Teaching English in English


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching English in English workshop ii Teaching English in English Mid-level School Hokuzan Senior High School Masami Gray Alex Colby

To help someone learn about something by giving them information Teach(ing) English The language

Today’s workshop English Communication I and II speaking test a) changes in lesson plans b) introducing our speaking test c) evaluation d) how to match the speaking tests to your textbook e) other possible ways for speaking tests

@Hokuzan …… 2012 2013 2014 Futsu-ka English I (3) English Communication I (4) English Communication II OCI (2) Risu-ka English Expression (2)

English I (~2012) Time allotment for one lesson     understanding / grammar / vocab activity with ALT = 1 h review 1 h

Oral Communication I Time allotment for one lesson          dialog test presentation or activity *Reading a dialog from the textbook *Reading test / presentation *Activities with ALTs

Test with ALT = 1 h or 2 preparation for speaking test understanding / grammar / vocab

Differences between OCI and ECI

OCI Lesson 2 How was last Sunday? (2) ペアになり、下線部を自由にかえて会話しましょう。 A: What did you do last weekend? B: I enjoyed playing tennis. A: With whom? B: With my family. A: Did you have a good time? B: Yes, because we had wonderful weather.

ECI Lesson 3 Our Actions Can Make Electricity あなたの発電アイディア 速水さんの発電アイディア あなたの発電アイディア 歩く力・踏む力 駅前で歩く人 振動 道路を走る自動車 押す力 リモコン 例にならい、表の情報をまとめましょう。また、まとめた英文を発表しましょう。

Speaking Tests for ECI 2013 Group (3) ALT 1 Pair Lesson 1 How many ? Evaluate Lesson 1 Voices from the World Group (3) ALT Lesson 2 Stories behind Names 1 Lesson 3 Look Cool on Your Street Lesson 4 Our Actions Can Make Electricity Pair Lesson 5 Being Cute to Survive Lesson 6 Take A Chance On You Lesson 7 Japanese Dishes from Abroad

Speaking Tests for ECI &II 2014 Lesson 1 ○ Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 6 △ Lesson 7 Lesson 9 Lesson 8

Example: Speaking test for ECII Lesson 4 Title: My Paralympic Sport Name of the sport How it is different from the regular one. Famous player Interesting fact

Is their English improving?


Issues in 2014 Time management 1 grade = 84 2 grade = 93 →Meeting / schedule (2) Preparation for presentation →Writing test / using textbook

Writing test

Other possible ways for speaking tests