2011 Online Auction Presented by Audrey Higuchi and Clinton Inouye TIM International 2011 Online Auction Presented by Audrey Higuchi and Clinton Inouye
Factors to Consider Financial commitment - Annual $595 set up fee + Performance Fees ranging from 9% to 3% of sales of items sold. Administrative staffing - minimum 2 auction managers Donation items Credit Card Processing Fees 3.45% plus $0.35 per transaction Bidding For Good has a range of fees. Set Up Fees are $595.00 to create the site and allows 1 year of unlimited auctions. The Performance Fee Schedule is: $1.00-$20,000.00 = 9%, $20,001-$50,000.00 = 6%, Over $50,000.00 = 3%. Credit Card Fees are paid separately to credit card processor: GreaterGiving.Com.
Timeline Donations- 2-3 months advance/ mail letters from database Promotion - 4-6 weeks/email, website, facebook Auction- 3-4 weeks/4 administrators, keep loading items as they were donated. Financial - payment processing
2011 TIMI Auction Graphic Promotions Via Email and Facebook
Bidding For Good www.biddingforgood.com http://tiny.cc/timi-auction-2011 www.greatergiving.com