IBS-D -- From Diagnosis to Management
Snapshot of IBS-D
The Diagnostic Challenges of IBS-D
Rome IV Diagnostic Criteria for IBS
Rome IV Diagnostic Testing Recommendations
Practical Approach to the Workup
Key Components of the Patient History
Diagnostic Approach
Emerging Biomarkers
IBS-D Treatment Options
Low-FODMAP Diet vs Australian Diet
A Low FODMAP Diet vs Modified NICE Guidelines in US Adults With IBS-D
Gluten-Free Diet
Probiotics Putative Mechanisms of Action
Pharmacologic Therapies
Loperamide in IBS-D
Global Relief of IBS Symptoms With TCAs or SSRIs
Bile Acid Sequestrants
Eluxadoline for IBS-D
Safety of Eluxadoline in Patients With IBS-D
Repeat Treatment With Rifaximin TARGET 3
Alosetron for IBS-D
Case 5-Year History of Symptoms
Abbreviations (cont)