Español 2 lunes el 23 de octubre Daily warm up (get new sheet) 7.2 Verb Charts Expressions with Tener y Estar packet. Check in on HW log when complete Tarea/HW: Study 7.2 vocabulary. **Quiz Wednesday 10/25** Turn in: -Sr. Bean Paragraph -Cuaderno (won’t be accepted after Wed.)
Español 2 Daily Warm Up lunes el 23 de octubre College Week Answer the following question in a complete sentence. 1. What is your current plan for after high school? Do you plan on college and or what do you want to be?
Español 1 lunes el 23 de octubre Daily warm up (pick up sheet) Video Review: Ser & Adjectives Q & A notes with practice Complete SER worksheet 1 Tarea/HW: -Study 2.1 vocabulary. **Quiz Wednesday 10/25. Turn in: -Cuaderno (won’t be accepted after Wed.) Mon 10/16 Test Review White Boards & quiz/trade (??) Entrance ticket quiz
Español 1 Daily Warm Up lunes el 23 de octubre College Week Answer the following question in a complete sentence. 1. What is your current plan for after high school? Do you plan on college and or what do you want to be?
Español 2 martes el 24 de octubre Daily Warm Up Vocab Quiz Review Pronunciar el vocabulario Picture card grab & flash SINGO Individual or Partner study time Tarea/HW: -Study 7.2 list. Quiz tomorrow!!!
Español 2 Daily Warm Up martes el 24 de octubre Write out each English vocab term and then give its Spanish meaning. To gain weight= To loose weight= To take care of your health= It’s because/just that..= So much fat= * Now make a SINGO card using terms from your 7.2 list *
Español 1 martes el 24 de octubre Daily Warm Up Finish up notes Q & A: age & birthday 2.1 Vocab Quiz Review Verbal Vocab Practice Picture Card BINGO Mini Flyswatter Tarea/HW: -Study your 2.1 vocab definitions. QUIZ TOMORROW!!
Español 1 Daily Warm Up martes el 24 de octubre Use your notes and answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences. ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo/a?
Español 2 miércoles el 25 de octubre Daily Warm Up QUIZ: Vocab 7.2 Worksheet: Practica con Sentirse y Doler Check in on HW log when complete Go over Tener/Estar Packet (if time) Tarea/HW: -Review your verb charts for feelings phrases. *Grammar Test over this in the future* Last day to turn in Cuaderno!!
Español 2 Daily Warm Up miércoles el 25 de octubre Translate the following sentences to Spanish using your vocab or notes. I am nervous. She is angry/mad. We are tired. You are cold. They (m) are bored.
EXAMEN AHORA=TEST NOW! 10/25/17 Shhh…..No talking during the testing period for any reason. When you finish: Pick up the Sentirse y Doler worksheet and begin working quietly on that. I will check this in on the HW log when complete.
Español 1 miércoles el 25 de octubre Daily Warm Up QUIZ: 2.1 Vocab Practice Problems on back of Q & A notes Book Work: Ex. 9 pg. 49 & Ex. 13 pg. 51 Make sure your answers are in complete sentences according to directions/examples. Check in on HW log when complete. Q & A practice with age & birthdays (if time) Tarea/HW: -Review your Q & A notes charts. *Grammar Test in the near future* Last day to turn in Cuaderno!!
Español 1 Daily Warm Up miércoles el 25 de octubre Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences. Use your class notes for help. ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
PRUEBA AHORA=QUIZ NOW! 10/25/17 Shhh…..No talking during the testing period for any reason. When you finish: Answer the rest of the practice questions on the backside of the Q & A notes. Grab a book from the shelf if you don’t have yours.
Español 2 jueves el 26 de octubre Daily Warm Up (collect 1st hour) Go over Estar/Tener Packet Recap of Sentirse & Doler White board practice Tarea/HW: -Review your verb charts (tener, estar, sentirse, doler) for feelings phrases. *Grammar Test over this in the future (next week)*
Español 2 Daily Warm Up jueves el 25 de octubre Using your verb charts, translate the following sentences. (*Refer to your Sentirse or Doler charts.) I feel sad. She feels nervous. My back hurts. Your legs hurt.
Español 1 jueves el 26 de octubre Turn in Latin America Map. Daily Warm Up (collect 2nd & 3rd ) Q & A verbal practice using your notes Review the verb Ser: meanings, forms & use with adjectives White board practice (if time) Tarea/HW: -Review your Q & A notes charts. *Grammar Test in the near future (next week)*
Español 1 Daily Warm Up jueves el 26 de octubre Translate the following statements into Spanish. (*Use your vocab or notes to help you.) I am 50 years old. My birthday is May 7th . I am tall, athletic and funny.
Español 2 viernes el 27 de octubre Daily Warm Up (Turn in ) Create Calaveras Color/decorate Cut out & assemble Tarea/HW: -Review your verb charts (tener, estar, sentirse, doler) for feelings phrases. *Grammar Test over this next week Thursday or Friday* ½ day hours 4-6
Español 2 Daily Warm Up viernes el 27 de octubre Translate the following into Spanish. **Make sure to follow gender/number agreement rules!! You (all) feel tired. I am mad! He is cold. Our hands hurt.
Español 1 viernes el 27 de octubre Daily Warm Up (Turn in ) Create Calaveras Color/decorate Cut out & assemble Tarea/HW: -Review your Q & A notes charts, Ser notes & 2.1 vocab. *Grammar Test next week Thurs. or Fri.* ½ day hours 4-6
Español 1 Daily Warm Up viernes el 27 de octubre Write out each statement and fill in with the proper form of the verb Ser Julia y Jose no _____ atléticos. Sara y yo _____ extrovertidas. Tú _____ trabajador. Los muchachos _____ tímidos.