CLEAN Intro Presentation Katie Siegner
Who Am I? Daughter Twin sister Student: life-long learner, writer, reader Four-season outdoor enthusiast Who Am I? East Coast native Climate change solutions seeker Community builder Big fan of local and sustainable food and drink
Past work – Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy Solutions-oriented communications around climate change Spread success stories of people, communities and companies taking action Building the organizational brand Let people speak in their own words Stay engaging and relevant
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Relevant coursework: Narratives to Networks – Systems Communications for Change Need for environmental narratives that bring people in, appeal to their existing values How to create a network around a climate change solution that engages and inspires participation Project with the Vermont Climate Pledge Coalition to translate the state’s pledge into concrete actions
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Environmental Writing Long-form journalism piece on a community coal-to-clean energy transition in coastal Massachusetts Importance of developing a story that draws from all sides of the community Potential for offshore wind to create economic development boom that lifts struggling coastal towns
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) Strategic social media approach (metrics, analysis, ads) New focus on short, viral videos Downscaling of Yale Climate Opinion Maps Continuously updating questions, studies and findings Yale Climate Connections – radio and storytelling arm