Happy Thursday! Bell Work: 1. Arrange your group work space. 2. Get a laptop and set out your project materials. (book, Cornell notes, pencil, etc.) 3. Be ready to learn about the next phase when the bell rings. Learning Intentions We are learning to… develop habits that will help us to be more effective human beings use the Design Cycle process collaboratively to solve a problem
We’ll know we’re successful when we can… Learning Intentions We are learning to… develop habits that will help us to be more effective human beings use the Design Cycle process collaboratively to solve a problem Success Criteria We’ll know we’re successful when we can… thoroughly investigate one habit so well that we are able to teach our classmates a lesson on it use the Design Cycle process to design, plan, create, and evaluate the lesson work together positively and are independently motivated to achieve personal and group success (i.e. Attitudes in Technology)
Establishing a strong foundation for success… Plan: Be a thinker – evaluate all of the big tasks and little tasks that need to be done to create your lesson and materials. Think about what can be accomplished in class and what needs to be accomplished outside of class. Be a communicator – discuss who will do what, and establish clear and individual responsibilities. Today: 1. Learn about the plan, create, and evaluate phases 2. Finish creating/designing if necessary. 3. Finish evaluating your designs against the design specs if necessary. 4. Begin creating the plan as a team. ***Remember, working outside of class as team will help you achieve your ultimate goals… Some ideas include: - getting ELO passes to one person’s room or PBL - meeting in 203 after school next Tue or Wed. 2:45-3:30 Plan for creating the solution…& return to all other steps as needed. Develop ieas & design lesson ideas…Investigate further & Evaluate along the way! Investigate