Texting and Driving By: Mykenna Russo
Who Invented The First phone? When Was It Invented? Alexander Graham Bell invented the first phone on March10, 1876. Also Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson made the very first phone call. Rumor has it that Bell knocked over a cup of transmitting fluid on the wire and yelled “Mr.Watson, come here I want you!” surprisingly Watson heard him . Right then and there, they had just created the very first phone call!!
Thanks Bell and Watson Since Bell had made the telephone, phones had been getting upgraded for years to this very day. Now-a-days people can’t live without a phone.
Apple They sold over 10 million Iphone 6 and 6 pluses in the very 1st weekend they were released!! Chief executive Tim Cook said that they would’ve sold more if they had more available.
Did you know? The University of North Texas Healthy Science Center calculated that 16,141 deaths happen because of texting and driving.
Did you know that distracting driving rose 28% from 2005 to 2008, the same time texting rose from 1 million text per month in 2001 to 110 million text per month in 2008! Plus, in 1985, 340,213 people owned a phone, and in 2010, 300,520,098 people owned a cell phone. Experts say that in 2017, 5 billion people will own a phone. The average teenager sends 3,000 texts a month.
These people were texting and driving. Why lose a meaningful life responding to “lol” or “hey’
Texting is a drug?!?! Experts say that being addictive to texting is like being addictive to drugs. Numbers show that 80% of all high school students own a cell phone. Plus, the rate of texting increased dramatically by 600% in the last three years. Dr. Gary Small said, “Neuro-imaging studies the same brain areas are stimulated with both texting and using heroin. Therefore, texting is LITERALLY a drug.
Solution Believe or it or not, there is a solution to texting and driving…
#X is a simple way to keep you and others safe #X is a simple way to keep you and others safe. All you have to do is before you drive, text all the people that you think will text you #X. Whenever you text #X, your telling people that your are driving and won’t be responding. Using this solution could save a life, maybe even yours. Even some celebrities tweeted about it. R5 tweeted “When we drive, we send #X to let our friends know we’ll be behind the wheel and can’t respond till we arrive #itcanwait.
Thanks you.. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/22/us-apple-iphone-idUSKCN0HH1Q120140922 http://www.biography.com/people/alexander-graham-bell-9205497#passion-for-shaping-the-future http://www.guardchild.com/distracted-driving-statistics/ http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0933563.html https://www.idisciple.org/post/is-texting-addictive http://www.itcanwait.com/pledge