Ecumenism Unity in God’s Love . 2
We praise You for sending Your Son to be one of us and to save us. Eternal Father We praise You for sending Your Son to be one of us and to save us. Look upon Your people with mercy, for we are divided in so many ways, and give us the Spirit of Jesus to make us one in love. We ask this gift, loving Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3
“in the unity of the Holy Spirit” the unifier - the uni-fire 4
Ecumenism Unity in God’s Love Jesus’ prayer: “so that they may all be one” John 17:21 Ecumenism Unity in God’s Love Acts 2:42-47 devoted themselves with one accord to prayer Acts 4:32,35 Everything in common, one in heart & mind Acts 11:26 first called Christians . 5
Ecumenism Unity in God’s Love John 17: 11-23 oneness / truth / perfection over 32,000 faiths / religious beliefs unity? divided house? Matthew 12:25 much more in common than in differences “complete my joy by being of the same mind, same love, united in heart, thinking one thing” Philippians 2:2 . 6
God Hebrews - Israel (the Jewish people) Islam Christianity Father Son Holy Spirit 2000bc covenant with Abram Genesis 12:1-3 father of nations Posterity and the Land Gen12:7 land Gen15:1-6 descendants Ishmael Gen 17:1-26 Abraham Gen 22:15-18 descendants Gen 16:10 Isaac Hebrews - Israel (the Jewish people) Islam Isaiah prophecy Emmanuel / Messiah Mohammed 570ad Isaiah 7:14 9:5-6 mono-theism (one God -Allah) Isaac Jacob Joseph David Jesus Mary/mother of Jesus/prophet Matthew 1:1-17 Mecca (holy land) Muslims Quran (revelations from God) Jesus Christ fulfillment of prophecy Christianity . 7
East West Christianity Byzantine Orthodox Roman / Latin Peter (“upon this rock I will build my church”) Matthew 16:18 Apostles (“Go and make disciples of all nations”) Matthew 28:19 Council of Jerusalem (50ad) Acts 15:1 313ad Constantine (Edict of Milan) Council of Nicea (325ad) The Creed East West geography / cultures / traditions Great Schism 1054ad Eastern Byzantine Orthodox Roman / Latin (Orthodox Catholic) self governing eparchies (in full communion with the Pope in Rome) dioceses w/Bishops Papal authority by Bishop of Rome) self governing ecclesial bodies (w/Ecumenical Patriarch) Rites: Syriac Antiochian Armenian Chaldean Malabrese . . .and more Rites: Marian Italo-Albanian Greek (Melkite / Ukrainian) Russian Council of Florence (1438ad) “breathes with two Lungs” . 8
Christianity other continents religions 1450ad Gutenberg printing press Far East Hinduism (India) Buddhism (India) Taoism (China) Shintoism (Japan) aboriginal Americas Indian Maya Aztec 1517ad German Friar Martin Luther Presbyterian 1536ad John Calvin Congregationalists 1536ad Henry VIII Anglican (Protestant Reformation) Council of Trent (1545ad) schisms heresy apostasy gnosticism other denominations Pentecostal Assemblies of God Holiness Latter Day Saints (Mormons) Quakers Evangelicals Jehovah Witnesses atheism (there is no God) agnosticism (unknown if there is a God) unchurched unknowing . 10
Unity in God’s Love ? 1962-65 Second Vatican Council “gentle invitation to seek and find that unity for which Jesus Christ prayed so ardently to his heavenly Father” greater mutual respect, toleration, and cooperation Document on Ecumenism without compromise of beliefs focus on Christ open dialogue apologetics solo Scripturo sacred Traditions Salvation as a grace salvation by works Saints purgatory Mary rosary virgin birth Assumption Eucharist Real Presence Papal authority “Father” priesthood confession women ordination Trinity . 11
Discussion Questions What commonalities do we have? How do you reconcile differences?
Unity in God’s Love! Ephesians 4:1-6 humility, gentleness, patience, love preserve, unity, peace Ephesians 4:13-14 unity of faith & knowledge of God living the truth in love 1 Peter 3:8 be of one mind, sympathetic, loving, compassionate, humble . 13