Software Usability and Design The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey 1989, Simon Schuster, New York, NY ISBN 0-671-70863-5 Jeff Offutt SWE 205 Software Usability and Design A note to other teachers who might borrow these slides: This lecture can be a wonderful message to give to college students near the end of a semester. But read the book first. If you haven’t read the book, you won’t be able to explain these ideas effectively.
The Book Sold over 15 million copies in 38 languages Thousands of people claim this book has changed their lives / careers The advice applies to all facets of life : careers, school, families, friendship, … Most of us are naturally (or already) good at some of these But most of us have problems with others (My main problem is Habit 3 … I will always struggle) 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Contrasts with Scarcity Mentality Abundance Mentality A belief that there are enough resources and success to share with others This is common among optimistic people Common in people with high self worth and security Leads to sharing profits, recognition and responsibility Contrasts with Scarcity Mentality Given a finite amount of resources, a person must hoard belongings and protect them from others Pessimistic people, low self worth, insecurity Selfish, anti-social behavior 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Which Direction? Outside In Inside Out If we act like we are successful, then we will become successful Or good, or nice, or moral, or … Inside Out If we are successful, then we will start to act like we are Or good, or nice, or moral, or … 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Moving from Dependence to Independence The 7 Habits Moving from Dependence to Independence Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Interdependence Think Win / Win Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Synergize Self-Rejuvenation Sharpen the Saw 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
1. Be Proactive Choose Stimulus Response reactive Self-Awareness Independent Will Imagination Conscience 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
1. Proactive Language Lessons Reactive Proactive There’s nothing I can do. That’s just the way I am. Let’s look at our choices. I can choose a different approach. He makes me so mad. They won’t allow that. I control my own feelings. I can create an effective presentation. I can’t … I must … If only … I will choose an appropriate response. I choose … I prefer … I will … 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
1. Bring Proactive Don’t mind criticism ... If it is untrue, disregard it If it is unfair, don’t let it irritate you If it is ignorant, smile If it is justified, learn from it 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
2. Begin with the End in Mind Many people drift through life, reacting to what comes Setting goals allows us to proactively choose the directions we take Many disagreements are about issues that are not related to our goals And we often share the same goal ! At least half of our faculty meetings are spent on things that do not contribute to our goals Pure excise 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
2. What is the End ? The end of your life ? Your self ? But in the end you pack your bags, head down south, hide your head in the sand. Just another sad old man, all alone and can’t stand the sight of himself. — Pink Floyd, Animals, Dogs Your self ? People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something that one finds. It is something one creates. — Thomas Szasz, “The Second Sin” 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
2. What is the End ? What is your goal for this hour ? What is your goal today ? What is your goal this semester ? What is your goal for finishing college ? What is your goal for after college ? Everybody should always have at least 2 plans : Where do you want to be in 5 years ? In 10 years ? 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
2. Personal Mission Statement S e c u r i t y Guidance Wisdom Who are you? What do you want? P o w e r 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
3. Put First Things First Not Urgent Urgent Important Not Important 1 2 deadlines reading texts Important building relationships caring for family prevention Get here! crises homework exams planning teaching children 3 4 interruptions trivia computer games Not Important unproductive activities phone social media most email meetings things that do not help realize a goal text messages 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Thinking Time Do you have an abundant or scarcity mentality? Are you proactive ? Are you goal-directed ? Do you do a good job prioritizing your activities ? 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Moving from Dependence to Independence The 7 Habits Moving from Dependence to Independence Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Interdependence Think Win / Win Seek First to Understand, then be Understood Synergize Self-Rejuvenation Sharpen the Saw 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Paradigms of Interdependence The Emotional Bank Account When we meet a new person, we establish a neutral “emotional” bank account … and our interactions include withdrawals and deposits … largely based on trust Understand the other person Attend to the little things Keep commitments Clarify expectations Show personal integrity Respect the laws of love and the laws of life 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
4. Think Win / Win High Consideration Low Low High Courage Lose Win 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
4. Reaching Win / Win Three essential character traits : Integrity : Sticking with your true feelings, values and commitments Maturity : Expressing your ideas and feelings with courage and consideration for others Abundance Mentality : Believing there is plenty for everyone Many people think in zero-sum terms : Either you’re nice or strong To win/win, you must be both — balanced You must also be confident and empathetic Considerate and brave 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
5. Understand. Then be Understood. Do more than hear – listen Do more than listen – understand Do more than think – ponder Do more than talk – say something Instead of thinking of your next words, listen ! The following is not listening: Judging then agreeing or disagreeing … Evaluating Asking questions from your perspective … Probing Giving counsel, advice and solutions … Advising Analyzing others’ motives … Interpreting Once you understand … then you have the information you need to be understood 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts 6. Synergize The whole is greater than the sum of the parts High Synergistic (Win / Win) Trust Respectful (compromise) Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Win) Low Low Cooperation High 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Moving from Dependence to Independence The 7 Habits Moving from Dependence to Independence Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Interdependence Think Win / Win Seek First to Understand, then be Understood Synergize Self-Rejuvenation Sharpen the Saw 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Balance 7. Sharpen the Saw Physical Mental Social Spiritual exercise Healthy people are more effective Physical exercise eat well sleep Mental re ad pl an wr ite Social make friends help others be a good citizen Balance Spiritual clarify values be alone think deep thoughts TV is candy for the mind. Reading is exercise. This is important / not urgent This is proactive ! 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Of Highly Effective People The 7 Habits Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win / Win Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw Of Highly Effective People 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt
Hwk 10 Turn in Covey’s seven habits in three lists Habits I’m already good at Habits I’m getting better at Habits I’m really bad at Submit written on one sheet of paper This is personal; we won’t share these with the class The purpose is for you to think about these ideas And to help you plan for your future 17-Sep-18 © Jeff Offutt