The European Theater
Even though it was Japan that had attacked America in 1941, the Nazis were seen as the bigger threat.
So, America temporarily put Japan on the back burner and adopted a “Europe first” strategy.
The Major Players Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini
The Major Players Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt
When the U.S. finally entered the war in Europe, Britain and America focused on two early objectives: 1. Stop the threat of German submarines to the Atlantic fleets. 2. Begin to bomb Germany as soon as possible.
Dealing with German subs grew easier over time, due to two key developments.
1. The development of effective sonar.
2. Military cryptologists in Britain and the U. S 2. Military cryptologists in Britain and the U.S. broke the secret German “Enigma” codes.
By the end of 1942, the U.S. and British navies had largely dealt with Nazi submarines.
Bombing raids over Nazi strongholds commenced on a limited scope in 1942.
The major target of Allied bombing raids were German cities why?
The goal was to destroy industrial production and the morale of the German population. In thousands of bombing raids targeting cities like Cologne, Hamburg, Dresden, and Berlin, the Allies killed over 600,000 German civilians. More than half were women and children. An additional 800,000 were injured.
In June, 1941 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in pursuit of vast Russian oil reserves.
Hitler’s objective was to capture the cities of Stalingrad and Moscow.
By September, 1942 the Nazis had captured 90% of the city By September, 1942 the Nazis had captured 90% of the city. Things looked bad for Stalin and the Soviet Union until….. It started to snow.
- Hitler’s army was totally unprepared for winter conditions. - Soviet counter attack pushed back the Germans by November 1942. - Turned the tide against the Nazis in the eastern front.
As the Soviets and the Nazis fought for Stalingrad, Joseph Stalin asked the U.S. and the British to open a second front in the battle against Germany. Britain and the U.S. knew that they weren’t ready to attack Europe directly so they turned their attention toward Africa.
Allied forces launched Operation Torch November 4, 1942 and landed troops and tanks in Nazi controlled Africa.
After months of heavy fighting, the Allied forces were victorious and by May, 1943 the Nazis had been driven from Africa.
Casablanca Conference - January 1943 - Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to open a second European front against the Nazis through Sicily and the Italian Peninsula. - Committed to securing the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.
Allied forces invaded into Africa and then to Sicily during the summer of 1943. They then pushed into Italy itself meeting with initial success.
As the Allied campaign in Italy proceeded, Mussolini was booted from power July 25, 1943. The new, non-fascist government of Italy surrendered unconditionally on September 3.
The Allies continued north until they ran into stiff resistance from the Nazis who had invaded Italy in response to the Italian surrender.
The “Big Three” all met for the first time at the Tehran Conference in November, 1943.
Tehran Conference - Agreed the British and U.S. would invade France during the spring of 1944. - The Soviet Union would begin to invade Germany as soon as possible. - The Soviets would also eventually enter the war in the Pacific.
As allied forces pushed into Italy in early 1943, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces in Europe, U.S. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) began to plan for the invasion of France codename Operation Overlord.
The most likely spot for an invasion was the port of Calais. Why?
The invasion was in fact planned for the beaches at Normandy.
June 6, 1944 D-Day
The main drive to Paris was launched on July 25, 1944. After the invasion at Normandy Allied forces prepared for a rapid push through France. The main drive to Paris was launched on July 25, 1944.
American forces liberated Paris on August 25, 1944.
By September, 1944 the Allies had liberated France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Unfortunately some of the hardest fighting of the War lay ahead.
In a last ditch effort to break the Allied advance, Hitler unleashed the last of his army in an all out assault known as the Battle of the Bulge.
With these resources gone, the Allies continued to push toward Berlin. As as result of the Battle of the Bulge, the Nazis lost resources that were badly needed to defend Germany itself. With these resources gone, the Allies continued to push toward Berlin.
Having turned the tide against the Nazis at Stalingrad, the Soviet Army rapidly moved through Poland and threatened Germany itself.
In fact, Britain and America were encouraging the Soviets to get to Berlin ASAP, even before they could. Why?
The “Big Three” met for the last time at Yalta in February 1945.
Yalta Conference - Germany would be divided into four occupation zones. - All three agreed to free elections for European nations. - Pledged to form a new international organization to secure lasting peace.
Realizing that defeat was imminent, Hitler took his own life on April 30, 1945. In accordance with his wishes his corpse was soaked in gasoline and burned.
In Italy, Mussolini, and his mistress were captured by Italian supporters of the Allies, executed, and hung upside down in the main piazza of Milan.
A week after Hitler’s death the Allied leaders accepted the unconditional surrender of Germany, May 8, 1945. The day is now known as V-E Day.