17.09.2018 THW‘s Training System EFSCA-Conference, Oranienburg, 01-06-17 Albrecht Broemme, President THW www.thw.de.


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Presentation transcript:

17.09.2018 THW‘s Training System EFSCA-Conference, Oranienburg, 01-06-17 Albrecht Broemme, President THW www.thw.de

THW THW: German Federal Agency for Technical Relief 17.09.2018 THW THW: German Federal Agency for Technical Relief Founded in 1950 as a public agency belonging to the Federal Ministry of the Interior 80,000 volunteers 1,200 full-time employees 700 local sections Annual budget 340 m EUR www.thw.de

Mandate Civil Protection 17.09.2018 Mandate Civil Protection Local and national disaster relief on request of local authorities (e.g. Fire Department) International operations on behalf of the Federal Government www.thw.de

17.09.2018 Structure 700 local sections across all parts of Germany (only volunteers) 66 regional offices 8 state associations 2 Federal Training Schools in Hoya (Bremen) and in Neuhausen (Stuttgart) THW HQ in Bonn www.thw.de

Volunteers & Paid Staff 26.08.08 Volunteers & Paid Staff www.thw.de

Challenges & Chances for Training 17.09.2018 Challenges & Chances for Training Challenges Specialised training goals Diverse target group (volunteers with different professional backgrounds!) Time restrictions, training in free time, weekends or on holidays Chances Highly qualified volunteers Different professional backgrounds lead to synergies Attractive training keeps volunteers interested & motivated www.thw.de

Challenges & Chances for Training 17.09.2018 Challenges & Chances for Training Challenges Trainings and operations during working hours Chances Benefit for employers & employees: THW offers several qualifications (e.g. licenses for forklift, lorries, chain saw) Increased competences for employees THW pays loss of salary www.thw.de

Shared Benefit Volunteers acquire skills in the job and in THW. 17.09.2018 Shared Benefit Volunteers acquire skills in the job and in THW. Employers and THW both benefit from well trained staff. About 30 certified THW training courses are acknowledged by employers. THW profits from the volunteers’ excellent professional competences THW aims at a close and trustful relation to employers. www.thw.de

No deployment without appropriate training! 26.08.08 Training as a Key Issue No deployment without appropriate training! 90 % of training at local level federal documents & defined standard 10 % of training through courses at THW-Schools … some Training at other Facilities www.thw.de

26.08.08 THW’s Training System Basic Training: 120 hrs on weekends and evenings for all volunteers Specialised training: on weekends and evenings, as well as up to one- week centralised courses International Training: Centralised one-week courses, Basic Course for Foreign Missions, Logistics, Engineering, etc. EU & UN Courses, 1 to 2 weeks www.thw.de

Training Cycle: Components 17.09.2018 Training Cycle: Components Curriculum Exercise Sheet Handbook Curriculum: includes subjects, educational objectives, target group, estimated duration Handbook: reference book for trainers/instructors Presentation: tool for theoretical training parts (indoor) Instruction Sheet: for practical trainings (indoor and outdoor) Exercise Sheet: for monitoring the learning process Instruction Sheet Presentation www.thw.de

Dynamic 3-Level Training System 26.08.08 Dynamic 3-Level Training System Lifelong Learning 1st Level: Qualification for Deployment Specialised Training Leadership & Command Basic Training Further Training & Keep level of competence Training for specific functions Training for Missions abroad 2nd Level: Specialisation 3rd Level: Further Training Qualification for Deployment: including first aid training, basic vaccinations, health examination www.thw.de

Training for specific functions (e.g. chainsaw) 26.08.08 Basic training Specialisation for technical squads (e.g. search and rescue, lighting, bridge building) Training for specific functions (e.g. chainsaw) Leadership and command training Training for specific functions (e.g. breathing apparatus instructor, boat pilot) Training for deployment abroad International trainings Local training Training at THW School Responsible: Section “Development of Competencies”, HQ Responsible: THW Federal School Neuhausen & Hoya 13 www.thw.de 13

Basic training at local sections 26.08.08 Basic training at local sections 75 training units, 45 min. each In the evening or during weekends (off regular working hours) mix of lectures and practice common curricula, standardised examination . In general, training at local level is carried out by volunteers trained as trainers. They are the target group for all training material developped by THW for local training. Basic knowledge on: THW & civil protection, safety and security, rescue basics, operations in general, first aid www.thw.de

Advanced training at THW-Schools 26.08.08 Advanced training at THW-Schools THW Training Centre Hoya Technical Training THW Training Centre Neuhausen Leadership training, international training . www.thw.de

Training Courses at Federal School 26.08.08 Training Courses at Federal School Classroom sessions Practical lessons with equipment E-Learning and Blended Learning (ILIAS) online preparation for training courses virtual classroom Teachers are not volunteers but full time instructors with professional qualifications in their subject area. The training facilities at the two schools have all necessary equipment and material to conduct practical training and larger exercises. E-learning platform ILIAS: Many courses include an e-learning part as preparation to save time during the courses taking place at school. Opportunity for exchange between teachers and students or among students ILIAS also provides students with training material www.thw.de 16 16

26.08.08 Training Centre Hoya . www.thw.de

Facts & Figures Hoya 200,000 m² available area (incl. water) 26.08.08 Facts & Figures Hoya 200,000 m² available area (incl. water) 15,300 m² indoor area Equipment of nearly all THW-Groups 50 specialised vehicles  320 training courses per year Capacity to train 7.000 volunteers each year Accommodation for 130 students 17.09.2018 www.thw.de

THW Training Centre Neuhausen (Leadership Training) 26.08.08 THW Training Centre Neuhausen (Leadership Training) . www.thw.de

Facts & Figures Neuhausen 26.08.08 Facts & Figures Neuhausen 210 training courses per year  Accommodation for 92 students 7 different course rooms, partly specialised to command and control Used partly for combined training & exercise courses (e.g. OPEX Bravo) 17.09.2018 www.thw.de

Training Facilities & Exercise Grounds 26.08.08 Training Facilities & Exercise Grounds www.thw.de 21 21

Training and Teaching Material 08.06.2016 Training and Teaching Material Packages of training material for training at local level is being provided to all THW units depending on their specific subject. ILIAS: all training material is being provided online for download www.thw.de

Requirements on volunteers for international missions 17.09.2018 Requirements on volunteers for international missions Development Policy Cooperation Security German Foreign Policy Emergency Relief Partners Different Cultures Requirements of financiers Foreign Languages more complex general framework - increase of requirements Contract law Media United Nations European Union www.thw.de

Training for international missions 26.08.08 Training for international missions On-line: Basic and Advanced Security in the Field Basic Course „EGA“/ Expert Database Training Courses 1st level Administration & Logistics Course (Basic Module) SEC ICT/Admin Camp building Teamleader Training Training Courses 2nd level Administration & Logistics Course (Advanced Module) Specialised training for unit Camp building UN Training WFP UNOCHA UNHCR EU Training MBC CMI OPM AMC www.thw.de

Database for intern. Missions 17.09.2018 Database for intern. Missions Around 100 different functions – Terms of Reference (ToR) social competences (ability to work in a team) knowledge of languages age minimum of 25 vaccination status health status (special examination) special professional background special knowledge about civil protection, humanitarian aid, international procedures availability: at short notice for min. 2–4 weeks www.thw.de

Strengths of THW’s system 26.08.08 Strengths of THW’s system High standards for technical equipment  Training concept emphasizes practical experience (local, regional, national, international and exercises) Strong international network (EU, UN) Basic modular intervention unit is nationwide the same 17.09.2018 www.thw.de

26.08.08 Training! Training! Training enables volunteers to do professional work. Health & Safety is a great issue! “Vision Zero Accidents”! Exercises are necessary to practise the knowledge and to be prepared for Interventions. There is e need for “Lesson's learned” after each Exercise & Intervention. 17.09.2018 www.thw.de

17.09.2018 Thank you! Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) Provinzialstr. 93  53127 Bonn  Germany Tel: (+49 228) 99 450 - 0 Albrecht.Broemme@thw.de www.thw.de www.thw.de