Who are TEACHER EDUCATORS The Association of Teacher Educators accepted the challenge of providing an operational definition of a teacher educator.
ATE Standards Timeline 1992 1997 2002 2008 National Task Force on the certification of master teacher educators ATE Standards for Teacher Educators Formalized Second Commission Established Current edition of Standards adopted
Activities of Second Commission Teacher Educator Standards Cohort (TESC) Evaluation of Standards: Mechanics, Quality, Substance Survey of Higher Education on use of standards Presentations and Publications on the standards Input from participants at ATE conferences Edited Book Klecka, C. L., Odell, S. J., Houston, W. R., & Mc Bee, R. H. (2009). Visions for Teacher Educators; Perspectives on the Association of Teacher Educators’ Standards. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Format of Standards “..., accomplished teacher educators exhibit the following nine standards:” Standard (1-9) Introduction Indicators Artifacts/Evidence References
The Revised Standards Standards 1 Modeling 2 Cultural Competence 3 Scholarship 4 Professional Development 5 Program Development 6 Collaboration 7 Public Advocacy 8 Teacher Education Profession 9 Vision
Who are teacher educators? University Faculty Teacher of a methods course Teacher of a content course Supervisor of a student teacher Teacher of a math or science course
Who are teacher educators? School Personnel Cooperating teacher assigned to a student teacher Staff member developing or teaching a staff development course Teacher assigned as mentor of a beginning teacher
How are the Standards Used? Self reflection Annual review Staff development Doctoral programs for preparation of teacher educators
Mentors of Beginning Teachers Their role in the continuing education of beginning teachers.
Are Mentors Teacher Educators? The historic role of a mentor has been described as “buddy”, “guide”, or “helper”: the goal was for the beginning teacher to survive to be a second year teacher. The current thinking on the induction of beginning teachers places the role of mentor as “coach”: the goal is to help the beginning teacher become an effective professional.
ATE’s Standards for Teacher Educators A focus on the teacher educator standards recognizes the important role mentors play in the continuing professional development of teachers. Recognizing that mentors are teacher educators may help develop the cohort relationship among teachers and university teacher educators
Continuum of Teacher Development Building a community of teacher educators can be enhanced through common definitions of Criteria used for teacher assessment Terms used to describe teaching strategies Common understanding of professional development initiatives