Shakespearean Overview


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Presentation transcript:

Shakespearean Overview Presented by Mr. Afram

Table of Contents Shakespeare’s Personal Life Political Environment London Theatre Shakespearean Language Macbeth: Background Macbeth: Setting Macbeth: The “Real” Macbeth Macbeth: Essential Questions

Shakespeare’s Personal Life William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. His father was a successful merchant. Given the family’s comfortable lifestyle, scholars believe that young William attended school and studied Latin and Greek, as well as basic Roman literature. Stratford-upon-Avon is ninety-five miles from London.

Personal Life, Con’d Shakespeare eventually found great financial success as a playwright, and he was able to purchase Stratford’s second-largest home. Shakespeare’s family remained in Stratford while his plays were performed in London. Shakespeare’s home

Personal Life, Con’d By the time he was eighteen, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. They eventually had three children. Sadly, their only son, Hamnet, died at age 11. An example of women from the upper class

Political Environment Queen Elizabeth I was England’s ruler for most of Shakespeare’s career. England’s navy was increasing in power, and overseas exploration was making the nation rich. Queen Elizabeth encouraged the arts, and while many Europeans looked down upon English culture, they respected the London stage. Since she never married, Elizabeth was often referred to as the “Virgin Queen.”

London Theatre Note: “Theatre” refers to the art form and “theater” refers to the building. By 1594, two theatrical companies competed for the attention of the viewing public: The Lord Admiral’s Men and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. Shakespeare and the Chamberlain’s Men eventually surpassed their rival for two reasons: Shakespeare was a talented playwright, and Richard Burbage was a fine actor. Richard Burbage performed as Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.

London Theatre, Con’d Initially, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men performed at the Theatre. However, after a dispute with the landlord, the company built their new home, The Globe.

London Theatre, Con’d In Shakespeare’s day, most of the theaters were outside the city walls. Religious conservatives believed that plays were sinful and encouraged deceptive behavior. The Puritans punished immoral behavior.

London Theatre, Con’d Unlike today, the theatre was viewed by members of every social class. For a pence, one could stand in front of the stage for the entire performance. These patrons were referred to as “groundlings.” The Globe, for example, could accommodate 2,000 people, and guests frequently witnessed Queen Elizabeth 1 in the galleries. Even today you can be a grounding at the Globe!

London Theatre, Con’d Two facts of interest: All actors in the London theatre were male, and female parts were often played by young boys. Shakespeare was often known to perform in his own plays! At the time, women were not allowed to act.

Shakespearean Language Most of Shakespeare’s work was written in iambic pentameter, a rhythmic technique invented by the ancient Greeks. An iamb contains two syllables: the first is unstressed and the second is stressed. Pentameter refers to the fact that that are five sets of iambs, for a total of ten syllables.

Shakespearean Language, Con’d Examples: “he WENT/ to TOWN/ toDAY/ to BUY/ a CAR.” or… “In SOOTH/ I KNOW/ not WHY/ I AM/ so SAD” (The Merchant of Venice, Act I, scene i).

Macbeth: Background Most scholars agree that Macbeth was written in 1605 – 1606 to honor King James I of England. Macbeth is largely considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies – think of it as a modern-day psychological thriller. King James I

Macbeth: Background King James was attempting to unite two warring countries, England and Scotland, into one “United Kingdom.” Shakespeare is “humanizing” the Scots and exploring their heritage. (Scottish slurs are now politically incorrect.)

Macbeth: Setting Macbeth is considered an historical play, as the events occurred 500 years in the past (approximately 1050). A thane named Macbeth actually existed, but Shakespeare utilized unreliable sources and exaggerated events for dramatic effect. Banquo and Macbeth encounter the witches

Macbeth: Setting This is the feudal Dark Ages; Scotland is loosely comprised of warring bands of soldiers. Macbeth eventually became King of Scotland by killing King Duncan in 1040. Note: This murder was not considered unusual; seven of the previous eight kings were murdered. Macbeth in battle

Macbeth: The “Real” Macbeth The historical Macbeth ruled Scotland for 17 years. Macbeth was known for his beautiful wife, Grunnich. Later, Macbeth was slain by King Duncan’s son, Malcolm. (Later referred to as King Malcolm III.)

Macbeth: Essential Questions How should I act? How do I determine right and wrong? Is there right and wrong? Why should I care about my behavior? Macbeth as King

Works Cited Harlan, William. "Macbeth: Background and Analysis." His World. Spring 2008. Diablo Valley College. 16 Mar. 2008 Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's, 2002. Print.