Plant ID Scientific Names J, K, L, M
Juniperus conferta Common Name: Evergreen Ground Cover Shore Juniper Height: 1’-2’ Spread: 6’-10’ Slow growth rate
Juniperus conferta Spreading or horizontal growth form Exposure: Full sun Leaf composition is simple Awl-like leaf shape Whorled leaf arrangement Blue or green leaf color
Juniperus conferta No leaf vein pattern Entire leaf margin Length: ½” -1” Tolerates salt well Drought tolerant
Juniperus conferta No flowers or blooms Fragrant foliage Highly flammable Pests: bagworms, juniper scale, mites and juniper webworm Main disease problem is twig blight
Juniperus conferta Can be used for: Massing Container Ground cover Erosion control
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Plumosa’, “Bar Harbor’, ‘Wiltonii’ Common Name: Creeping Juniper Evergreen Ground Cover Height: 1’-3’ Spread: 10’-20’ Average growth rate
Juniperus horizontalis Spreading or horizontal growth form Exposure: Full sun Simple leaf composition Scale-like or awl-like leaf shape Whorled leaf arrangement Blue or green leaf color Fall leaf color is purple
Juniperus horizontalis No leaf vein pattern Leaf margin is entire Length: 1/16” Tolerates salt Drought tolerant
Juniperus horizontalis Blooms and fruit are blue Fragrant foliage Highly flammable Pests: bagworms, juniper scale, mites and juniper webworm Main disease problem is twig blight
Juniperus horizontalis Can be used for: Massing Container Ground cover Erosion control Seashore North American Native
Lagerstroemia indica Common name: Deciduous Tree Crape Myrtle Height: 6’-25’ Spread: 15’-25’ Average growth rate
Lagerstroemia indica Rounded or spreading growth form Exposure: Full sun Simple leaf composition Oblong leaf shape Opposite leaf arrangement Green leaf color
Lagerstroemia indica Fall leaf color is orange, red or yellow Leaf vein pattern is pinnate Entire leaf margin Length:1” -2 ¾” Width:3/4” -1 ½” Tolerates some salt
Lagerstroemia indica Drought tolerant Blooms: lavender, pink, purple, red or white Blooms spring through fall Fruit is brown Major pest problem is aphids Diseases: leaf spot and powdery mildew
Lagerstroemia indica Can be used as: Border Container Massing Specimen
Ligustrum japonicum Common name: Evergreen Shrub Japanese Privet Height: 12’-18’ Spread: 15’-25’ Average growth rate
Ligustrum japonicum Rounded, spreading, or vase-shape growth form Exposure: Partial sun(shade) to full sun Simple leaf composition Oblong or ovate leaf shape
Ligustrum japonicum Opposite leaf arrangement Green leaf color Leaf vein pattern is pinnate Leaf margin is entire Length: 4-6” Width: 2 ½ -3” Tolerates salt well
Ligustrum japonicum Somewhat drought tolerant Blooms white in the spring and summer Fruit is black or blue Attractive flower and blooms Flowers have an unpleasant odor Naturally multiple trunks
Ligustrum japonicum Bark is showy Can be used as: Border Container Rock Garden Specimen Screen
Liquidambar styraciflua Common name: Sweetgum Deciduous Tree Height:50’-75’ Spread:35’-50’ Average growth rate
Liquidambar styraciflua Oval or pyramidal growth form Exposure: Partial sun(shade) to full sun Simple leaf composition Star-shaped leaf shape Alternate leaf arrangement Green leaf color
Liquidambar styraciflua Palmate leaf vein pattern Leaf margin is serrate Length: 5-7” Width: 5-7” Tolerates salt and wetness Somewhat drought tolerant
Liquidambar styraciflua Blooms green or yellow in the spring Fall color: orange, purple, red or yellow Fruit is brown and causes litter North American native
Liquidambar styraciflua Pests: bagworm, fall webworm, leaf miner, tent caterpillars Disease: Trunk canker and bacterial leaf scorch Can be used as a naturalizing or specimen plant Invasive plant
Liriope muscari Common name: Evergreen perennial Liriope Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-36” Average growth rate
Liriope muscari Rounded growth form Exposure: Full shade to full sun Simple leaf composition Leaves grows from soil without stems Leaf shape is linear Green or variegated leaf color Leaf vein pattern is parallel
Liriope muscari Entire leaf margin Length: 1 -2 feet Width: 1/3 – 1 inch Salt and drought tolerant Prefers moist soil conditions
Liriope muscari Blooms lavender, purple or white Blooms from early summer to early fall Fruit is black Pest problems are slugs and snails Propagated by division or seeds
Liriope muscari Naturalizing plant Can be used as: Container Groundcover Massing Rock garden Seashore
Magnolia grandiflora Common name: Evergreen Tree Southern Magnolia Height: 60’-80’ Spread: 35’-50’ Average growth rate
Magnolia grandiflora Oval or pyramidal growth form Exposure: Partial sun(shade) to full sun Simple leaf composition Alternate leaf arrangement Elliptic or ovate leaf shape Green leaf color
Magnolia grandiflora Leaf vein pattern is pinnate Leaf margin is entire Length: 4”- 10” Width: 2”- 5” Tolerates wetness and salt Somewhat drought tolerant
Magnolia grandiflora Blooms white in the spring and summer Fruit is brown and red North American native Attractive flowers and foliage Pests: Scale, borers and weevils
Magnolia grandiflora Diseases: leaf spot, blight, scabs, and black mildew Can be used as: Screen Specimen Seashore Fragrant flowers
Malus sp. Common name: Deciduous Tree Flowering Crabapple Height: 6’-25’ Spread: 10’-25’ Average growth rate
Malus sp. Oval, rounded, upright, or weeping growth form Exposure: Full sun Simple leaf composition Leaf shape is elliptic Alternate leaf arrangement
Malus sp. Green leaf color Fall leaf color is yellow Leaf vein pattern is pinnate Leaf margin is serrate Length:1” – 3” Width: ½” – 2”
Malus sp. Tolerates some salt Somewhat drought tolerant Blooms red, pink or white in the spring Fruit is orange or red
Malus sp. Attractive and fragrant flowers Attractive fruit Fruit causes litter Pests: scale, mites, aphids, fall webworm, tent caterpillars and dogwood borers
Malus sp. Diseases: scab, rust, cankers, powdery mildew and fire blight Used as specimen or border plantings
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Common name: Prayer plant Evergreen perennial Height: 12”-18” Spread: 12”-36” Fast growth rate
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Spreading or horizontal growth form Exposure: Full shade to partial sun Simple leaf composition Leaf shape is elliptic or oblong Alternate leaf arrangement Variegated leaf color
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Leaf vein pattern is pinnate or bowed Has an entire leaf margin Length: 6” Width: 4” Tolerates some salt Blooms white
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Fruit is brown Pests: nematodes, mealybugs, spider mites and thrips Diseases: leaf spots and cucumber mosaic viruses Needs protection if temperature drops below 65
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Attractive foliage Can be used as: Border Ground cover Container Specimen
Myrica cerifera Common name: Evergreen Tree Wax myrtle Height: 15’-25’ Spread: 15’-25’ Fast growth rate
Myrica cerifera Rounded growth form Exposure: Full shade to full sun Simple leaf composition Oblong or spatulate leaf shape Alternate leaf arrangement Green leaf color
Myria cerifera Has a pinnate leaf vein pattern Entire or serrate leaf margin Length: 3” Width: ½” Somewhat drought tolerant Flood tolerant Tolerates salt well
Myrica cerifera Blooms green in the spring Fruit is white Attracts birds and butterflies Naturally multiple trunks Should not be pruned because of an increased risk of stem disease
Myrica cerifera North American native Can be used as: Border Erosion control Specimen Seashore Screen