Space/combination & water heaters Review Study Lot 1 & 2 Space/combination & water heaters Slides for SKN & CEN/TC312 Cyprus, Brussels 17 & 18 October 2017 The information and views set out in this study are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2
Intro VHK – EC work 2006-2007: External consultant for preparatory study Lot 1 & Lot 2 before: Energy labelling whitegoods (since 1993) ECCP - European Climate Change Program (2002) Methodology for ecodesign studies (2005, 2011 update) MEEuP, MEErP after: Preparatory & review studies: (for Ecodesign / Labelling ) Commerical Ventilation & Cooling, Windows for buildings, Air Compressors; Impact Assessment studies: (many, incl. overall impact assessment) Other studies: Ecodesign Working Plan II, EU building heat load, EU ENERGY STAR office equipment Monitoring of Standardisation (hence -> CEN/TC 312) 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2
The Lot 1 & Lot 2 review study (1) "Article 7": Present review no later than 5 yrs after publ. (-> Sep 2018) Consortium: Administrative: Viegand & Maagoe, Denmark Technical: VHK (René Kemna, Roy van den Boorn, Sanne Aarts, myself ... and you) Planning: Kick off: June 2017 [Bilateral meetings: Autumn 2017] 1st Stakeholder meeting: Jan 2018 (t.b.c.) Draft final report: Sep 2018 2nd Stakeholder meeting: Nov 2018 (t.b.c.) Final report: Jan 2019 EU follows scientific consensus on climate change and its drivers Savings targets established for 2020, 2030 Ecodesign and Labelling play a large role Purpose to arrive, through technical economic and environmental study, to policy options Options must improve environmental performance by setting harmonised env. requirements, preserving the internal market 1st standard air 2nd low pressure and oil-free In the end, Commission to host a CF meeting, then impact assessment phase REGISTER ! 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2
(Draft) Final Report (Sep 2018) Study methodology TASK 2 - Market TASK 3 - Users TASK 4 - Technology TASK 1 - Scope MEErP Tasks TASK 5 - Environment TASK 6 - Options TASK 7 – Policies (Draft) Final Report (Sep 2018) Final Report (Jan 2019) 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2
The Lot 1 & Lot 2 review study (2) for Ecodesign: New Ecodesign requirements refrigerants, CO, HC and PM? Stricter Ecodesign requirements on energy, sound, NOx? Include gaseous/liquid fuels from biomass? Validity of PEF (-> broader issue) 3rd party certification? for Labelling: Changes in market shares? Evaluation package labels? Need for other HP heating seasons? Passive flue heat recovery devices? Additional: Quantitative evaluation Assessment on resource efficiency ("circular economy") Technology roadmap rescaling ? see NEW Energy Labelling Regulation 2017/1369 EU follows scientific consensus on climate change and its drivers Savings targets established for 2020, 2030 Ecodesign and Labelling play a large role Purpose to arrive, through technical economic and environmental study, to policy options Options must improve environmental performance by setting harmonised env. requirements, preserving the internal market 1st standard air 2nd low pressure and oil-free In the end, Commission to host a CF meeting, then impact assessment phase 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2
Lot 1 & Lot 2 review study and 'solar' Issues Solar: Standby heat loss of storage tanks in Trans Method, various methods: -> one label class difference? list of causes? Size of storage tank in scope: 500 l, 2000 l? Trans.Method and SOLICS / SOLCAL: -> SOLICS -> EN 12976-2 -> SOLCAL -> EN 15316-4-3 method 2 (Annex F) Package label -> does it function? Rescaling ?: New Energy Labelling REGULATION 2017/1369, 28.7.2017 No A+++ etc. anymore Art.11.5(a): rescaled space/wh label proposal by aug 2025 to be adopted after august 2026, before august 2030 EU follows scientific consensus on climate change and its drivers Savings targets established for 2020, 2030 Ecodesign and Labelling play a large role Purpose to arrive, through technical economic and environmental study, to policy options Options must improve environmental performance by setting harmonised env. requirements, preserving the internal market 1st standard air 2nd low pressure and oil-free In the end, Commission to host a CF meeting, then impact assessment phase 17-18 Oct 2017 Review study Lot 1 & 2