The Canterbury Tales A Brief Introduction
Who By Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) An English ambassador Well-traveled Well-educated (Latin, French, English)
What? A frame story (set of stories within a larger story) About a group of 22 pilgrims headed to Canterbury to celebrate the Martyrdom of Thomas a Beckett Staying overnight at an inn and they decide to have a storytelling contest The winner wins free room and board The first great piece of literature written in the English language (Latin versus vernacular)
Where? In Southwark, England, at the Tabard Inn. Between London and Canterbury
When In April (the season for pilgrimages) 1300’s
Why? Thomas a Beckett (1120-1170) Archbishop of Canterbury Conflicted with Henry II over the role of the Church in England Henry II (1133-1189) often considered a tyrant, sought control over the Church Thomas a Beckett stands up against Henry and is martyred