Bicultural Assessment
Bicultural Assessment is not... Telling lovely stories... A snapshot of a moment in time Individual teacher’s interpretation of what is happening for children
What is Bicultural Assessment? Bicultural assessment is about children’s learning within a bicultural context It is about making visible the learning that is valued within te ao Maori It is based on children’s ways of seeing, knowing and interacting in the world It is about strengthening the place of Māori in the world Acknowledges that whānau are the experts in their children’s important source of information
What is Bicultural Assessment? It recognises experiences for children that take place beyond the walls of the centre Empowers teachers and kaiako by providing information that will help to improve ways in which their programmes implements te ao Māori concepts. It ensures that the child shapes assessment and that assessment does not shape the child
What is Bicultural Assessment? Does not have a prescribed framework or template Does not set goals for children’s learning It is documented Recognises there are specific elements that need to be considered Identifies learning that is important to the child
A Possible Assessment Framework Mōhiotanga: What children know What they bring with them Mātauranga: What can we do to build on what they know? What they (children)did to extend or challenge their own thinking Maramatanga: What did they do or say to indicate that new learning had occured
A Possible Assessment Framework Wairua Emotional and spiritual wellbeing Mana Potential, power Mauri Observable actions as a result of; conversations or information from children as a result of
TE KOROWAI LOVES KAPA HAKA!!! Te Korowai loves to haka. Haka is in his blood!!!
Tauparapara: Te Ara Mohio Horopaki a Te Korowai Tauparapara: Te Ara Mohio Mohiotanga: Te Korowai brings with him knowledge of nga mahi a rehia. He is already an exponent of kapahaka and mau rakau Mangopare Matauranga: Over the past 6 months Te Korowai has learnt to coordinate his body . His stance during haka and the way he holds a rakau reveals his depth of knowledge and understanding of the arts. Te Korowai is familiar with the words to the haka and in places uses the correct actions when certain commands are called. Karo Maramatanga: Te Korowai openly displays his skills. Takahia of his legs, slapping of his thighs, his pukana, the way he twirls and works his rakau. Tumatauenga
Te Horopaki a Te Korowai Oona ahuatanga: Te Ara Tangata Toona wairua: Te Korowai has a great sense of who he is. He has special skills that have been handed down by his tipuna and whanau. Toona mana: Te Korowai is a powerful child. He is confident. Behind him sits a rich history from Waikato and Te Tairawhiti. These are the source of his mana Toona Mauri: Kapahaka and sticks or broom handles sparks his excitement. His ihi, wehi and wana are revealed when he begins to haka.
Another way of recording Te Korowai’s assessment Mohiotanga: Te Korowai brings with him knowledge of nga mahi a rehia. He is already an exponent of kapahaka and mau rakau. Wairua: Te Korowai has a great sense of who he is. He already has skills that have been handed down by his tipuna and whanau. Mangopare Matauranga: Over the past 6 months Te Korowai has learnt to coordinate his body . His stance during haka and the way he holds a rakau reveals his depth of knowledge and understanding of the arts. Te Korowai is familiar with the words to the haka and in places uses the correct actions when certain commands are called. Mana: Te Korowai is a powerful child. He is confident. Behind him sits a rich history from Waikato and Te Tairawhiti. These are the source of his mana Karo
Te Whatu Pokeka: Te Aromatawai Kaupapa Maori He aronui ki nga wheako o tena, o tena wahi whakaako, a, he whai whakaaro ki nga akoranga me te aro atu ki nga hitori, nga ahurea o nga tamariki This horopaki recognises experiences for Te Korowai that take place beyond the walls of the centre, understanding both the learning that is taking place and his cultural and historical backgrounds.