NHS NOVEMBER Monthly meeting November 3rd, 2015
Thanksgiving Baskets November 17th-After school We will decorate bins and fill them up with Baby food Decorate baskets with a thanks giving theme Alphas will bring in baby food for points
Items to bring All alphas will be in charge of bringing Baby food or formula Max of 20 points (2 points per jar). Points may vary by product
Blazer B>A>S>H For those of you who helped in any way at Blazer bash, We as well as STUCO and Mrs.Varela thank you By helping (those who volunteered or brought candy), STUC is hosting a gather for us next Tuesday(November 10th) and its BYOB
BYOB And by that we mean……. BRING YOUR OWN BANANA
Just a Heads up… On December 5th, we are schedueled to Help the Salvation army collect donations at the mall
Point and Hour Opportunity 25+ points And like maybe 2 hours lol Any questions?