Writing the Academic Paper MLA Format and Style
Paper Basics 12 point font Times New Roman Double Spaced Heading Work(s) Cited Page
Academic Style Never use the personal pronoun, 'I'. Use 3rd person point of view. When you are discussing a text, you must use present tense verbs. For example, the text states, "Mercy was misunderstood for weakness"(49). Your thesis statement will guide your entire paper. The controlling idea will break down to form your topic sentences. This will create cohesion and clarity in your organization.
Each paragraph must have a topic sentence Each paragraph must have a topic sentence. The topic sentence must be supported by explanations and examples, which come from explicit and implicit textual references and quotes.
Parenthetical documentation (In-Text Citations) are necessary for each supporting paragraph. You must include the page number after the quote.
Thesis Basics If you find it difficult to generate a thesis statement, you may use the template. The template is designed for a literary analysis essay, but can work for most cases. Template: In The Call of the Wild, Jack London uses naturalism to demonstrate that the idea of free-will is a fallacy, people and animals resort to primordial states when faced with harsh conditions, and survival of the fittest controls evolution.
Thesis Basics Continued The main idea of the thesis statement should be used to generate your topic sentence. Additionally, you will include 1 of your three subtopics in your topic sentence because the subtopic in your thesis statement will break down into 3 more smaller ideas. Your paragraph will contain a topic sentence, and three points that support the topic sentence. Additionally, you will use explanations and examples from the text to connect, support, and develop your ideas.
MLA Format The English classroom has a writing style that we use universally. From high school to college, every English class uses the same style. Different disciplines will use different styles like APA, Chicago, etc.
Modern Language Association MLA requires a Works Cited page rather than a bibliography. There is specific information that will go into that citation. If you use a webpage, a simple URL address will not satisfy the required documentation to keep you from being charged with plagiarism.
MLA Resources There are some websites that will assist you with generating a Works Cited page. You must have all the necessary information to be able to use it. Style reference guide books are also available. However, there have been some changes with the requirements in formatting and sometimes you will find an out-dated book. Make sure to check the publication date.
MLA 7th edition is the current acceptable format. websites like easybib.com is not going to be specific enough for our purposes. It might have been acceptable in middle school, but not any more. Acceptable website: www.sonofacitationmachine.net You can also find more information at www.owl.purdue.edu