Light vs. Sound Monday, February 2, 2015
Do Now Homework Study for test on Wednesday Complete HW worksheet if you haven’t already Do Now Take out Wave HW Do now will be answered on sheet for the week Make sure you get the sheet and complete the Do Now for Monday
Going over the Do Now A If correct If incorrect Total at bottom of each day Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect A
We will have a Mastery quiz on Friday Same topic as Do Now questions
Objectives SWBAT describe wave interactions by completing frayer models SWBAT compare and contrast sound and light waves by completing a venn diagram. Essential Question How are sound and light waves similar and different?
Vocabulary (create for all 4 interactions) When 2 crests or 2 troughs line up the amplitude increases When a crest and a trough line up the amplitude decreases When 2 or more waves interact to become one wave that is different that the original waves Interference Picture Ripples on a pond to form flat areas and higher peaks Microwave having “hot spots” and “cold spots”
Venn Diagram Sound vs. Light
Venn Diagram Sound vs. Light 6 Travels at 300,000 km/s 9 Travels through a vacuum 11Transverse 15 The denser the medium the slower the wave 16Electromagnetic wave 1 Transfers energy from 1 point to another 2 Can reflect 3 Can diffract 4 Can refract 5 Can interfere 8 Travels through a medium 13 Measured in hertz 7 Travels at 346 m/s 10 Longitudinal 12 Measured in decibels 14 The denser the medium the faster the wave 17 Mechanical wave
Standing waves and Guitar
Answer the Essential Question How are sound and light waves similar and different?
Exit Ticket place the numbers into the Venn Diagram The denser the medium, the faster the wave The denser the medium the slower the wave Travels through air Can vary in wavelength and frequency Longitudinal wave Transverse wave Light Sound