UNCLASSIFIED What is Masa Sword A commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) SWORD is a constructive Human-In-The-Loop training focused simulation. It can display automatic behaviours consistent with army doctrine and autonomous commanding of aggregated groups of entities (unit). The same approach can be applied to units of varying levels The ability to represent doctrine-compliant behaviours maximises realism while enabling fewer human interactions. UNCLASSIFIED
System Capabilities MASA Sword Engine capabilities. Play Box. UNCLASSIFIED System Capabilities MASA Sword Engine capabilities. Play Box. Extending the Play box. 1. The models engine can manage the behaviour of up to 10,000 units, through the use of aggregated models. Large simulations will require the use of a server. 2. Terrains can be set to surfaces of at least 500 x 1000 km. 3. Multiple servers can be run to provide additional play boxes. UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED Principal Concepts An equipment platform represents the elementary component level that can physically interact with the world: a soldier, a tank and its crew, a helicopter and its pilot, etc. Equipment platforms are defined by their physical attributes. A unit is the entity that is physically represented and displayed on the terrain. It is itself the aggregation of equipment and their physical properties. For example, a Tank Platoon unit could be the aggregation of four tanks and two support trucks, along with the required resources. UNCLASSIFIED
Units follow a predefined behaviour framework UNCLASSIFIED Units follow a predefined behaviour framework A unit can: Interact with other units Carry out a set of missions and receive orders from a user or from the predefined behaviour framework Forecast the result of its actions and generate an action plan Resolve multiple tasks simultaneously Adopt a realistic behaviour and determine select from the predefined behaviour framework the action that best suits the perceived situation. UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED Unit capability Some of the features that allow a unit to achieve autonomy include: A powerful pathfinding module. The ability to share its knowledge with allies. Non-determinist combat resolution, where each unit is able to evaluate conflict zones and determine whether or not it wants to engage in. Engage its optimal target, dependent on its ROEs, mission, weapons, force ratio, etc. UNCLASSIFIED
Aggregation Of Units Commanding units: The Automaton UNCLASSIFIED Aggregation Of Units Units of former unaggregated automaton... Commanding units: The Automaton A consistent group of units that can be controlled by a commanding agent. For instance, a MBT squadron can be defined as an automaton composed of four MBT platoons and one armoured squadron command post representative of the commanding agent. An automaton can: Receive orders from the user and carry out missions by autonomously distributing the appropriate order to each subordinate unit. React to events, changing tactics when losses are suffered, supporting its units when necessary, and generally reorganizing its approach to best suit the situation throughout the mission. Be disengaged at any time, so that the user can take command of its subordinate units whenever this is considered necessary. ...are now aggregated and represented by a single automaton symbol UNCLASSIFIED
Commanding Of Large Numbers Of Units Using Aggregation UNCLASSIFIED Commanding Of Large Numbers Of Units Using Aggregation Without Aggregation With Aggregation UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED Terrain The terrain is key to the simulation and its representation of the physical world. It influences the movement and detection capacities of simulated units, but also their decision-making process. Artillery fire on urban blocks reduces them to rubble, creating an obstacle that a unit cannot go through; an engineer can then destroy or bypass this object A wild fire is an object whose size will automatically change depending on the time, the wind direction and strength, the type of terrain, the actions of units such as fire fighters A muddy area is an object used to render the effect of the weather on specific types of terrain; this object can be crossed by light units but has an effect on their speed The simulation enables the description of any kind of objects. In addition to a name and a symbol, an object is characterized by a set of attributes that will define the effect of this object on the simulation, and how it is possible to interact with it. UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED Urban blocks Urban blocks are used to represent uniform sets of buildings with a unique object that units can interact with. They are organized in districts and cities, and can be manually created, but also automatically depending on terrain information, such as urban areas separated by roads, railroads or rivers. Civilians are represented by three types of entity, each with specific behaviour options: Agents Crowds Populations UNCLASSIFIED
Questions Internal Validity External Validity Mathematical Models Identify cause and effect External Validity Applicability to real world Mathematical Models Closed-Loop Simulation Human-In-the- Loop Wargaming Facilitated Discussion Training Exercise Certification Exercise Real Event Analysis