Project Management BUS 302 Nora alhilali
Chapter outline: ☑ What is PMBOK? ☑ What is Project? ☑ What is Project MGMT? ☑ Relationships among Portfolio MGMT, Program MGMT, Project MGMT, & Organizational Project MGM ☑ Business Value Role of Project Manager ☑
Project Management Framework What is PMBOK? o PMBOK= Project Management Body Knowledge o Indicates that the application of knowledge, Processes, skills, tools, and techniques can significant impact on project success o Describes the Project Management Processes used to manage a project toward a more successful outcome. o PMI = Project Management Institute o CAPM = PMI Global Exams: o Certified Associated in Project Management (CAPM)
o Project Management Professional (PMP) o Program Management Professional (PgMP) o PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)SM o PMI Risk Management Professional ( PMI-RMP) o PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)
What is Project? “PMOK pg. 3” o Temporary “has a definite beginning and end time” o Create a unique product, service, or result
What is Project MGMT? “PMOK pg. 5” o A systematic process used to initiate, plan, execute, control, and close a project to meet defined objectives o A science and an art
Relationships among Portfolio MGMT, Program MGMT, Project MGMT, & Organizational Project MGMT
Program: “PMOK pg. 9” Defined as a group of related projects, subprograms, and program activates managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually
Program Management The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a program in order to meet the program requirements and to obtain benefits and control no available by managing projects individually.
Portfolio: Projects, programs, sub-portfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives. They many not necessarily be interdependent or directly related.
Portfolio Management: Refers to the centralized management of one or more portfolio to achieve strategic objectives.
Business Value o It is a concept that is unique to each organization. o It is defined as the entire value of the business, the total sum of all tangible and intangible elements. o Successful business value realization begins with comprehensive strategic planning and management
Role of Project Manager the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving. The role of project manager is distinct from a functional manager or operations manager.
2- Functional manager: focused on providing management oversight for a functional or a business unit o operations manager: responsible for ensuring that business operations are efficient
3-For reporting: o Project manager may report to a functional manager o Project manager may be one of several project managers who report to a program or portfolio manager
4-Responsibilities and competencies of the project manager: o Knowledge: Refers to what the project manager knows about project management o Performing: Refers to what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her project management knowledge o Personal: Refers to how the project manager behaves when perfuming the project or related activities.