Welcome to Ms. Hoang’s Room! Language Arts 6 & English Language Development 3
About Ms. Hoang UC Irvine: SMS: Sacramento: -Bachelor’s Born and raised UC Irvine: -Bachelor’s -Masters & Credential 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grade English teacher SMS: 6th grade language arts & ELD 3
Language Arts Standards Reading Writing Speaking & Listening Language
Things Parents Need to Know Binder Reminders AR Reading School Supplies Contacting Me Check & sign every night NH = No Homework (HW is also available on my class website) Parents need to approve (initial blue form) every book before reading AR quizzes can only be taken in Ms. H’s room. Composition notebooks. Please replenish pencils, pens, paper, etc. throughout the year! shoang@wvusd.k12.ca.us
Commonly Asked Questions How can I reach you if my child has a question? shoang@wvusd.k12.ca.us -My email address is on the SMS website & on the syllabus I want your child to feel comfortable approaching their teachers and emailing them for help.
From: Margaret Lee <springwonder22@gmail. com> To: shoang@wvusd From: Margaret Lee <springwonder22@gmail.com> To: shoang@wvusd.k12.ca.us Subject: Missing Assignment Dear Ms. Hoang, I am sorry if this is a disturbance, but I would like to talk to you about my grades. It reports on Aeries that I have a missing assignment for the SBAC PT Practice. However, I clearly remember handing it in. If you could possibly find some time to check on it, I would be immensely grateful. Thank you very much! Sincerely, Margaret Lee
Commonly Asked Questions How come I don’t see my child working on book reports, posters, and essays at home like they used to in elementary school? While students will still be writing essays and reading novels, we will be doing a lot of assignments and assessments on Chromebooks. Instead of posters they present on Google Slides, and instead of printed essays they submit online. I have enough Chromebooks for each student in class, and they are able to come to my class before/after school to use them (for my class or other subject areas).
Commonly Asked Questions How can I get my child to read more or do their homework?
Commonly Asked Questions How do I approach absences? While parents are required to notify the office, teachers really appreciate written or emailed notifications for multiple day absences in advance. I’m going to Disney World for 4 days, and we’re leaving tomorrow morning at 7am. Can you give me everything I’m going to miss by the end of the class period? We have 10 minutes left.
Commonly Asked Questions Do you accept late work? Yes, but… First semester = 25% deducted off Second semester = 50% deducted off **Exceptions are made for absences; see syllabus for more late-work information