AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS Attendance Announcements Synthesizing Sources 02-28-18 Attendance Announcements Synthesizing Sources ANNOUNCEMENTS Midterm Grades Unit 3 Conferences HOMEWORK: Research!
If you’re making satisfactory progress, you’ll receive an “X” grade. Midterm Grades: Due to the nature of the portfolio system, which emphasizes process over product, students who are making satisfactory progress in the class (i.e., turning in assignments on time, meeting basic assignment requirements, attending class regularly, etc.) will receive a midterm grade of “X” which indicates that coursework is in progress. Students who are not making satisfactory progress will receive a grade of C- or below as a warning and are strongly encouraged to meet with their instructor to discuss their progress and strategies to improve their standing. TL;DR If you’re making satisfactory progress, you’ll receive an “X” grade. If you receive anything else, you need to make an appointment to meet with me outside of class.
Attendance If/when you are absent, you are responsible for communicating with me about your absence in a timely manner, and you are also responsible for the material you miss whenever you are not in class. If you would like to meet with me outside of class to briefly discuss what you missed as a result of an absence, please make an appointment to meet with me or attend my office hours within one week of the absence. For students who miss seven (7) or more total classes, any final grade above a C will automatically be reduced to a C. Grades of C- or below are still possible. Regardless of the number of absences, students are responsible for meeting the English 101 Portfolio Outcomes. The daily course work and in-class activities directly support these Outcomes. Therefore, missing key course material due to excessive absences may further reduce a student’s final grade, even after the attendance penalty is applied.
Conferences The sign-up sheet is posted to the door to my office. The purpose of this conference is for you to discuss the argument you want to make in your Researched Argument essay. This means you will need to have completed your research and your Synthesis Matrix and already have a good idea of what you have to say about the issue you’ve investigated and the solution or plan of action you want to recommend. NOTE: For those of you who schedule your conference the day before your Synthesis Matrix is due, you should have most of it complete and be prepared to discuss at least 4 out of your 5 sources. Missing your conference counts as 2 absences!
“In much academic writing, synthesis is an important counterpart to analysis, for it enables you to understand (and often argue for) connections and contradictions among groups of text that you have analyzed.” SYNTHESIS – pulling together information from several sources to make a new point beyond what an individual reading selection may provide.
Due Wednesday, March 7th by 9:00am Synthesis Matrix Downloadable copy available on the homepage of our course website Due Wednesday, March 7th by 9:00am upload to the designated dropbox in Blackboard 5 sources 3 must be scholarly 2 can be popular 1 of the 5 should be multimedia (video, website, visual text, etc.)
MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES RESEARCH QUESTION: Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? Divide into 5 groups Read the assigned article Identify the author’s major claims & points Summarize the author’s opinion and perspective on the issue (how they would answer the research question) 5. Record what the author says about the subtopics * You will speak on behalf of the author! * 15
MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Switch groups Summarize your article for your new group -the main points -the response to the research question Discuss how do those perspectives differ Record what each author says about the subtopics Synthesize the conversation
MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Add your own voice to the conversation: What do you have to say? On the back of the matrix, write down your opinion. 5