Sources of Job Leads
Information about a job opening I. What is a job lead? Information about a job opening
II. Networking talking with people you know about job openings #1 way people get jobs contact list – list of people you know referral – someone who directs you to a job – tells you about a job 4 associations of networks (next slide)
4 associations of networks: Professional – people you work with Organizational – people you know because of non-job related organizations or clubs Personal – people you know personally (family, friends, neighbors) Opportunistic – people you meet by chance
III. School resources Guidance counselors Teachers Placement programs at colleges Work experience, internships, job shadows
IV. Job advertisements small percentage of people get their jobs through job advertisements Newspapers, magazines, help-wanted signs, specialized magazines (business, farming, etc.)
V. Using the telephone hot call – calling the business because you heard of the job opening there cold call – calling a business to see if there are any jobs available check the yellow pages of phone book this could be the first contact – make a good first impression
VI. Employment agencies matchmaker between job seekers and employers Public – agencies that don’t charge a fee for their services MV – Iowa Workforce Development Private – agencies that charge a fee for their services
VII. Internet many sites that post jobs Examples: OMAHA metro area: US area