The view that mind and body are distinct and separate entities. Match the definitions.... Property dualism Substance dualism This is a compromise position between _________ dualism and materialism. This suggests that while there exists only one kind of substance, there are fundamental differences in the properties of mind and matter. The view that mind and body are distinct and separate entities.
Descartes' Dualism
Learning Outcomes To able to describe the difference between property dualism and substance dualism. To be able to explain Descartes’ dualism.
Descartes’ Dualism Rene Descartes (1596-1650) can be considered the heir of Platonic thought on the soul. Descartes realised that it was logically possible to doubt all things including the existence of the body (like the matrix!) However it is not possible to doubt that ‘I’ exist as a ‘thinking thing’. When I think there must be something doing the thinking. Descartes calls this the mind or soul. Therefore, if the body can be doubted the soul proved. I am more than just a body.
Mind and Body Our body is spatial but not conscious, while the mind is not spatial but is conscious. Even though this mind and body were separate, they interact within the brain. The state of the body will affect the mind and visa versa. When people die their body is left behind although their soul is able to continue with God.
Read through Descartes’ mediations and complete the worksheet… Stretch yourself: Read through the summaries of mediations 1 and 2 and add to your notes. Top Philosopher: In your notes, explain why Descartes is a substance dualist.
Principles of Philosophy Principles of Philosophy (Latin: Principia philosophiae) is a book by René Descartes. In essence it is a synthesis of the Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy It was written in Latin and published in 1644. Read through the article and summarise his argument in 5 points. Stretch yourself: What are Friedrich Nietzsche criticisms of cogito ergo sum?
Is he correct? Answer this question in your notes: ‘Descartes has proved that Dualism is true’ Discuss. Next steps: Research what other philosophers have said about Descartes and add it to your answer. Stretch yourself: What are Friedrich Nietzsche criticisms of cogito ergo sum?
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