Tuesday, 19th September, 2017 Bienvenidos a la clase de español Spanish beginners Tuesday, 19th September, 2017 Bienvenidos a la clase de español
Presentaciones….. Hello, my name is Cecilia. Hola, me llamo Cecilia.
Información del curso Spanish Beginners 3010Y17BG3 14 weeks Tuesday 9:45-11:45 www.Southend-adult.ac.uk 01702 445700
Información del curso Our language programme is structured around a framework of competencies designed to allow you to build your skills and fluency as you move up the progression ladder. Summer School Programme Beginners, Beginners Fast Track Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2 Advanced 1 Advanced 2 Advanced Conversation
To make the most of your language course, remember the following… 1. Learning a language takes time. Don’t expect to be fluent ovenight. 2. Don´t worry about making mistakes. It is a normal part of the learning process. 3. Practice regularly. Unless you use and review what you have learnt you will forget it. Go over what you did in class frequently as often as you can. 4. Say the words and phrases out loud when you practice.Talk to anyone who will listen.
5. When learning words and phrases, use any method that works for you. 6. Take an active part in your language learning and incorporate it into your daily life. 7. Expect to understand more than you can say. 8. Dont compare yourself with others. People learn in different ways at different speeds. 9. Most important of all. Enjoy yourself. Learning a language is extremely rewarding.
El Libro....... BBC Talk Spanish ISBN 978-1-40667-896-3 www.digitaldialects.com www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/talk www.bbcactivelanguages.com
Topics Beginners and Improvers Greetings Introductions Age & siblings Job & home Spare time Ordering drinks Ordering food Buying food Shopping Directions Hotel & train Meeting people
Our course...... 1.Greetings and introductions. 2. Food and drink (Ordering drinks and snacks) 3. Food and drink (Ordering a meal in a restaurant) 4. Shopping 5. Days of the week, months of the year and the clock. 6. Booking accommodation. Time plan Beginners 2017-18
Spanish Spanish is spoken in Spain and LatinAmerica. Also known as castellano. In Spain there are other official languages: catalan, gallego, vasco. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countri es_where_Spanish_is_an_official_language
In this lesson we will learn.... Spanish Sounds Numbers 1-10 Greet someone morning, afternoon , evening Say goodbye Say your name Ask someone’s name Say you are pleased to meet someone Ask someone how he or she is Reply when someone asks you how you are. Ask for clarification if you didn’t catch what was said.
Spanish sounds 1. B/V sound the same in Spanish. Both are pronounced as the English B. Baile , vista. Vino. 2. H is not pronounced at all. hora , ahora 3. Ll is pronounced y, as in llamar . 4. Ñ is pronounced as in mañana (manyanna) 5. C is pronounced as a soft th, as in theatre, when placed before e or i. centro cine Otherwise it is pronounced like English K, comida. Valencia Calle Pollo Hospital Mallorca Hotel España.
Spanish sounds Marbella Calella Caña Hotel Hospital Valladolid Niño Huelva Huesca Vivir Vino Valencia
Números Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez Once Doce
Saying hello….. And goobye Buenos días Good morning Buenas tardes Good afternoon, Adiós Goodbye evening. Hasta luego See you later Buenas noches Good evening Buenas noches Goodnight, ¿Cómo está? How are you? goodbye Bien, gracias Fine, thanks ¿Y Usted? And you? If you know somebody well, you can address them more informally . Tú is the informal word for you. Use ¿Qué tal? Or ¿Cómo estás? To ask how they are. Hola, (Hello, hi) is often followed by buenos días. Practice. Greeting somebody at different times of the day, use formal and informal language. Ver video bbc talk spanish.
¿Qué tal? ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo está?
? ? ? ¿Qué tal? Fatal ¡Fantástico! Mal Bien ¡Fenomenal! Regular ¡Muy bien! Muy mal Así así ? ? PS are given a set of cards to be matched up with the corresponding pictures. Group work To be corrected with the next slide. ?