Disseminating and Writing Stephanie L Marhefka, PhD Associate Professor
Learning Objectives Identify tools and strategies for determining the most appropriate dissemination strategies for your work Evaluate your writing strengths and weaknesses Describe techniques for improving your writing productivity
Making a Dissemination Plan What impact do you hope to have? Who is affected most by this research? Who would be interested in learning about the study findings? Is this of interest to a broader community? What is the most effective way to reach each audience? What resources does each group typically access? When should each aspect of the dissemination plan occur (e.g. at which points during the study and afterwards)? Who will be responsible for dissemination activities? Source: CARE: Community Alliance for Research and Engagement
What is the best way to get this work out there?
Dissemination Planning Tool: Exhibit A from Volume 4 Dissemination Planning Tool: Exhibit A from Volume 4.. Content last reviewed October 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol4/planningtool.html
Dissemination Planning Tool: Exhibit A from Volume 4 Dissemination Planning Tool: Exhibit A from Volume 4.. Content last reviewed October 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol4/planningtool.html
Tracking Your Dissemination Plan
Time to Start Writing
It’s Time to Write…Is this You?
Write only when you feel like it? How is that working? Are you happy with your productivity?
Which is your Writing Strategy? Abstinence: Only write when something is due Spontaneous: Only write when feel inspired Forced Writing: Write at scheduled times
Non-scheduled writing is less productive!
What are reasonable goals?
How to Prioritize as a Grad Student Projects with Deadlines Concept Paper, Qualifying Exam, Dissertations Professional Publications Other Writing Projects (blogs, letters to the editor, etc)
What are Your Writing Strengths and Weaknesses? Beginning Creativity Putting pen to paper Organization Grammar Style Preparation Completion Identifying a home for your work
Tips for Addressing your Writing Weaknesses Talk it through/storyboard Do basic formatting first Use an outline Seek editorial assistance Engage co-authors Step back Set deadlines Use contingency management
Start a Writing Group! Motivated graduate students Regular meetings to monitor individual progress and get feedback Concrete, achievable short-term goals Provide support and problem-solving assistance
Maintain Open Communication with your Mentor What are you working on? What are your priorities? Where are you stuck? What do you need?
Thank you!