Mrs MacPherson January 2018 Primary 1&2 Literacy Mrs MacPherson January 2018
Why Literacy? Literacy is fundamental to any child's development. Important for children to be immersed in a literacy rich environment e.g. develop language skills (EAL), communication and social skills, creativity and curiosity, negotiating and problem solving skills.
Literacy skills are developed through Listening and Talking Reading Writing. Literacy is taught as a stand alone subject at least 4 days a week and skills are enhanced and developed within and through other curricular areas.
Listening and Talking Skills in listening and talking are fostered through class and group discussions, detailed exercises, games, drama and in other areas of the curriculum. Children will give talks to classmates and will practise giving and following instructions.
Reading In Primary 1 and 2, children are taught sounds through our phonics programme ‘Literacy Rich’. This programme also includes the teaching of common words. Children learn to read using the Bug Club reading scheme, supplemented with library books and materials from other reading schemes. Children progress onto studying a variety of group novels, poems, play scripts and non- fiction.
Writing Children across all stages in the school will have experience of writing across different genres including, persuasive writing, creative writing and report writing. Whole school writing focus Ensure progression across stages Opportunities to moderate both in school and with cluster schools
Block 1 Primary 1 & 2 Literacy Edinburgh ‘Literacy Rich’ Programme Teaches children to read and write using phonics Block 1 Alphabet letters and sounds Combining these to create 3 letter words (CVC words) Sounding out CVC words Reading and writing some common words (tricky words)
Block 2 teaches consonant and vowel diagraphs sh, ch, th, wh ai/ay ee/ea igh/-y ou/ow oo/ew ou/ow au/aw children learn that two letters go together to make a sound segmenting – ‘ungluing’ the sounds in words e.g. sh-o-p, r-ai-n blending – combining sounds back together to make a work e.g. shu-t, boa-t common words sentences introduced with capital letters and full stops
Block 3 & 4 Introduces consonant blends (sl, br, dr, gl, sc, st, sw, tw) the beginning of words Magic e rule (gate, white, pole, rule) Changes the vowel from short to long Dictionary skills (finding words and their meaning) Cooperative learning (dictation)
Reading Weekly reading books (phonics and comprehension based) Main resource Bug Club Reading CVC and tricky words Handwriting Cursive (start 2017) Formation of each letter introduced during Block 1 Continued throughout the year Encourage correct formation at all times Writing repeater
A typical Literacy Lesson Whole class start Learn new sound/tricky word (what’s in the bag, visuals) Songs (Jolly Phonics), games, flashcards, ICT Children then break off into stations where they will have group teaching time and opportunities for play related activities 3 x stations approx. 12 minutes each. 1 station is teacher led. Activities may focus on handwriting, dictation, initial sounds, CVC words (word building, reading, writing) and tricky words (reading or writing)
Let’s take a look at some examples…