ESTP course - SBS variables Demographic variables: Council Regulation 696/93: The enterprise is the smallest combination of legal units that is an organisational unit producing goods or services certain degree of autonomy in decision-making carries out one or more activities at one or more locations Council Regulation 696/93
ESTP course - SBS variables Demographic variables: Council Regulation 696/93: The local unit is an enterprise or part thereof (e.g. a workshop, factory, warehouse, office, mine or depot) situated in a geographically identified place. Council Regulation 696/93
ESTP course - SBS variables Demographic variables: Council Regulation 696/93: An enterprise group is an association of enterprises bound together by legal and/or financial links. It can have more than one decision-making centre. It constitutes an economic entity which is empowered to make choices, particularly concerning the units which it comprises. Council Regulation 696/93
ESTP course - SBS variables Demographic variables: Council Regulation 696/93: The kind-of-activity unit groups all the parts of an enterprise contributing to the performance of a NACE 4-digit activity. Information must be available for: (1) value of production, (2) intermediate consumption, (3) manpower costs, (4) operating surplus (5) employment and (6) gross fixed capital formation. Council Regulation 696/93