Write the landform beneath the picture Landforms 5 Yellow Social Studies DIRECTION: Write the landform beneath the picture
one of the great divisions of land
A hill or ridge made of sand
a large flat area of land that is higher than other areas of land that surround it
a low place between mountains
low-lying wetland with grassy vegetation
The part of a river connects to an ocean or a lake and comes out
An area of land completely surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent
a narrow piece of land with water on three sides that sticks out into the sea, ocean, lake or river.
giant hill with a peak
isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top.
a strait or narrow sea between two close landmasses.
a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water.
A hollow in the earth, especially into a mountain.
Flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river
large area of flat land
a partly enclosed body of water - smaller than a gulf.
a body of water formed where freshwater from rivers and streams flows into the ocean, mixing with the seawater.
a hot spring that sends up fountain-like jets of water and steam into the air
a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water
raised land that is lower and more rounded than mountains
a narrow strip of land projecting into a sea or lake from the mainland
group of islands
the beginning of a river
largest body of water
is a large body of fresh or salt water surrounded by land
an area of land often filled with shallow (not deep) water
a type of freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land and a lot of water. Many trees and shrubs grow here.
A hill with flat top and steep sides.
Large flowing body of water
a steep face of rock and soil.
a big body of water smaller than oceans that covers the earth and is partially enclosed by land.
a valley between cliff walls
low-lying wetland with grassy vegetation
an opening on the earth surface which vents lava, steam, ashes
a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. .
an area in a stream or river where running water falls down from a high place
an area of the earth dips on all sides towards the center.
a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed or surrounded by land a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed or surrounded by land. It is bigger than a bay.
A narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land.
A hot dry and sandy region of little rainfall