation for approval by the EMBRIC Executive Board Potential Eligibility criteria: Organizer has to be a member of one of the 6 EMBRIC RI’s Proposals can involve organisations outside EMBRIC Max. 5000€ Only actual costs linked to the training, its venue, its training material and the finalization of its outcome Innovative training approaches will be prioritized Collaboration with industry & policy is strongly encouraged

Foster the setup of new training initiatives Task 9.3: Foster the setup of new training initiatives As example EMBRC-BE training series Offer services to external users ½ presentation / ½ demo / Online video course 5 separate 1-day trainings focused on EMBRC-BE services Use of the Gnotobiotic toolbox Image analysis for aquacultuur Maintenance of finfish breed stock Using the Omics platform for biodiscovery Workflow to access living culture collections

To conclude Contact us for KT assistance Check the training information portal Apply to the training call