With the support of the Motor Sport Training Trust Communications With the support of the Motor Sport Training Trust
Function of Race Control What happens in race control: Controls the racing through self observation and reports from on circuit posts and Officials – i.e. Chief Flag, Chief Observer, Timekeeper etc. Marshals Posts are eyes and ears of clerk of the course, as are specialists in their areas, they keep the clerk informed of issues that occur and breaches of regulations – all work together as a team. Different circuits have different set ups. From Silverstone, most advanced, to Mallory, very basic. Many now have cameras to help but don’t replace what marshals can see and hear! Not 3 dimensional. How are Chief Officials informed – via Radio or Telephone through Radio Controller and/or Telephonist who in addition to relaying the messages keep a written log. Why are all the Senior Officials based there - Discuss. (Because decisions have to be made quickly and all the decision makers are in one place). Communications centre All aspects of the meeting are controlled from here Senior officials based there throughout the meeting
Who do Race Control communicate with? Security Chief Flag Medical Centre Race administration Spectators Pits Media Post Chief Race Control Course Car Assembly Timekeepers Incident Scrutineers Explain not definitive list – get them to suggest more i.e. Commentator, MSA Steward, Judges of Fact, team managers use flip chart and get them to suggest others Recovery Circuit Staff Medics Rescue Paddock Startline
Radio equipment, care and use Plastic Bag Aerial Repeater Headsets Remote Microphones Battery Brief talk on each part - can use picture and light probe to highlight, aerial, dials Show radio, discuss common problems; some have to wake up, just like us. Make sure you know which channel you are operating on and ALWAYS stay on that channel unless told to change. Easy to knock off channel and for volume to get turned down. Explain how. Keep volume as low as possible, High volume shortens battery life and can distort sound. Do not mistreat as they are very expensive. If you drop it, tell the person you return it to so that it can be checked otherwise might fail on someone who is relying o it in an emergency. Keep dry. Use a plastic bag to protect from bad weather, radios will malfunction if get too wet. When transmitting using a handheld radio ALWAYS try to face the person you are talking to if possible. This helps with the propagation of the signal. Aerials: Explain how affect signals and clearness; do not use aerial as handle, it can easily break only coiled heavy duty wire; Repeaters cause a pause; explain boosts signal, takes in transmission then transmits it onward, creating a pause. Headsets: Plug in with headset turned off and the radio turned off; plug in then switch both on, radio is like computer, needs to pick up that the headset is attached, like plug and play!; however not all headsets have separate switch. Also mention some have a VOC switch and PTT (Press to talk) switch, needs to be on PTT. PTT Buttons and remote microphones. Make sure that the PTT button is clear and is not in danger of being pressed accidentally. Battery. DO NOT remove the battery unless advised to do so. ALWAYS check that your set is working when you it is handed to you. Incorrect connection causes most failures, usually operator error rather than equipment. Explain headsets can cause open lines if connection is not good.
Communications Radio etiquette and procedure Start of the day Call sign Channel Turn on Check it is working Listen So, you’ve been given a radio, what do you do next? Go through slide - call sign – channel – ask if alternative channel if radio silence eg 750MC go to channel 3 Once issued turn on and keep with it with you - Not on pit wall or in a garage, or on the tyre wall or your bag! - Make sure you are listening to it all the time!!! Press the PTT button see if light comes on or can hear clicking to check it is working careful not to overdue this check. Demonstrate by having radio in hand and switch on. Radio check prior to event start; know your call sign and what channel you should be on; Explain the reason for check and how to respond to it using the 5s Scale. 1 – Unreadable 2 – Poor 3 – Readable 4 – Good 5 - Excellent Listen to it once racing starts, may need to turn up, remember radio check done while quiet! If you don’t hear anything once on post check channel and that it is turned on and volume turned up.
? Radio check Control from Alpha 1 receiving you strength 4 Control to all radio users, commencing radio checks in 2 minutes Control from Alpha 1 receiving you strength 4 ? Control from Alpha 1 receiving you loud and clear Control to Alpha 1 radio check Radio check
How to transmit and respond Listen before you speak Only speak when it is essential Radio vertical at 90 to your mouth Press and pause Speak slowly and clearly, do not shout! Start with ‘Control from xxxxxxxxxxxx’ Wait for Control to say ‘Go Ahead’ before passing message Discuss procedure – listen before transmitting; press to talk button; pause then speak, could loose start of message; speak across microphone, avoids breathing sounds; turn with back to wind; protect microphone from weather effects. Can use light probe to show PTT button. Correct title for the station controlling the radio network should be – ‘Control’ How to respond if you have been called Control this is XXXXXXXX then message At the end over your message say – ‘Over’ If you have a further message then at the end of your first message add – ‘Further’
How to transmit and respond “Control from post six” “Go ahead post six” “Control, car five overtook car 4 under waved yellow” “Acknowledged car five overtook car 4 under waved yellows. Control to standby” Time to involve delegates if radio sets are available Ensure they acknowledge response There is a hand out of NATO phonetics which, in addition to the relevant words, gives the preferred pronunciation. With modern radios the words “Over” and “out” are not necessary. And we never use the phrase “over and out”
Pronunciation Numbers One-ner two-wer three-yer four-rer Letters Fi-fe six-ser seven-ner eight-ter Ni-ner ten-ner 11 = one one eleven 21 = two one twenty one 67 = six seven sixty seven 113 = one one three Letters Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whisky Xray Yankee Zulu
This may vary from one venue to another – ALWAYS CHECK Urgency Safety Overrides all normal calls Priority Overrides all other messages Relevant Refers to a current conversation between control and a different caller If the radio network is busy and you need to transmit an important message there are pro-words which are recognised by controllers which will aid your access to the network – as above. It is very important that you do not use these pro-words unnecessarily. This may vary from one venue to another – ALWAYS CHECK
What do I do in an emergency? Emergencies What do I do in an emergency? Keep calm – let the dust settle Ensure you have the attention of who you wish to communicate with. Ensure you have all the available facts about the situation you are reporting on before transmitting Applies to both radio and telephone
x Emergencies What do I do in an emergency? Keep your message brief and precise Tell control what has happened concisely Tell them what you need Ask for a race stop or safety car DO NOT USE THE WORDS RED FLAG Remember there is only one radio channel Must provide CLEAR, CONCISE and COMPLETE information – you are ‘painting the picture’ for Control x Control need to know what has happened. They need to know the facts – NOT conjecture. Remember that the controller will be drawing the clerks attention to the information you are providing. Race Control will also need to know what you need; safety car; race stop; rescue; fire car; doctor; recovery. Remember they maybe looking at any cameras that are available; looking out of windows if they can; considering how long has the race to run; there maybe other alternatives to a race stop by red flag; they may go to an early chequered. Radio: If someone is already using the frequency wait for a break and use one of the pro-words. If a break is not happening – transmit the pro-word with breaks in order to allow for a response. if major incident is in progress and emergency vehicles scrambled then everyone else should go to radio silence unless you have another emergency. The channel should be clear for the emergency services. The radio controller may call for silence but if not use your own common sense. Always remember that public and media will be listening on scanners; do not pass sensitive information over the radio, telephone is better option particularly if landline. Always remember as well that DTI listen to the airwaves to abuse them is an offence, so do not use emergency channels as chat lines! Telephone. This is a much more secure medium for the transfer of sensitive information however the same basics apply with regard to information passed thereon.
If someone else is transmitting: Emergencies If someone else is transmitting: Do not to transmit over them Use appropriate pro-word Safety Priority Relevant
Another post has a problem Rescue Unit / Fire Truck scramble When NOT to transmit? Another post has a problem Rescue Unit / Fire Truck scramble Middle of someone’s else conversation First racing lap (Unless urgent) When not to transmit. Other suggestions?
Telephone procedure How do you contact Race Control? Telephone check Think about what you are going to say Listen to operator Pass your message clearly and concisely Tell the operator what you need if emergency Keep within hearing distance of phone if possible Make sure you have a telephone list. Ask in the morning or when telephonist rings you Telephone check to ensure have contact and all you need on the post: both equipment and personnel Think - plan your message Listen – if they say your post you don’t need to repeat it! Keep it brief, just like radio, maybe other callers and operator maybe working alone! Don’t ask anyone to hold. This neutralises the system. Don’t panic, keep calm however bad it may seem, need to be clear Try to ring, if you can, when cars have passed, quieter then Open line in emergency, tell the operator what assistance you need first, they can be getting things moving, then give brief detail of what has happened Keep housekeeping type messages until a break between races. Remember the telephonist will be telling clerk what is going on as they take the message and are writing it down in the log. - Elaborate
Scanners For information only! Not an official means of communication Never act on what you hear on a scanner Used by many people not involved with running the event but can have a detrimental effect on it – expand – ask for ‘for instances’.
Outcome for individuals Understand the different forms of communication Understand who you are communicating with Understand what to communicate Understand how to communicate Understand how to operate and care for communications equipment Understand the issues surrounding communication Run through and ask if everyone has understood the presentation? Does anyone need any clarification? Finish by thanking them for attending and will take any further questions , remind about handouts and where to pick them up
Acknowledgements Club logos Venue thanks etc With the support of the Motor Sport Training Trust Many thanks to the various marshals and MSA Trainers who have been delivering communications modules in the past and who have undoubtedly provided valuable input to this module.