Cardiovascular training Johnny By
Treadmill Cost – Dicks Sporting Goods-$365.00 8 different workout intensity settings Can go uphill/downhill Gives a virtual tour of any trail that anybody can run on the treadmill
Nintendo wii
Nintendo Wii Creates a fun atmosphere for cardio Can play with multiple people or groups Fun and challenging Cost - $99.99 wii/2287191.p?id=1219071509032&skuId=2287191&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=2287191&extensionType={adtype}:{network}&s_kwcid=PTC! pla!{keyword}!{matchtype}!{adwords_producttargetid}!{network}!{ifmobile:M}!{creative}&kpid=2287191&k_clickid=366c1e4b-5d82-6868-9339-00007dfd9c83
Step machine
Step machine Cost - $699 Increases cardiovascular endurance Helps maintain good health us/homepage.jsp?adID=DOSBITSL2&pid=search&utm_source=YBNetwork&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=Tr eadClimber
Nike fuel band
Nike fuel band Software Controls heartrate/number of steps taken Can link to phone to control vertical jump, speed, calories, etc Cost - $139
Elliptical Cost - $159.00 A great space saver, can burn a lot of calories and increase cardiovascular endurance in your own home! 887384?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_as&utm_term=FPS- 214443&utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID=500003340000008597&utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn= pla
Foam Roller Very Important! Essential in maintaining flexibility
Foam Roller The foam roller helps break up any muscles that become very tight during exercise Foam rolling before and after exercise is also a great way to prevent injury Cost - $40 580723&categoryId=38922516
Goal My goal is to be injury free after all the exercises completed in the presentation with all the exercise equipment with the help of the foam roller.
conclusion All the pieces of equipment in this presentation will improve ones overall health. Most of the equipment is fairly affordable. The step machine would be found at most gyms however, most schools will not have any in their school. As well as some of the other equipment provided in the presentation. Total cost –$139+$159+$699+$99+$365+$40=$1,501