Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic


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Presentation transcript:

Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic

(Enter the teaching area with both hands cupped together as if you’re concealing something.) Hello everybody! I’m so glad you’re back for another amazing week of “Strike a Pose!” Today we’re going to be striking different poses like a statue…(strike a fun pose with hands still cupped together) to learn about something amazing that happened to the believers in the early church.

(Look at hands.) Before we get started, though, you might be wondering what I’m hiding in my hands. I’ll give you 3 guesses to figure it out. (Call on 3 kids to guess what you’re holding.) Wrong, wrong, and wrong! Are you ready to see what it is? (Kids respond.) Okay—take a look at this! (Open your hands for kids to see.)

What is it. (Kids will most like respond, “Nothing What is it? (Kids will most like respond, “Nothing.”) No—it’s not nothing! It’s most definitely something! If we didn’t have what’s in my hands, we would all die. It’s air!

I know, I know…that was pretty tricky because the air sure looks like it’s nothing. Which leads me to a question. If we can’t see the air, how do we really know that it’s there? Don’t answer yet—just think about it for now! In the meantime, let’s get started with our story.

Tech Que: “Big Bible Story” Graphic Invite three kids to join you in the teaching area. Decide which kid will play each of the following characters: Follower of Jesus, Crowd Member, and Peter. Tell the kids to remain stiff throughout the story. When indicated in the story, reposition the kid’s bodies as described, then have them hold that position.

One day, after Jesus had been raised up into Heaven, all of His followers gathered together for the day of Pentecost. Pentecost was also known as the “Feast of Weeks.” It was a time for Jewish people to celebrate the end of the grain harvest and to give thanks to God for providing them with food. (Cup one of the “Followers” hands to their ear as if listening.) Suddenly, the followers of Jesus heard a strange sound coming from above.

It was like the sound of a strong wind blowing down from heaven It was like the sound of a strong wind blowing down from heaven. It was so loud that it filled the whole house where they were meeting. (Turn the “Followers” head one way, then the other way.) As the followers of Jesus looked around to see what it was, they saw something strange.

It looked like a big ball of fire had entered the house It looked like a big ball of fire had entered the house. (Put headband with flame on the “Followers” head.) Then the big ball of fire broke up into smaller fires and the flames floated over each of their heads. Right at that moment, all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit—a spirit sent by God to guide and direct the followers of Jesus.

Nothing like this had ever happened before Nothing like this had ever happened before. It was all kinds of weird to the people in the house, but what happened next was even weirder. (Place speech bubble in the “Followers” hand and position it near their mouth.) The people began talking about how amazing God was, but when they opened their mouths, they spoke in languages they had never known before—languages from around the world.

Because of the big Pentecost celebration, Jews from every country were staying nearby. When they heard the voices, a crowd began to gather around the house. (Place the “Crowd Member’s” palms face up near their head in an “I don’t know” position.) But the people in the crowd were confused. They said, “I thought these people lived around here.

How are they speaking in our languages How are they speaking in our languages? We’re from Rome and Egypt and all over the world!” Some of the people were amazed, but others made fun of Jesus’ followers. They said, “These people must be crazy!”

When Peter, a disciple of Jesus, saw the confusion in the crowd, he stood up and spoke to them in a loud voice. (Cup one of Peter’s hands to his mouth as if he’s calling out.) He said, “These people aren’t crazy. God has filled them with His Spirit, just like He said He would!”

(Place an open Bible in Peter’s hands (Place an open Bible in Peter’s hands.) Peter then went on to show how God used the prophets in the Old Testament to tell about the Holy Spirit. He told them about what the Book of Joel says. (Ahead of time, insert the following paraphrase into the Bible and read.) It says, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Holy Spirit on all people.

I will show wonders in the heavens above I will show wonders in the heavens above. I will show signs on the earth below. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Acts 2:17-21)

(Remove Bible and place Peter’s arms into the shape of a cross (Remove Bible and place Peter’s arms into the shape of a cross.) Peter also told the crowd that Jesus was the Rescuer that God had promised to send. He told them that Jesus died for their sins, but that God had raised Him from the dead.

(Place one of the “Crowd Member’s” hands over their heart and the other one reaching out to Peter.) When the crowd heard all of this, their hearts were moved and they shouted to Peter, “What should we do?” Listen to what Peter said, (turn in Bible to Acts 2:38 and read)

“All of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then your sins will be forgiven. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Close Bible.) That day, about 3,000 people heard about Jesus in their own language and became His followers. (Have audience applaud for helpers and dismiss them.)

Tech Que: “Big Bible Story Questions” Graphic At the end of the Bible story ask the kids these few questions from the stage: What was your favorite part of this story? How do you think the Holy Spirit helped the crowd of people learn about Jesus? What does this story teach you about the Holy Spirit? In what ways did the Holy Spirit help the followers of Jesus?

Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic Earlier I asked you how we know that the air is real if we can’t see it. Does anyone have a good answer to that question? (Take answers.) Wow— great answers! Let me show you what I think. (Turn on box fan and aim it towards the kids.) Can anyone feel that?

(Kids respond.) You can’t see the air, but you can feel it blowing against your skin. Let me show you something else. (Drop some small pieces of torn up crepe paper in front of the blowing fan.) Did you see that? You can’t see the air, but you can see how it blows things around. Those are just 2 ways that we know the air is real.

Even though we can’t see air, we can feel it and we can see what it does. (Turn fan off.) Believe it or not, it’s kind of the same thing for the Holy Spirit. In our story for today, Jesus had been raised up into Heaven.

He wasn’t with His followers anymore and He couldn’t help them He wasn’t with His followers anymore and He couldn’t help them. But God didn’t leave them on their own—He gave them a Friend to help them instead. That friend was the Holy Spirit. In fact, that’s exactly what our Bible verse for today says. Let’s take a look at it.

(Tell kids to open their Bibles to John 14:26a (Tell kids to open their Bibles to John 14:26a. Choose a kid to read it aloud or read it aloud yourself.) Tech Que: Bible Verse Slide John 14:26

And here’s the best part: the Holy Spirit wasn’t just a friend for the early followers of Jesus. God gives anyone who follows Jesus the Holy Spirit— even us! And even though we can’t see the Holy Spirit with our eyes, we can know He’s real by feeling Him in our hearts and by seeing the things He does in our life. Let me explain.

(Hold up a strip of crepe paper with the words “Comforts us and gives us joy. 1 Thessalonians 1:6.”) One of the things that the Holy Spirit does for us is that He comforts us when we’re sad and He fills our life with joy. When you feel the joy of having Jesus in your life, that’s the Holy Spirit inside of you.

(Tape one end of the crepe paper to the grill of the fan (Tape one end of the crepe paper to the grill of the fan.) (Hold up a strip of crepe paper with the words “Helps us understand and remember God’s Word. John 14:26.”) Another thing the Holy Spirit does is help us understand and remember God’s Word—the Bible.

Have you ever been listening to a story from the Bible when that light goes off in your head and you say, “Oh…I get it!” Or maybe you have a tough decision to make and then you remember a Bible verse that helps you make the right choice. That’s the Holy Spirit inside of you. (Tape one end of the crepe paper to the grill of the fan.)

(Hold up a strip of crepe paper with the words “Guides us in doing what is right. Ezekiel 36:27.”) Another thing the Holy Spirit does is to guide us in doing what is right. Have you ever thought about doing something wrong and then you heard a voice in your head say, (whisper) “That’s not a good idea. You really shouldn’t do that.”

That’s the Holy Spirit inside of you That’s the Holy Spirit inside of you. (Tape one end of the crepe paper to the grill of the fan.) (Hold up a strip of crepe paper with the words “Gives us spiritual gifts or talents. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.”) Another thing the Holy Spirit does is to give each of us a gift or talent that helps other people follow Jesus.

You might be really good at teaching others about Jesus, or building things, or praying for other people, or serving other people. That talent was given to you by the Holy Spirit. (Tape one end of the crepe paper to the grill of the fan.)

If you think about it, the Holy Spirit is a lot like the air If you think about it, the Holy Spirit is a lot like the air. (Turn on fan so that the crepe paper strips begin flapping in the air.) You can’t see the air, but you know it’s real because you can feel it and you can see what it does.

In the same way, you can’t see the Holy Spirit, but you can feel His comfort and joy in your heart and you can see how He helps you remember God’s Word, how He guides you in doing right, and how He gives you a spiritual gift or talent.

(Sit or kneel near kids. ) Isn’t that amazing (Sit or kneel near kids.) Isn’t that amazing?! If you love and follow Jesus, then you are NEVER alone. You have the Holy Spirit in your life right now. He’s your friend—a gift from God who guides and helps you. Let’s say a prayer and thank God for this amazing gift. Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic